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George Lucas's Sequel Trilogy

Servii said:

“The sequels were never really going to get made anyway, unlike 1, 2, and 3, where the stories have existed for 20 years. The idea of 7, 8, and 9 actually came from people asking me about sequels, and I said, “I don’t know. Maybe someday.”

Something I noticed that George has a tendency to do when he contradicts his earlier statements is he makes it seem like those earlier statements or ideas were just made up by fans.

Indeed. Or simply straight up attempting to lay the blame at the feet of the media…

oojason said:

6 Episodes…

‘Creating The Galaxy: Myth Maker And Jedi Master George Lucas In His Own Words’, by Amy Longsdorf.

George Lucas: "Yes. The series starts with Darth Vader as a young lad and ends with him dying. So I don’t know where else I can take it.

Interviewer: “Wasn’t there talk at one time of three trilogies?”

George Lucas: “That was created by the media, not by me.”

^ ‘Merge Article - Lucas in his own words’ - a 2006 OT•com discussion thread

Despite George being on record, on many occasions, as stating that there are nine films in the Saga.

For example, a young George Lucas on film here…

“There are nine films - I think of it more as three three-act plays” - at 2 minutes 27 seconds in this video shown at Celebration 2019


At times it does seems that George likes to deflect his own erroneous claims, inconsistences and contradictions onto fans, media, or others… anyone but himself.

We all mis-remember events, or possibly exaggerate or play-down certain instances from our own history - yet many of us don’t have the benefit of a library of historical evidence on hand to look back on over time.

Why George doesn’t own up to, or even acknowledge, past claims, contradictions and discrepancies is lost on me. Maybe it is all ‘good’ PR / publicity to keep both the GFFA and himself topical?

Ranking the Star Wars films

MalaStrana#2 said:

oojason said:

^ That’s all very well, Mala. Though how can you put Star Wars behind you… not knowing your true feelings and rankings for the one and true Prequel Trilogy - the Holiday Special, Caravan Of Courage and Battle For Endor?!


ahah true 😄

For ranking those I’m waiting to watch them as they have always been intended, ie as a “Jedi supercut” (ROTJ + The ewok movies) and a “Death Star Supercut” (Rogue One, ANH and the Holiday special): when they exist in their final form just ping me 😃

I’ll still watch the new tv series beig released because they mostly are quite entertaining and kinda fun; just saying that after trying one last time the ST - with ery nice fanedits: starligh, legendary and ascendant, which represent almost perfect cuts of each entry - I’m a bit burnt with it and I’l leave to rest for a hile the original hexalogy; I have seen them so many times I need to wait a few years before revisiting them.

I look forward to that ‘Death Star Supercut’ one day, too.

I would have mentioned 2008’s theatrical The Clone Wars film, but…


George Lucas's Sequel Trilogy

Don’t forget the version of the Sequels… that were novels (back in 1999):-

In 1999, an interview with George Lucas in Wired magazine, titled ‘Grand Illusion’… just a few months before the ‘Vector Prime’ book (from the ‘New Jedi Order’ series of novels) - began being heavily promoted (with tv advert and poster campaigns), a series of novels which Lucas himself was involved in and contributed to…

Interviewer: “What about the reports that Episodes 7, 8, and 9 - which exist in novel form - will never reach the screen?”

George Lucas: “The sequels were never really going to get made anyway, unlike 1, 2, and 3, where the stories have existed for 20 years. The idea of 7, 8, and 9 actually came from people asking me about sequels, and I said, “I don’t know. Maybe someday.” Then when the licensing people came and asked, “Can we do novels?” I said do sequels, because I’ll probably never do sequels.”

^ Grand Illusion - the full article at Wired.


A little more background info can be found here:-


For anyone experiencing unwanted or harassing PMs on here...

Information from the ‘I am receiving unwanted / harassing PMs on here - what do I do?’ post…

… from the ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + member FAQs thread - in General Assistance:-


I am receiving unwanted / harassing PMs on here - what do I do?

As per our OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines

'Breaking the following rules may result in an immediate and permanent ban with no prior warning:

  1. Do not harass other members, either publicly or via PM. Any unwanted contact after a request to stay away will be considered harassment.’

If you receive any further PMs on here after asking the sender to stop… let a moderator know as soon as possible.



If anyone on here receives any further PMs on here after asking the sender to stop - even if it is someone asking for links to projects that you have not volunteered to help out with / or for projects you have nothing to do with… please let a moderator know as soon as possible - thank you.



Links to the Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within, plus About & Help sections.

A link to the How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com - some info & replies to members’ FAQs thread, in General Assistance.

A link to ‘Where is the site Search Bar? / How to search for projects, information, or discussion threads on OriginalTrilogy.com’.

Links to the OT.com Forum Rules and Guidelines & Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ threads, in Announcements.

I got all 11 Star Wars movie novels for Christmas. Do the Prequel and Original Trilogy novelisations have additional content in them that the movies do not have?

It may be worth checking out the ‘Differences from the film’ sections of the Wikipedia & Wookieepedia pages for the novelisations of the films…


Star Wars - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/43ca628u & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/3cd5d8bk

Empire Strikes Back - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/3vyd6rp8 & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/49h3pfkm

Return Of The Jedi - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/6tnjf7mf & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/2p8azefb


TPM - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/4252ueru & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/37a8nfmz

AOTC - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/yc4kj99v & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/2p9a3bp5

ROTS - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/2p8734db & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/397vktkr


TFA - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/2p9bzbpb & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/5cfjjbx3

TLJ - Wikipedia: n/a (could not find) & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/bdhx2wnw

TROS - Wikipedia: https://tinyurl.com/2s4cux9y & Wookieepedia: https://tinyurl.com/2p88vv68


Apologies for using ‘tinyurls’ - both Wikipedia and Wookieepedia articles can occasionally have ‘issues’ being linked on here due to url formatting on the site. The above info only really features outlines for any differences between the novelisations & films.

Doctor Who

‘Eve of the Daleks TRAILER | Doctor Who | Stuck in a Time Loop?’:-

www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlfyB075db8 - an 8 and bit minute video at the official Doctor Who youtube channel.

The blurb: ‘Anyone else got a proper déjà vu…? ∞ 01.01.2022’ (on Saturday at 7pm; UK time - 60 minutes.)

‘Mancs. New Year. Mancs. Doesn’t she understand?’ 😄 Dan knows.

ESB: Unfinished lightsaber effects restoration. (file Recovered!!!)

King goal said:

Shoot me a Pm of this please. I need it for a trailer.

You could instead simply follow the instructions from the project creator on how to acquire this…

That guy with no name said:

if you want it pm me…


If you haven’t done so already it is probably a good time to read through the About, Help, Welcome To The OT•com, ‘How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy•com, and I have found a Fan Edit / Preservation I am interested in - but don’t know how to get / acquire / download it? threads / sections of the site… and take the time to look around to see how this place works - and doesn’t - before posting.

Star Wars mania in 1977

On this day - 27th December, 1977 - Star Wars in the UK (or some of the UK)

On this day: ‘Star Wars’ grips the UK as film premieres in 1977’:-


^ A short article - with a decent video and some cool back in the day images.


A few more articles…

Star Wars in the UK: The first Star Wars Christmas - at StarWars•com

Star Wars in the UK: Late 70’s, early 80’s - at StarWars•com

1977: Star Wars fever hits Britain - at the BBC

1977: when Star Wars hit the UK – in pictures - at The Grauniad

December 27, 1977: Star Wars is released in London - at Episode Nothing

My memories of Star Wars are only from a certain point of view… - at Digitiser

Star Wars opened in the UK this day, 1977 - at FanthaTracks (from 2019)

40 years ago Stars Wars opened in the UK - images at Pinterest (from 2017)

December 27, 1977: Star Wars at the Dominion Theatre - at the Dominion Theatre facebook page

When Star Wars first arrived in Birmingham - at the Birmingham Mail website.

How Liverpool first welcomed Star Wars 38 years ago - at the Liverpool Echo (in L’pool 1978; from 2015)

Star Wars & Me - at Milner’s Blog (in Leeds in 1978; from 2012)

1978: A scene from a film-going galaxy, far, far away - at The Herald (in Scotland; 1978; from 2019)

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

An intriguing article from the New York Times…

Boba Fett, Intergalactic Man of Mystery’:-

How did this fearsome “Star Wars” bounty hunter go from a peripheral player to the star of “The Book of Boba Fett”? He used the support of fans — and a little brute force.


Holiday Special - &quot;The Story of the Faithful Wookiee&quot; - dubbed in Spanish (Released)

Hi MasterKal,

There are a few versions of “The Story of the Faithful Wookiee” still up up on YouTube - so may be worth posting it on there too.

Or on other similar video sites such as dailymotion, vimeo, veoh, utreon, or metacafe etc.

It may also be worth putting it on a GoogleDrive or on Mega too.

Good luck with it, mate.


Edit: I think I misunderstood your post - sorry MasterKal. The Star Wars Preservation forum is a good place for this 👍

Chronologically Lost HD (Remaster of Mike Maloney's edit) (Released) <strong>SEND PM FOR LINKS, DON'T REPLY ON THREAD</strong>

Jerrp said:

I need this

omlech said:

Hey could you PM me the link to the torrent? Thanks for all the work on this.

Guys, c’mon… DragoonClawNZ posted a request for everyone to send him a PM… literally in the post or two above yours:-

DragoonClawNZ said:

please PM me instead of posting on here.

Or read the thread title! 👍

Original Star Wars logo font?

I think it is Dan Perri’s own custom work. There is a little more on it, with some ideas on what the font may consist of, in the link below:-


There may also be some more additional info on it in the ‘Star Wars font, crawl & logo information’ category of the An Index & Help Thread for Case Covers, Disc Labels, and Fan Art thread. 👍

What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see?

Anakin Starkiller said:


Kindly knock it off.


CarboniteSolo said:

A Disney+ series 8-10 episodes 40+ minutes long per episode.

A young Leia (around 12), and Bail Organa (before Jimmy Smits gets any older) Let’s explore Alderaan some, let’s see Leia’s Alderaan training. Clearly she’s had some weapons training (into the garbage chute, Flyboy!)

Can she pilot a ship like Anakin? Does she have those quick reflexes that force users have?

Does Yoda try to contact her? Does Obi-wan try to contact her? A Ewan McGregor cameo or voice over.

Maybe Leia’s dreams are visions of Yoda/Kenobi, or of far away places and she doesn’t understand them.

You could have Leia having nightmares about Vader, but it’s just a dark shadowy figure. She could also see images of her mother, bittersweet moments.

The droids with C-3P0 in a few episodes, but mostly R2-D2.

Mon Mothma could arrive to visit Bail Organa

Let’s have an adventure on Alderaan, let’s get to know the planet before it explodes.

These are just some of the things they could explore, just to have an idea

Would anyone like something like this?


Not for me mate - however it’d sound like something decent as an animated anthology series, in a half-hour ‘Galaxy of Adventures’ style. Revisiting Leia across differing times or events of her life, maybe? It’d certainly be appealing to see more of Alderaan, how Leia becomes part of the fledging Rebellion, and the events you mentioned too.

I'll never understand the attitude of people who oppose the release of the unaltered original trilogy.

The 'Naysayer Guide’ by people who DON’T want an official unaltered theatrical release of the Original Trilogy

^ an OriginalTrilogy•com info & discussion thread cataloguing some of the oft-repeated claims, statements & comments made by some people who seemingly have issues with an official release of the unaltered theatrical version of the Original Trilogy being available - or even with fans simply asking for such a release.

The thread also hopefully includes some… clear, concise, informative, and reasoned replies.


2023 Edit…

Kellythatsit & Juno Eclipse’s posts in the ‘A topic that might upset the entire forum; (I’m sorry)’ thread are also well worth a read.

^ Especially for those not around at the time of the ‘fan purges’ of the early-mid 2000’s, or are unfamiliar with the censorship, threats, bans, and also death threats and abuse that fans of the unaltered theatrical cuts endured for simply wanting to talk about these original versions on certain fan forums. Or even for simply talking about issues with the various Special Editions over time, alterations made to the Original Trilogy films to ‘fit better’ with the Prequels, or Lucas’ re-writing and altering of Star Wars history. As well as the welcome influx of censored and purged fans joining this and other similar forums as a result.

That is before we get into the unfortunate continuation of such abuse and threats, since aimed at fan preservationists and fan editors on here - from our early days online - right through to 2021 2022. Similar abuse and death threats also aimed at people highlighting Marcia Lucas’ role in Star Wars history - notably in promoting the recent Icons Uncovered documentary, or for perceived sleights at George Lucas made to Alexandre Philippe for making of his The People vs. George Lucas program. To Jamie Benning for his Star Wars Begins filmumentary, and adywan for his Star Wars Revisited Edits. Even to myself for the apparent “Lucas hating & lying bullshit” of the George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist info thread.

There are unfortunately a number of others on the OT•com over the years who have been on the receiving end of abuse and threats too - I won’t list them, as unlike the people listed above, they haven’t publicly disclosed these threats (other than to the site staff/authorities). Yet it is important to highlight that such abuse, attempted manipulation, and serious threats do still occur.


The ‘Fandom’ section of An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion may also be of interest / for further reading.

^ Plus the ‘Other websites / communities issues with the OT•com, the Original Trilogy, or the unaltered theatrical cuts’ section.

Guide to Star Wars Documentaries and Special Features

An Original Trilogy era documentary, not seen since its TV debut back in 1983, and very much worth a mention in here is…

“Bilder aus Amerika” - The Making of Return of the Jedi (1983) (Released)

Corellian Sailor and his friend did a top job with the restoring and remastering of this - and also with the English subtitles too. 👍

Question regarding how to properly direct people where to find a fanedit

Yes mate - that is pretty much it. 👍

Though if you could, please link to fanedit•info instead of fanedit.info (we’d prefer no actual links to other sites of that type appearing on here site) - thank you.

Some information on what links can and can’t be posted on here can be found in the Fan Edit / Preservation Forum Rules and FAQ thread, see ‘FAQ No. 9’.