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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

RogueLeader said:

Just sharing my to do list for the next test:

  • A little more bouncy movement for the puppets in the wide shot (MR)
  • Cut away from CU shot before the intense whispy dust blows across frame (krausfadr)
  • Potentially remove the storyteller’s hand from the CU shot. (DMC) MR might help with this change.
  • Un-reverse shot of kids turning their heads (Burbin)

I think that’s really all that’s needed for polishing at the moment, but man, it is fantastic already. Keep it up!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

This is not a general discussion thread on TROS. This is a fan edit thread of a specific editor. Fan edits are able to make changes to the movie that can change, modify or add to whatever scenes, messages, etc. discussion on changes/ideas that meet the editor’s goal of the edit is fine, but crapping on any and all changes because it makes modification to the movie is tiring. Also, it doesn’t help when such views are either presented as “fact” and other views are wrong or “they don’t understand.”

But back on topic I am still giddy about the puppet stuff … it’s so promising!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

While I am personally not a fan of the way the sequels did a “Ummm … we want to revert back to the force not being balanced … so Rey has to do it instead of Anakin … so yeah! It was kinda balanced for just a little bit, so just forget about the whole prophecy thing and what the PT brought up in general” (Again, just my personal view)

If it was possible, a fun twist on things is if Anakin’s voice said “Rey, finish what I started” or something on those lines. It would have been a call back/twist to Kylo’s version of finishing what Vader started … and here Rey is finishing what Anakin started (Getting rid of Palps, AKA balancing the force).

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Just got to say, I’m really glad a lot of you guys are ok with how the new Rey line sounds. I know personally speaking, I have a hard time seeing the “wrongness” in some edits or I just shrug it off. There’s been multiple times where I’ve seen a mockup on here and I think to myself “Oh, that’s actually pretty good/passable! It could be used in the movie.” But then, I see it get picked apart and start to understand that it actually really wasn’t up to snuff.

Anyways, this is just my long winded way of saying that I’m glad we’re seemingly moving forward with the line change now.

I totally get what you mean and I do agree for the “base” edit things sound be as flawless as possible. With people doing their own thing after that, then go for it. SO I admit for me, this is a case that I truly don’t see the issue because I don’t watch this movie … so for a personal edit after this I would use one of these changes since I can’t see it. ahaha!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

TestingOutTheTest said:

I never said we saw the vision itself on Pasaana. I said that Rey describes to Finn that she experienced the vision when touching the dagger.

TestingOutTheTest said:

I just want to address something about the pitched edit of removing the mention of Rey having a vision of both herself and Kylo Ren on the Sith throne. She didn’t have that specific vision at the beginning of the movie, she only had it when she touched the dagger on Pasaana.

Im confused with this whole Vision that happened on Pasanna but didn’t happen on Pasanna point of yours. Im really genially confused with your point. There is NO second vision shown or a mention that she had another/seperate one that was shown. It is a much better idea to remove the whole 2 on the throne scene when we have a visual vision that specifically does not show it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Burbin said:

Also I really like changing Kylo’s line to “we can stop Palpatine” -

sherlockpotter said:

So I made a quick mockup. Is it worth trying to iron out the new line? https://streamable.com/4tms6i

It actually makes it sound like Kylo is against him, against the Sith (which is what we want). We’re told killing Palpatine results in Sith spirit transfer, and we learn later Palpatine wants to be killed, so saying “we’ll kill him” doesn’t explicitly mean he’s working against him. Changing this line would avoid any confusion, it makes it very clear Kylo doesn’t want to play into Palpatine’s hands, he wants to stop whatever he’s planning (and take over his fleet).

It’s also a more seductive way to present it to Rey, who set out on her mission “to stop what we both know is coming…”. It makes it sound almost reasonable to join forces with the Supreme Leader to stop the return of the Sith, instead of the original’s “let’s become super evil together, you know what you need to do”.

Hard yes.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

RogueLeader said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

I just want to address something about the pitched edit of removing the mention of Rey having a vision of both herself and Kylo Ren on the Sith throne. She didn’t have that specific vision at the beginning of the movie, she only had it when she touched the dagger on Pasaana.

It’s not shown on screen, and therefore is irrelevant. When Rey says she had a vision, the audience instantly should think of the one from the beginning of the movie since, ya know, it was shown. In fact, there is no proof that they ever recorded footage of both Rey and Kylo on the throne. So tbh, I’m not even sure what they were smoking when they wrote that line for Rey.

By that logic, Luke’s piloting experiences pre-ANH are irrelevant because they aren’t shown to us.

But we are never shown anything that contradicts that, like Luke being reckless and crashing his skyhopper in Beggar’s Canyon. But we actually see Rey on the throne alone, with Kylo Ren nowhere in sight. We literally just see Rey on the throne by herself… we actually don’t see Kylo Ren on any throne in this movie, despite him being Supreme Leader of the galaxy. Just because something might be “inferred” doesn’t mean it is good storytelling, or cinema for that matter.

Agreed. Even if it was meant to be on the lines “oh, I had ANOTHER vision” … that is just bad film making. Why show one vision, and then talk about another one? … it either comes off as a mistake (after-affect of re-writes, etc.) OR simply poor writing (show one thing on screen, but talk about something else that’s not seen AND is different)

Comparing to Luke and piloting comments, that has nothing to contradict that, is comparing apples to chairs.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I understand your view on it and Kylo’s thing can go to the “movie logic” philosophy, which I do support leaning on movie logic. And those are good points too about her parents as motivation. It’s one of those things that “on the other hand” he has “new” knowledge at the beginning of the movie where he didn’t on the original cut. Palpy transfer, so outright killing him is not a real option … which fortunately with Jonh’s The Forcey Boys is that answer.

I think i’ll personally use that direction, but that’s the beauty of this, we got a base and we can make whatever changes we need later. All in all, the changes thus far, and new things, are VAST improvements.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I thought of a connection and a mental/logical/reasoning/insert-other-word/etc. if Hal you are good with adjusting Kylo’s line in the hanger to not explicitly say “kill Palpatine together” and more of “Let’s stop him together.”

So for Ascendant, we know Palps tells Kylo “Kill me and I transfer to you yo.”

So Kylo doesn’t want to do this, or at least is hesitant to it since, well, he has a problem. He wants to remove Palp as an adversary, but how? Also, I want myself some Rey-ness, maybe with our Dyadness, we can do something about it. Anyway, I’ll need to ponder on this.

So fast forward to the hanger. Kylo still has his “for sure goal” is to have Rey on his side. So let’s try to convince her that together, we can stop the Sith! We got Dyad power! How exactly do we do this? Well, let’s take this one step at a time. We got that ace up our sleeve with the Dyadness, maybe we can do something with that.

That doesn’t work, she rejects him again.

So now on the DSII, they have their duel, he gets stabbed, Mom dies … and get healed. He is finally getting drawn back to the light. But here is the problem, what can he do? Cant just kill Palpy since … he transfers, so it is a lose lose situation.

Then Han appears. Remember Han’s personality/style? Just do it and don’t think about it. Think back to TFA, the most recent thing about going to Starkiller base. We know he doesn’t plan things out fully, just goes with it. So with that pep talk and Kylo going back to Ben SOLO … aka, has some of dad’s personality … he knows he needs to stop Rey from getting Palpatined. That’s the immediate thing. What do you do after that? Well … we are winging it … so don’t give me the odds.

So you have Ben going there to STOP Rey from falling to Palpy’s trap. What to do after that? He is not sure.

BUT! Now with the Chosen Jonh who gave us the Force Ghosts at the end … the movie has an explanation on how to stop Palpy’s transfer. They do it. But needs Rey to face Palpatine and ACCEPTS SHE IS A JEDI. (Which is why I LOVE Sherlock’s change with Rey’s response. She finally accepts it. She finally opens herself to it and TRULY accepts her responsibility, as a Jedi. I think Ben’s redemption was the final push for her to “go all in” since it was something more tangible she sees.) It opens the way for Four Force Team. Everyone has their part and importance in the final scene. It is not about just the ONE person to stop Palpatine, it’s everyone … as the series tells us … it’s not just about the one, but the some.

This ends my terribly written Ted talk.

(Personally I will adjust my edit to remove all the Sith … and just focus on Palpatine … he figured it out finally and it fits, in my opinion, the cannon and what was shown/told us from the movies before. Either way people want it, the above still fits whatever direction.)