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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 39


Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:

Jones way too beautiful

If you feel that away about her I can only imagine how you feel about Natalie Portman. Also what is too beautiful in this universe when every main character say for Finn (who isn’t even that bad looking) is attractive? I don’t understand you.

Boyega’s a very good looking dude.


DominicCobb said:

Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:

Jones way too beautiful

If you feel that away about her I can only imagine how you feel about Natalie Portman. Also what is too beautiful in this universe when every main character say for Finn (who isn’t even that bad looking) is attractive? I don’t understand you.

Boyega’s a very good looking dude.

He’s more average than anything, but in general he’s not my type. Oscar Issac on the other hand…

TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

MalàStrana said:

Jones way too beautiful

If you feel that away about her I can only imagine how you feel about Natalie Portman.

You seem to be forgetting you’re discussing this topic with Mala “Squirrelface” Strana.

Even so you have to be curious as to what his thought process is when it’s obvious he isn’t just trolling like Impscum.


Tyrphanax said:

Man I don’t even care. That AT-ST and those X-Wings! That low-hanging Star Destroyer! Darth Vader from out the mists!




I would pay $17 to watch this for 2 hours

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The Jedi are all but extinct.......

I can’t have been the only one today who was stricken with multiple tear ups today. Every time I see Vader it happens, every time I think about Vader it happens and every time I think about the movie it happens. It’s the best type of Hell I can imagine.


Eh, we saw Vader in ROTS footage too. I’m going to wait until I see the actual movie before I start doing any taxes.


But this is a real Vader!

You are right, though.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


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Am I the only one who thinks this looks stupid? The Imperial Ground Crew helmet it supposed to have a visor on it (as seen on both the action figure packaging and the lego minifigure). Why doesn’t her helmet have one? Won’t people be able to recognize her? Unless she flips a visor down or something immediately after the end of this shot, this makes absolutely no sense…


I happened to catch a comment about how this latest trailer was a bit on the ‘spoiler’-ish side, so have decided NOT to watch it. I’m sure it’s great, but I’m at the stage where I’d like to keep the majority of the movie’s footage fresh for myself this Christmas. So time to take leave of this particular thread, methinks.

(luckily, I had adywan’s latest clip tweaks to keep me going instead) 😃


I really hope there’s more details released on how they did the CGI. I don’t think I’ve seen anything that realistic since models.


I just realized that the Senate is dissolved two days after this movie ends. Despite the Lucas Prequels dwelling too much on it, I hope that something is made of this, like how people hope that the Senate will have the power to oust Palpatine, and it looks like it may happen during Rogue One. I expect that the Rebellion has a more pessimistic view of the situation.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


ImperialFighter said:

I happened to catch a comment about how this latest trailer was a bit on the ‘spoiler’-ish side, so have decided NOT to watch it.

Isn’t this thread a bit on the spoiler-ish side?


I might be overthinking this, but it seems that Moroff (the Wampa-looking guy we saw in the BTS video) might be a little bit more important than just a simple background character.

Judging by his appearance on Jedha in the new trailer, and his action figure being packaged with a Shoretrooper, he might appear in the film twice.

I guess it’s possible that he might be part of Saw Gerreras resistance group alongside other alien characters that’s been named so far like Edrio ‘Two-Tubes’, and maybe even Bistan and Pao.

Btw, Edrio has been given some backstory;

He is a male Tognath mercenary pilot who flew alongside his eggmate, Benthic. The two shared the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allowed their Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio’s homeworld Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Galactic Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. Desiring to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic had allied with Saw Gerrera some time before the Battle of Yavin.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Amazon link to my novels.


ray_afraid said:

Booman said:

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Am I the only one who thinks this looks stupid?

It’s just the mask with the visor up. That’s how it’d look on anybody.

Yeah, I thought it was kinda neat to see it with the visor up.

It’s also an up-armored version of the usual Death Star Gunner look, which is pretty neat as well.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


NeverarGreat said:

I just realized that the Senate is dissolved two days after this movie ends. Despite the Lucas Prequels dwelling too much on it, I hope that something is made of this, like how people hope that the Senate will have the power to oust Palpatine, and it looks like it may happen during Rogue One. I expect that the Rebellion has a more pessimistic view of the situation.

Puppet Government they have a Death Star now.

Looks Good though. Still wondering what is going on plot wise a bit. Going to Have to wait and see but yeah I agree it could do with a scorning coming from the Senate of complete disgust before Palps brings the iron curtain down on it.

Visuals and special effects look great and the dialogue is much better than previous trailers.


TV’s Frink said:

Isn’t this thread a bit on the spoiler-ish side?

Indeed it is, and this is my last dip into it for now. To be specific, I’ve enjoyed the various reveal pics and trailers up till now, but want to keep the latest footage and dialogue for my initial viewing of the movie itself. But I’ll be back here after it’s release to see what everyone thought of it.


I wonder if we will catch a glimpse of the planet Dantooine from say a probe droid transmitting data back of a deserted Rebel base.

Although we all know the death star plans will be a major plot point, The Empire are looking for the Rebels, and are coming up short on leads. I wonder how much time will be spent on the Empire trying to find the main source of the Rebellion and their hidden Rebel base.

I especially like the probe droid transmitting data back of say the deserted base on Dantooine because it calls back to Empire Strikes Back but it’s a discovery that is made perhaps too late and comes up short but it also ties in to Tarkins “Common knowledge” displayed before Alderaan is destroyed.


The surprising part of the trailer (for me) is the huge space battle. We really need a good space battle: TFA space battle wasn’t very imaginative, TPM’s was too short, ROTS opening was not really a space battle and AOTC only had a short asteroid chase. The cgi models for the x-wings seem too “clean” in the trailer (and there is a weird ornage color on the walkers), so I guess there is still some work to be done on the effects before the release of the movie.


Ronster said:

I wonder if we will catch a glimpse of the planet Dantooine from say a probe droid transmitting data back of a deserted Rebel base.

Although we all know the death star plans will be a major plot point, The Empire are looking for the Rebels, and are coming up short on leads. I wonder how much time will be spent on the Empire trying to find the main source of the Rebellion and their hidden Rebel base.

I especially like the probe droid transmitting data back of say the deserted base on Dantooine because it calls back to Empire Strikes Back but it’s a discovery that is made perhaps too late and comes up short but it also ties in to Tarkins “Common knowledge” displayed before Alderaan is destroyed.

I mean, Leia tells them the Rebel base is on Dantooine in ANH and the Empire only later realizes the Rebel base there was abandoned.

Rogue One ends before ANH.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Ronster said:

I wonder if we will catch a glimpse of the planet Dantooine from say a probe droid transmitting data back of a deserted Rebel base.

Although we all know the death star plans will be a major plot point, The Empire are looking for the Rebels, and are coming up short on leads. I wonder how much time will be spent on the Empire trying to find the main source of the Rebellion and their hidden Rebel base.

I especially like the probe droid transmitting data back of say the deserted base on Dantooine because it calls back to Empire Strikes Back but it’s a discovery that is made perhaps too late and comes up short but it also ties in to Tarkins “Common knowledge” displayed before Alderaan is destroyed.

I mean, Leia tells them the Rebel base is on Dantooine in ANH and the Empire only later realizes the Rebel base there was abandoned.

Rogue One ends before ANH.

Oh yeah, sorry I was half asleep when I wrote that you are right. Where Tarkin exclaims “She Lied to us!” The thing I suppose I am getting at here is. They “The Empire” still have to be searching for the Rebels no matter what the Rebels are up to. As far as the trailer goes it does not seem that the Empire is doing much hunting. The Empire was always the hunters looking for a fight but going by the trailer it seems it’s the Rebels looking for a fight and the Empire going about their business.

Perhaps the Black colored Tie fighters are from Dantooine? This other Faction…

Also this Hammerhead ship is confirmed to be part of Rebel ships in Rogue one. It can be seen in the distance in one of the x-wing shots.

Hammerhead Class Cruiser. (Sans Paint job in Rogue one)

Jyn shares a cell with Special Edition Cantina Alien Ketwol & Menas (It was 2 aliens one the front of face and the other the back of his head). Who Replaced the Wolfman outfits. It says he is Involved in Mining Asteroids and supplies the Rebel Alliance with Information As per legends. I have a feeling this could be Warwick Davis character? He needs stilts to be the size of a normal human.

Was Ketwol / Menas developed exclusively for the Special Edition? I doubt it… So there is something very interesting about this Alien indeed. What was his creation all about? It probably ties to the Axed live action TV series or axed prequel character? That is my guess about it.