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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 158


I daydream of a Disney + Extended Edition Series where they release assembly cuts of all the star wars films.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


StarkillerAG said:

We actually know that the scene of Kylo interrogating Chewie was filmed. John Williams recorded a track called “Chewie’s Interrogation” that was obviously intended for that scene.

Source: https://www.jwfan.com/forums/index.php?/topic/31290-jwfan-exclusive-the-rise-of-skywalker-partial-cue-list-revealed/page/4/&tab=comments#comment-1700135

Really interesting thread! This could be useful over on the fanediting threads as well, for people who might be interested in rescoring parts of the film.


StarkillerAG said:

We actually know that the scene of Kylo interrogating Chewie was filmed. John Williams recorded a track called “Chewie’s Interrogation” that was obviously intended for that scene.

Ah, thanks. Seeing that and some of the other speculation in that thread makes my soul hurt. I’d double dip for an extended edition, Lucasfilm! It’s not like half of the cut scenes aren’t ‘canon’ anyway because of the novel, so if JJ removed them to attempt to change the story, that’s been undone. If they were just cut for runtime/pacing… well I don’t think there’s a single person who’s seen TROS and would argue it was too slow-paced! And it’s out of theatres now; no need to worry about cramming in extra showings.


I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere on this site, but this video provides an excellent analysis of TROS creating a new scene from outtakes of another scene: https://youtu.be/ECnectUdeOo?t=122

The creative process behind this is certainly interesting. Puzzling, but interesting.


Wexter said:

I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere on this site, but this video provides an excellent analysis of TROS creating a new scene from outtakes of another scene: https://youtu.be/ECnectUdeOo?t=122

The creative process behind this is certainly interesting. Puzzling, but interesting.


You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Great analysis. I always thought it was weird that the guards seemingly died twice, but I thought it was just my imagination. Now I know that I’m not going insane.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I don’t think these are two takes of the same scene. They sync so perfectly that it is more likely just alternate angles of the same take. And of course the FX are different between both.


idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

That said, I don’t really like the sequence. But re-using shots isn’t why I dislike it.


Broom Kid said:

idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

Yeah, I’ve never liked the Plinkett-style videos that take a thousand nitpicks and pass it off as “objective criticism”. It just seems like reaching to get as much criticism as possible, and by extension make the movies seem as bad as possible. If you applied the same style of criticism to the OT, those movies would seem like the worst movies of all time. I was just pointing out that I noticed this editing quirk before, I wasn’t saying I have a problem with it.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Well it was a different time when they had less resources but they worked with what they had, I mean for a 300 million dollar picture made in 2019 they could have at least put more effort into this, especially for a series known for its climactic battles.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The one problem I have with it is that the events of the first “take” are utterly nonsensical. It happens very fast, so I’m sure most viewers wouldn’t notice (I sure didn’t), but what is it with those blaster bolts ricocheting all over the place? It really seems like somebody having a laugh.


I think it just proves how rushed the production was. They choreographed it and shot it, then realized in post it all happens way too fast, so they had to extend the fight in editing using different takes and altered vfx. It definitely doesn’t hold up under scrutiny, but I doubt most people even noticed in the theaters. But it really goes to show how they had to do a lot of work to put this movie together in time…

The guy doing this video is so cringey though. He’s trying so hard to be like every other YouTube movie critic he’s probably seen. I like his points and I get he is trying to keep it entertaining. It would be nice for someone who is a filmmaker or studied film to actually go through the movie more objectively and point out the issues with it, but I guess people want funny, nitpicky Plinkett reviews, and not dry film analyses. His breakdown of the fight is great, but the rest of the video feels like Nostalgia Critic or Cinema Sins.


Broom Kid said:

idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

That said, I don’t really like the sequence. But re-using shots isn’t why I dislike it.

Nailed it. There’s quite a few things wrong here but none of them have to do with clever editing tricks that some Youtube geniuses think they’ve exposed.


Plinkett (Mike) went to film school & knows what he’s talking about. Yeah, his reviews are entertaining, but they’re also full of solid points &, yeah, a little nitpicking, which he always points out.
NosalgiaCritic & CinemaSins on the other hand… garbage.
I agree with Broom Kid. Film making itself is an attempt to trick you. Sometimes it works, some times it don’t.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


StarkillerAG said:

Broom Kid said:

idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

Yeah, I’ve never liked the Plinkett-style videos that take a thousand nitpicks and pass it off as “objective criticism”. It just seems like reaching to get as much criticism as possible, and by extension make the movies seem as bad as possible. If you applied the same style of criticism to the OT, those movies would seem like the worst movies of all time. I was just pointing out that I noticed this editing quirk before, I wasn’t saying I have a problem with it.

I’d love to see a parody Plinkett video on why Empire Strikes Back is an objectively bad movie.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


While I do agree that the guy from the video can be pretty annoying at some points, I’m not sure why that’s such an issue. In that seven minute segment he presents an interesting production detail that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere on this site or the rest of internet for that matter (did a quick google search). I wanted to post it here because I thought TROS faneditors might want to take this matter into account. If they don’t, that’s cool too.


ray_afraid said:

Plinkett (Mike) went to film school & knows what he’s talking about. Yeah, his reviews are entertaining, but they’re also full of solid points &, yeah, a little nitpicking, which he always points out.
NosalgiaCritic & CinemaSins on the other hand… garbage.
I agree with Broom Kid. Film making itself is an attempt to trick you. Sometimes it works, some times it don’t.

Operative phrasing being he went to film school. People should have let Plinkett’s schtick be his schtick. He created a character/voice for the reviews - a unique (at the time) vessel for his own opinions and analyses.

But that’s not how you analyze film. That part of it was comedy.

YouTube film criticism has become mostly insufferable because a lot of people thought looking for the joke or scathing take a.l.a Plinkett was film criticism or analysis. It’s not like the kid in the video isn’t discussing something interesting to point out, it’s not like a lot of YouTubers don’t have a point sometimes - but their smug emulation of that style is unnecessary and has fostered a terrible mainstream moviegoing culture.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


ray_afraid said:

Plinkett (Mike) went to film school & knows what he’s talking about.

Trust me when I say plenty of people who went to film school don’t know what they’re talking about at all. Most, even.


OutboundFlight said:

StarkillerAG said:

Broom Kid said:

idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

Yeah, I’ve never liked the Plinkett-style videos that take a thousand nitpicks and pass it off as “objective criticism”. It just seems like reaching to get as much criticism as possible, and by extension make the movies seem as bad as possible. If you applied the same style of criticism to the OT, those movies would seem like the worst movies of all time. I was just pointing out that I noticed this editing quirk before, I wasn’t saying I have a problem with it.

I’d love to see a parody Plinkett video on why Empire Strikes Back is an objectively bad movie.

“When the ion cannons hit a Star Destroyer, why does it sink like a boat? Everyone knows that there’s no gravity in space! Irvin Kershner ruined the franchise forever!”

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


OutboundFlight said:

StarkillerAG said:

Broom Kid said:

idir_hh said:

So they used two takes of the same scene back to back.
I’m amazed
…and insulted.

Lucas/Chew/Hirsch did the same thing more than a few times in 1977, IIRC.

I don’t think it’s insulting really. It’s just editing. The whole thing is a trick. Some tricks are better than others.

That there’s a big Zapruder-like YouTube video “exposing” it seems odd, to me. “They’re trying to fool you, but we see through their attempts!” Of course they’re trying to fool you. They’re filmmakers.

Yeah, I’ve never liked the Plinkett-style videos that take a thousand nitpicks and pass it off as “objective criticism”. It just seems like reaching to get as much criticism as possible, and by extension make the movies seem as bad as possible. If you applied the same style of criticism to the OT, those movies would seem like the worst movies of all time. I was just pointing out that I noticed this editing quirk before, I wasn’t saying I have a problem with it.

I’d love to see a parody Plinkett video on why Empire Strikes Back is an objectively bad movie.

I feel like I watched a video with this premise, but a quick Youtube search doesn’t give any decent results.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


idir_hh said:

Well it was a different time when they had less resources but they worked with what they had, I mean for a 300 million dollar picture made in 2019 they could have at least put more effort into this, especially for a series known for its climactic battles.

I get what you’re trying to say but the straight line you’re trying to draw from “having resources” to “making what you wanted to make” is almost never that straight. it’s a thing I see brought up in game reviews a lot too, the idea that misfiring creatively isn’t just that - a creative misfire - it’s evidence of “laziness” or “lack of effort”

Sometimes bad movies are bad due to lack of effort. But for as much as I dislike The Rise of Skywalker, and I very much dislike it - the crew on that movie weren’t being lazy at any point. That documentary on the blu-ray is nothing but people working as hard as they can, as fast as they can, to make the best movie they can.

They did not make that movie, unfortunately. They made a bad one. But most bad movies are made by well-intentioned people whose shortcomings on that project have nothing to do with their lack of effort. I don’t think them going through that footage and reworking it in THAT way to solve a problem they didn’t know they had until it was staring them in the face is a sign of laziness at all. It reads to me as the opposite.


And I also really feel like JJ Abrams and Chris Tetris weren’t even satisfied with it. But in interviews, you can’t say that shit. You have to defend your choices on the film, because if you start criticizing your own movie while it’s in theaters it’s gonna bomb, and you’ll be blacklisted. Look what happened to Josh Trank.

I think they wanted to make a good conclusion, but they ran out of time and had to say, “It’s good enough.”
They also clearly found other elements of the movie more important than the fans do, but at the same time they tried to give the fans what they thought they wanted.

Off topic, but it still blows my mind how hard they tried to make Finn and Poe not gay. They need to give them both potential romantic interests, but people didn’t like Rose so we have to make a new female character for Finn. And look! Poe’s gotta old flame! She offers for him to runaway with her, but then at the end of the movie she turns down her advances. So I guess Finn and Poe can’t be gay, but they don’t want to pair them with anyone at the end either.

After reading what the editor’s thoughts on TLJ were, I bet a ton of people at Bad Robot, including JJ, felt that way about it. Man, Rian REALLY fucked it up for us. What an asshole. Now we have to fucking course correct.

“I didn’t lie to you. Your parents were no one, because they chose to be! Your parents sold you to protect you…”

Chris Terrio: God, we’re so fucking clever.

I also remember a moment where a woman was sitting with Chris Terrio in the BTS talking about the end of the movie, when we see Adam Driver’s performance. I’m pretty sure it is Michelle Rejwan. And she’s says something like, “It’s a tragedy because we don’t get to see him for very long, but you get to see the person he could’ve been” And I really get the feeling that she didn’t want Ben to die. I honestly think Lucasfilm people didn’t want it. But maybe I’m wrong.