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Terminator 1 & 2 Projects (Released)

I just stumbled upon this, as a huge Terminator fan Im excited but im a little new on the whole multiple audio tracks thing could someone explain what is different in each track, I assume music and sound effects ?
also what about the video quality ive only ever seen the films on dvd then blu ray and they look great in my opinion, but what is the difference between them and this release im really interested

Windu's Blue Lightsaber (Resources) [Updated 1/25/15 - EP2 AVAILABLE NOW] *** See First Post***

yea I didn’t notice at first, Im glued to the form on you edit it sounds like it will be quite the experience speaking of the phantom menace another member, sheepishedits is redubbing many of the more annoying characters including Jar Jar he sounds pretty good in my opinion its a very deep voice that sounds pretty powerful, its always cool to see edits that redub lines instead of adding new subtitles (which I love by the way) but redubbing is a whole new level of awesome here’s his youtube channel


Windu's Blue Lightsaber (Resources) [Updated 1/25/15 - EP2 AVAILABLE NOW] *** See First Post***

lol sorry Smithers, I just like the idea of changing saber colors I saw a edit once where Dooku’s was orange, not the best rotoscoping but still was cool, some guy also changed Anakin’s to red on ROTS near the end when he’s on a rampage during order 66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVO6xvI3qQc

Windu's Blue Lightsaber (Resources) [Updated 1/25/15 - EP2 AVAILABLE NOW] *** See First Post***

yes, Samuel Jackson picked his own color lightsaber and I guess George Lucas agreed since he’s such a big star, it makes no sense in the continuity because he is the first and only jedi to have a purple saber as far as I know I’ve never seen another purple saber in any other media, blue suits him better and it makes more sense

Preserving DTS LaserDisc tracks, specifically Jurassic Park

I’m a collector and completionist at heart, If theirs alternate versions of movies out their with any huge to slight changes i’ve got to have it in my collection lol I bought a laserdisc player just for the 1997 SE of star wars (and just because I find laserdiscs really cool) for Christ sake and those are the ones no one likes now laserdisc versions with different aspect ratios are on my radar,Jurassic Park is #1 just for the T-rex nose crop alone, the open matte of terminator 3 is cool as well, who know you could see ehem “more” of the T-X my hunt for every star wars version continues

Info: Toy Story on 35mm, and other early Pixar films for that matter...

Thank you for clearing this up for me, everything I’ve read made it seem like DNR was responsible for the color timing, as for that 35mm scan Im totally going to get it asap I guess when it comes down to it what really matters is watching a movie in the best possible quality in your home, I’ve never known about a lot of these issues before and wont let them spoil my viewing of the movie I love now sure some blu rays may not look exactly like they do in theaters but I think we can all agree that they look incredible anyway

Info: Toy Story on 35mm, and other early Pixar films for that matter...

I’ve been hearing things about Jurassic Park having color timing issues due to DNR, the 3D release was from the 35mm and is supposed to reflect its original color, im a little disappointed because I love Jurassic park and think it looks great on blu ray, but knowing now that the new one is a better transfer pisses me off because universal should have made that 4k master the go to print for the standard blu ray as well maybe they’ll release a new edition

Info: Toy Story on 35mm, and other early Pixar films for that matter...

Interesting topic Im knew to the whole 35mm world but wouldn’t comparing colors on a film reel and a blu ray release not very helpful because when something is restored for blu ray isn’t it scanned digitally and put through a whole process for HD viewing, and even if a film reel is scanned for blu ray (Jaws, E.T.) could it really look exactly the same as it did when it originally was in cinemas because it was impossible to show a movie in that level of detail back then since there was no HD back then so wouldn’t raw film reels as opposed to HD scanned reels always look a bit different color wise