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Possible 'proof' that Greedo was always meant to shoot


… Notice I did not say ‘shoot first’😉

Apologies if anyone else has already commented on this (ran a Google search but no results).

Paul Duncan has posted an unboxing video for his Star Wars Prequels book, published by Taschen. It’s a weighty tome indeed:


At the 2:04 mark he mentions finding a document (which seems to be part of a shot list) with a specific frame timing for Greedo shooting at Han. Frustratingly he does not confirm whether this was part of a shot list for the OT film or for the Special Edition.

If it was intended that Greedo fire off a shot in the OT film, it goes some way to explaining GL’s tinkering. I would not for one second agree it was a good idea to alter the scene for the Special Editions though.

“If it ain’t workin’, eat sugar.”


Paul Duncan is a Lucas apologist. I wouldn’t give credit to his “findings”.


I’ve only just noticed the SE revisionism thread.

Sorry, should have posted in there. When I Google searched for Duncan on this website I forget to check for his name in brackets (arrrgh!).

SilverWook, please let me know if you need me to do anything so you can close this thread if necessary.

“If it ain’t workin’, eat sugar.”


I didn’t realize the Prequel Archive was going to cover the SE (when the “Original” Archive has pictures from the SE already). If anyone buys this and can get me scans of the SE chapter, that’d be super cool.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I love George, but he makes it difficult sometimes.


doubleofive said:

I didn’t realize the Prequel Archive was going to cover the SE (when the “Original” Archive has pictures from the SE already). If anyone buys this and can get me scans of the SE chapter, that’d be super cool.

I got scans of the chapter, it’s all modern revisionist stuff.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Just in case anyone wants to believe anything written in those Archive books:

When the Jabba scene was cut, the Greedo scene did not make sense. It was shown with Greedo speaking an alien language without subtitles in 1977, so it looked like Han just shot in cold blood. Subtitles were added for the 1983 VHS release to clarify Greedo intended to kill Han.


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Hahaha WHAT. I didn’t think George’s lies could get any more stupid and obvious.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


The author of those two $150 books, Paul Duncan, should really be checking his sources before making nonsense claims like that.

If he is making fairly basic mistakes like that, you have to ask if there are other mistakes or false claims is he also making?

I hope someone has saved the tweets or thread from the author for posterity? Sometimes people can get antsy and start deleting stuff when confronted by facts or evidence.


Indeed, that tweet has already been vanished.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


doubleofive said:

Just in case anyone wants to believe anything written in those Archive books:

When the Jabba scene was cut, the Greedo scene did not make sense. It was shown with Greedo speaking an alien language without subtitles in 1977, so it looked like Han just shot in cold blood. Subtitles were added for the 1983 VHS release to clarify Greedo intended to kill Han.


Seems like that tweet is gone.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Yep. Somebody posted a screenshot from 4K77 and he deleted it.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


It seems doubleofive got there first and saved it 😃


The original tweet and claim by author Paul Duncan (which he later deleted):-

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.


You’d think given the amount of times George has changed the scene, and his evolving & disproved claims about it, that he somehow cut his losses instead of further digging himself into an increasingly deeper hole? And just stop. Or apologise?

Or people who want to curry favour with George, or come up with strange new claims in an attempt to somehow ‘back up’ or give credibility George’s evolving and bizarre statements, would at least do some rudimentary fact checking first. Though, maybe not! 😃


A couple of discerning and informative articles on the whole Greedo debacle on the ‘Star Wars Visual Comparisons’ blog:

Greedo Shoots First (the Theatrical release through to the 2011 SE)

Greedo Shoots First, Take 4: Maclunkey (2019 SE / Maclunkey)


“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society.”
– George Lucas, 1988

In the years since he’s done a very good job of showing us why that’s a prospect to be feared.

Not that the Lucas of 1988 is inconsistent with the Lucas of 1997 and onward. Far from it. It’s more like an angel and a devil making the same point. (A bit like Palpatine masterminding both sides of a war, one might say.)

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


I’m going to be working on a definitive history of the Greedo scene in an all-new format: video.

It might take me a while, but I’m hoping it’ll be the answer for anyone who questioned when something was changed, why something was changed, and how something was changed.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Fated-Dualist said:

It seems doubleofive got there first and saved it 😃


The original tweet and claim by author Paul Duncan (which he later deleted):-

I don’t know where the heck he got the idea Greedo’s subtitles were added in 1983. They have always been in the movie since 1977.
Must be open season on bad info lately. I’ve seen claims elsewhere that Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye was going to be a tv-movie, and that the Ewok films were partially shot on video. No idea where this stuff is coming from…

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


If you want to go a few steps furthur on the scene…

Han “over my dead body”

Greedo “that’s the idea”

Han " I don’t think they’d like another killing in here"

Greedo “I’ve been looking forward to this”

Han “Yes I bet you have”

The Special edition frames Hans laser is too small incorrect scale.

The cantina band don’t stop playing probably because there was no third piece of music to use.


SilverWook said:

Fated-Dualist said:

It seems doubleofive got there first and saved it 😃


The original tweet and claim by author Paul Duncan (which he later deleted):-

I don’t know where the heck he got the idea Greedo’s subtitles were added in 1983. They have always been in the movie since 1977.
Must be open season on bad info lately. I’ve seen claims elsewhere that Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye was going to be a tv-movie, and that the Ewok films were partially shot on video. No idea where this stuff is coming from…

The worst thing for me is that Paul Duncan claims to be a film historian.

I can almost forgive some of the more outlandish claims made by clickbait journalists on clickbait-sites looking for views via a misleading and attention grabbing headline, stretching the truth, or giving a ‘different point of view’.

Yet a ‘film historian’ with two exclusive, official and expensive ‘Archive’ books currently out, and not even doing the most rudimentary of fact checks? Wow!

Perhaps Lucasfilm should be coming here for a factually correct history of Star Wars 😉


doubleofive said:

I’m going to be working on a definitive history of the Greedo scene in an all-new format: video.

Video? I look forward to your videos. Good luck!

The FE Renegades thread; from the people who post ‘go kill yourself’, ‘fuck you’, ‘let’s throw abuse’, and more at OT staff & members. Four years on and still throwing accusations, slurs and abuse at the OT & anyone outside their Salacious Crumb filled clique. + FE Discord “to vent” more at the OT. Wook’s take.