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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 200


Or you could show it heal in Ben’s hand when he shrugs. You could do it with the audio and e visual of The crackling could just fade out back to normal.

Or like right before he shrugs.
He pulls the blade out and it’s still crackling, it transitions to normal and the audio is where most of this happens. Some sort of healing sound? Then the knights reaction then the shrug.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


With the healing of the blade, I plan doing both versions, and letting everyone choose what they think is better… I will also use the footage with Leia’s purple lightsaber as I think that was beautiful work and tribute to Carrie Fisher.

As for the healing itself, I think I would ask what makes the lightsaber crackle. In the Kylo Ren prequel comics his blade crackles because his Kyber crystal broke and causes a distorted beam. If thats what is happening here then I think the best way to show it would be the crackling visually fading away.

But if the lightsaber is crackling because of a mechanical issue due to being torn in half (emitter broken, and roughly put back together by someone who has never repaired a lighstaber) then I would say the crackling needs to stay until the end of the movie.

It really depends on what you want to message to the audience. Filmmakers never what to treat their audience like they are dumb (I believe JJ can be guilty of this at times) but it could be a bit of stretch for the lightsaber to be healed during the handoff to Ben (but I’d have to see it because I think this would be my preference if we went that route like the kyber crystal was healed due to be transferred through the force with their bond)

Edit: personally I kind of like the idea that the lightsaber is permanently damaged due to again being repaired by someone who doesn’t know anything but making or fixing a lightsaber.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


dgraham414 said:

Or you could show it heal in Ben’s hand when he shrugs. You could do it with the audio and e visual of The crackling could just fade out back to normal.

Or like right before he shrugs.
He pulls the blade out and it’s still crackling, it transitions to normal and the audio is where most of this happens. Some sort of healing sound? Then the knights reaction then the shrug.

That would make it seem like Ben healed it. This is all starting to sound very convoluted. Having it crackle the whole film seems to be the best option.

Forum Moderator

I leave that to kewlfish. If he wants to do the effect all the way through using the sources I’m using, I’m all for the effect carrying through to the end. Whenever I can, I’ll handle the audio side of things, probably after doing a more substantial workprint without it to tide people over longterm.

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s definitely the second option, kewlfish. Kylo’s crystal is cracked because he didn’t properly bleed it. This crystal is cracked because Rey and Kylo broke it in half and Rey messily mended the saber and crystal back together, so it should crackle the entire time.


And thank you all for the kind words and feedback. It seems like the changes that need to be made are: a more random crackle, feathering or smoothing of the blade, the log scene (which I fixed right before I went to work), and some masking issues (which I think I also squashed most of those on my second pass through).

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


I hate to be a dissenting voice, but I just don’t think that ‘crackling’ saber edit looks very good. I also don’t think making Rey’s saber have a crackle is a good idea. Just my 2 cents.


Would love to see the crackling effect for the Skywalker saber. I’m also pro no crackle when Ben gets it, I believe I’ve made that exact suggestion before even.


HyperDown said:

kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


I hate to be a dissenting voice, but I just don’t think that ‘crackling’ saber edit looks very good. I also don’t think making Rey’s saber have a crackle is a good idea. Just my 2 cents.

No worries! Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea and if Hal decides that this isn’t the route he wants to take than I can still leave the scenes up for someone who wants to edit the lossless workprint version.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


So is the idea that Rey modified Luke’s lightsaber to make it crackle? If so why would she do this? Sounds iffy like people have run out of things to edit on this movie.

heil Palpatine!


krausfadr said:

So is the idea that Rey modified Luke’s lightsaber to make it crackle? If so why would she do this? Sounds iffy like people have run out of things to edit on this movie.

Nah, I think idea is that after TLJ where it was broken she tried to fix it (essentially with a leather strap might I add) and some component wasn’t repairable or just because Rey theoretically wouldn’t know how to fix it, causing the blade to be distorted.

Basically just a way to reference TLJ and the broken Saber, plus symbolic representation of Rey’s conflict and Kylo’s past when he is redeemed.

At least thats my line of thinking for it.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

And thank you all for the kind words and feedback. It seems like the changes that need to be made are: a more random crackle, feathering or smoothing of the blade, the log scene (which I fixed right before I went to work), and some masking issues (which I think I also squashed most of those on my second pass through).

Yeah, That’s about right.

Here’s a frame by frame breakdown. (nitpicking at the highest level

Beautiful work up til…

14:11 mask slightly off to the left blade point
14:13 mask slightly too wide
14:14 mask slight too wide
14:17 slight feathering around Reys wrist
15:00 a lot of feathering around Reys arm
15:09 remove noise on Reys leg
15:14 Noise dot on Reys belt
15:19 mask offset
15:20 mask slight offset
15:22 mask slightly too long, needs slight wider
15:23 mask too wide
16:01 feathering

perfect until…

19:07 slightly too wide at the tip
19:23 slightly too wide at the base
20:13-15 tip over the branch
21:01-05 Remove noise dot on Reys back
21:08 Noise dot on Reys right arm
21:14 mask cutting into Rey
21:18-22 Remove noise on Reys body
22:19-23 Feather over rock

fantastic up until…

57:16 feather around Reys hair
57:17 slightly wider at the tip
57:21 slightly wider at base
59:02-12 feather around arm

1:00:05-06,09 noise at base
1:04:17 mask off a lot
1:04:19 mask too wide and feather around target
1:04:21-22 mask too long and feather

from 1:04:17 to 1:06:14 crackling could be more defined

1:07:16 mask too short
1:07:18-19 feathering
1:07:21-1:08:00 noise over blade (was that intentional?) If so it’s not there on 1:08:01
1:08:03,05,08,09 weird shape, maybe feather?
1:08:10 noise over target
1:08:11 feather other target
1:08:12 noise over target
1:08:13-14 remove blade. should follow through

perfect up until…

1:09:08-23 feather around elbow. mask dances around a little
1:10:13-19 feather around elbow. mask dances around a little

Great until…

1:14:05 mask over tree
1:14:08 noise dot on tree
1:14:12 mask well off
1:14:21 feather
1:16:20 feather
1:17:04 noise on barrel

1:22:12 mask too big, overs barrel
1:22:13-23 over barrel

I love it when this forum builds momentum for another awesome addition. 😄

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I get that Rey supposedly force healed the kyber crystal. But as it stands right now there’s nothing in the actual movie that references that the kyber crystal is broken or that it can be healed. So to the average viewer it would just be confusing to see the saber go back to normal.

The last time we saw it it was split in half, so we can have it jitter with no further explanation. But if it changes partway through the movie then it would need an explanation, and we would be falling into the same problem the movie already has of explaining things with external sources instead of in the actual movie.

Edit: The moment I would have it be whole again would be when Rey crosses the lightsabers, since it could be inferred that it’s taking energy from Leia’s saber, and it would add punch to that climactic moment.


krausfadr said:

So is the idea that Rey modified Luke’s lightsaber to make it crackle? If so why would she do this? Sounds iffy like people have run out of things to edit on this movie.

The reason why Kylo’s blade appears crackly and serrated is because when Kylo turned it red, the kyber crystal that powered it cracked. It serves as a pretty good visual metaphor of Kylo’s own nature, unstable and volatile.

So, making the Skywalker blade also distorted serves two purposes:

  • continuity fixing. It acknowledges the ending of TLJ, where the lightsaber was split in half. Rey repaired it, but in an imperfect way, leaving the blade unstable as a result. The actual kyber crystal IS seen when Rey holds the pieces of the broken saber. So it’s less of a retcon and more of an actual consequence.
  • storytelling tool. Rey wielding a crackly lightsaber represents her inner conflict and her struggle with the dark side. It mirrors Kylo’s blade, and also serves as a subtle irony when Ben finally claims his grandfather’s weapon, but it’s damaged and imperfect.

The subject of kyber crystals, despite being a well-known staple of Star Wars lore is surprisingly absent from the movies, beingd developed in either The Clone Wars or canon novels. But I think a casual viewer that hasn’t dived into the EU could still associate the new appearance of the saber with the fact it was broken onscreen the previous movie.


Knight of Kalee said:

krausfadr said:

So is the idea that Rey modified Luke’s lightsaber to make it crackle? If so why would she do this? Sounds iffy like people have run out of things to edit on this movie.

The reason why Kylo’s blade appears crackly and serrated is because when Kylo turned it red, the kyber crystal that powered it cracked. It serves as a pretty good visual metaphor of Kylo’s own nature, unstable and volatile.

So, making the Skywalker blade also distorted serves two purposes:

  • continuity fixing. It acknowledges the ending of TLJ, where the lightsaber was split in half. Rey repaired it, but in an imperfect way, leaving the blade unstable as a result. The actual kyber crystal IS seen when Rey holds the pieces of the broken saber. So it’s less of a retcon and more of an actual consequence.
  • storytelling tool. Rey wielding a crackly lightsaber represents her inner conflict and her struggle with the dark side. It mirrors Kylo’s blade, and also serves as a subtle irony when Ben finally claims his grandfather’s weapon, but it’s damaged and imperfect.

100% agree

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I feel like I shouldn’t have brought up the saber healing after it passes to Ben! Haha. I agree that kewlfish should go ahead and add to the effect to the entire movie, like he said he’d do, then people can decide which way they like their own edit to handle it.



Hal, I’ve made this as printable quality as possible. If you need it to be a Bluray or DVD cover let me know the info, description, running time once finished etc

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/



JEDIT: Almost there! Looks like the Star Wars logo is a little bit too big. Maybe make the white lines a tad-bit thicker. Other than that, it looks amazing!


The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hmm… I overlayed the original to get sizing right. Not sure why it looks off on your images. I’ll revisit them once I get the dimensions.

I tweaked the red smoke, cleaned up Rey’s clothes, and reflection effect a little more as it looked a little dirty. It was nice to do some old school layering effects again. It’s been a while since I designed anything.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


Well done kewlfish…

Also Rey rebuilt the sabre and used jedi techniques to bind the shattered kyber crystal, explained in vid here
So it really doesn’t make sense to have the sabre change back physically after all those changes when teleporting it to Kylo.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Just would like to point out that Rey’s lightsaber teleports earlier in the movie: when she fights Kyo on his ship and Kijimi’s surface at the same time.

So imo it should always be cracked or never cracked. Teleporting doesn’t heal.


I don’t think the point was that the teleporting healed the lightsaber. It’s that Ben turning back to the light and taking up his grandfather’s saber healed the crystal.

IMO, if there’s an audio/visual cue when Ben shrugs at the Knights of Ren, and the saber stabilizes at that point, it would work fine.