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The Simpsons: Embiggened Edition (* on hiatus *)

I’m currently in the process of re-ripping all my DVDs because I found out the versions I ripped years ago I forgot to encode the surround audio. The benefit is that Handbrake has better settings now so I can make better quality rips.

That said, I still don’t really know what to tick beyond the obvious pre-sets. If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them!

My current solution is to take the Fast480p30 preset, make sure to encode at “same as source” frame rate, and turn on “animation” tuning. But if there’s any other suggestions I would appreciate the advice.

The Simpsons: Embiggened Edition (* on hiatus *)

Chewielewis said:

Now that phantom menace is all but finished ill surely be working on it more. I’m looking for more NTSC DVDs as the ones i have are crummy PAL ones.

Not sure where you’re located but Amazon.ca has the NA DVDs for pretty cheap usually (though right now they’re around $25 CAD/ea I bought a bunch when they dropped to $10/ea)

I also have all the season DVDs that were released (I don’t yet have Season 17) if it helps.

The Simpsons: Embiggened Edition (* on hiatus *)

I’m behind this project 100%. As an avid Simpsons fanatic it interests me greatly.

I recently downloaded one of the HD iTunes rips to see how they fared, and they’re not bad, but not great. Cropped which means I’m sure it’s FXX transfers.

I ripped all my DVDs myself so that I could get the commentaries, which are fantastic, but they’re all in SD, so would love something much more cromulant.

kk650's Regraded Dunkirk (2017) (blanket yellow tint removed from blu-ray)

This looks very nice. Would love to check it out.

Is the yellow tint different from the theatrical exhibition though? I only saw it once (70mm IMAX no less) and don’t honestly remember, but it does feel VERY golden in those images and your “after” certainly looks more natural (I just wonder if its more accurate)

Info: 'Captain Eo' - Laserdisc on Ebay; the movie or documentary?

It doesn't help that so many MJ fans are completely clueless when it comes to video stuff, they'd buy it and hoard it and never be able to use it. 

Some of us would prefer to get this stuff in the hands of "experts" to share with all. Like, holy crap, how did we miss that 70mm print!?

Also curious as to how much is actually 70mm. According to IMDB it's a partial blow up (not sure of the source on that though)
