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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

I actually agree with this. Keep in mind I haven’t watch your RotS just yet however what I love about your edits is that aside from being very well done all your changes have been thoughtful and you keep the original movies as unchanged (in plot) as possible which makes it an easy replacement for the actual movies and less of a fun experiment edit, one and done.

I’m sure I will appreciate the Padme lives and the fact that it makes Sidious even more manipulative and vicious. However It it really the biggest change (a 180 change) that you’ve made and it could be contradicted in TFU, or upcoming material.

Now keep in mind nothing would stop you from changing the edit if that day comes though no matter what your decision is.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

wrkerr said:

My three-year-old is enjoying it too, and he keeps asking when he’s going to see Darth Vader, but ever since that Dagobah dark side vision scene in ESB, he’s been somewhat apprehensive… perhaps it was too spooky for him.

Ha! I like you already! I’m all for kids watching R rated movies (obviously not if inappropriate but otherwise…). I feel like being scared from movies you’re not supposed to watch is kind of a rite of passage for movie fans.
I remember my godfather took me to see Willow in theaters when I was 8 and the lion-dog attack in the beginning freaked me out! When I was 12 or 13 and friend and I watched Terminator and her little brother had nightmares that night. But hey like I said it’s a rite of passage, it’s part of the fun 😃

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

I like the very beginning when it’s more like a grumble. When he starts yelling my biggest problem is the pitch is much higher, I don’t mind the gurgle as much because like some said it’s plausible in is current burnt to a crisp condition.

But either way I think the yell makes more sense then “nooo”. It’s more unbridled rage which goes nicely with the destruction around him.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, evidently having the file fit on a BD25 doesn't mean it'll necessarily fit when muxed to the right format. However, we found that omitting the alternate audio track allowed it to fit.

 Good idea. 

Question though, when I go to mux it I see 2 track for Audio that are in 5.1 and in ENG. I'm assuming one may be for Hearing Impaired but how can I tell which to take out?

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Since I just watched v3 I'm not going to rewatch it just yet but I glanced at it and the deleted scenes are much better for sure! At least on my computer screen, we'll have to see how it is stretched out on my home theater.

And I'm very excited how you added the "jam the doors!" scene :)

BTW this is final right? I can burn a bluray without fear? 

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I used the 'plot to overthrow the Chancellor' scene in v3, so yes. It lets us see that Obi-Wan is in the know and involved with this stuff, giving a little more weight to his later dialogue about the Chancellor being evil and getting defensive about the idea of taking over the Republic as Anakin sees it. 

 Oh that sounds sweet! Because one of my biggest issues in the PT (well ep. 2 and 3) were how Yoda and the Council were completely blind to it all. "the Dark Side clouds everything" is a nice line but they really look like oblivious fools.

I mean come on Yoda! You can tell that a kid's future 10+ years down the line is clouded but you can't feel Palpatine is manipulating everything? Dooku even tells you the whole plot and you still don't know??

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Drakul said:

Aaaw shhhhh.... !

 Don't worry, V3 is totally fine and you shouldn't kick yourself for seeing it. Besides, Episodes II and III won't be coming immediately. If you've already downloaded V3, don't wait for V4. If you like it, just make a point to snag V4 at some point for keeps.

 Oh yeah no stress. I'm not kicking myself or anything but I'm excited for v4 because they may become my go to viewing for the PT.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

The Captain said:

The Padme family scene doesn't have to be weird if you just never watch the Phantom Menace and simply ignore that she was queen at one point... Which is how I like to remember my Star Wars... That Episode 1 never existed...

 Except that Hal, in the crawl, says "Padme Amidala, former Queen of Naboo"

I think her being a former Queen gives her gravitas and is good for her character. The problem is we're never explained why she abdicated and who replaced her. I feel it would have been better to keep her as Queen and have Jar Jar be the Senator/Ambassador.

And honestly I'd rather erase AtoC than TPM but that's just me :P

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

It's me again :P

Watched this tonight and your edit really improves the movie a ton. It's still my least favorite by a large margin since I pretty much dislike half of it (everything from the Arena till the Dooku fight). Anyway here's my jumbled feedback.

- Loved the addition of the deleted scenes with Windu and Obi-Wan as well as Padme sitting down with Dooku. I also enjoyed the Padme in the Senate one but I'm not sure about the one with Padme's family though. Aside from the fact that i don't believe her family is ever mentioned anywhere else the scene just feels out of place and weird. And she's the Queen of Naboo so why on Earth are they living in a small house and acting so.... colloquial? It just doesn't work for me.

- Loved your edit of the Dooku fight, it works really well to have Yoda and him just use Force powers. The only 'issue' is that right before Yoda says "much to learn you still have" you can see Dooku reaching for his lightsaber and the next cut his arms are extended in Force pull. But I'm sure it has to be cut that way and it can just be explained as him changing his mind.

- I kinda miss the Bank robot tweaking his voice in the original :) also not sure why you cut the part when Lars explains he would have gone back for Shmi but he can't because of his leg.

- I kinda wish you'd trimmed the Naboo scenes even more, at least the frolicking, rolling down the hill bit. I feel their relationship is well developed even if you cut this.

- i thought I'd mind Dex's removal but it works well with the assassin mentioning Kamino. The only thing is that when Obi-Wan goes to the Library he says "according to my information" but he never got any info since he doesn't meet Dex. It can be assumed he did some research on his own but still.

- The scene between Dooku and Sidious. Why the removal of "Lord Tyranius" since he's meeting with the Emperor and he's his pupil so obviously he should be a Darth. But while i relish any scene with Sidious I always felt that it was more interesting if Dooku was just a Dark Jedi and was really trying to fight the Senate corruption. Everything he says to Obi-Wan is true and he seems (!) genuine. It just seems weird to me that he would spill everything to him if he really sides with Sidious.

That's all I have from memory and I need to hit the sack :)

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

I had completely forgotten about the fact that Jar Jar gets banished. It does indeed flow better in your version.

I had actually forgotten the pod race deleted scene when I wrote this, I was talking more about the one right before it. The one during the race with the repair droids I actually really enjoyed.

For Ani's race record I honestly never had a problem with him never winning before. For me the bigger issue (which you solved) was his immature, childish behavior. I mean he's still very young and presumably he's only just started racing so it's plausible he did just a few races before and failed, crashed, Sebulba tricked him... but he's learning. And Qui-Gon gives him the guidance and advice he needed to push the Force in his favor and win. To me it's very similar to Obi-Wan guiding Luke to drop the bomb in Ep IV. And in that case I always kinda felt "It's not that hard I used to bullseye womp rat and they're not much bigger than X" was just a cheap and easy way to establish Luke's ability. I mean he's surrounded by veterans in that room and it makes them look like incapable people and this new brat comes along and says "nah you all suck, it's not that hard". Anyway segway over!

I hadn't realized you had already removed a shot from that Maul bit. I think removing those 2 extra would only shave 1-3secs but I understand it's a slippery slope and flow continuity is important.

Speaking of, it reminds me of a scene where the cut is a bit abrupt (probably the only time I felt a cut that you made). It's when Ani and Padme are in the ship and Ani says that he's cold. Padme talks about her worries for her People and then very abruptly says "you miss your mother". I assume it's because you cut the whole "I made this for you" bit and it can't be salvaged but the cut and change of subject is noticeable. I think you'd be better served with just cutting that line altogether. We can see both are worried and it's implied if not obvious that he's sad because he just left his mom.

And finally for the Viceroy hostage. I guess one way to fix it would be to cut the Ani bits before the Queen take the Viceroy hostage but that's some major change and I'm not sure it's needed honestly. I always saw those 3 paths in the ending climax as happening at the same time, just obviously they can't be shown at the same time. It's not impossible that the Queen does her trick around the same time Anakin is crashed in the base and shooting, they just both have to go through with the plan on their end in case the other one fails.

Totally understand about the end credits :)