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Star Wars Prelogy | 4K Filmized Remasters (Released)

Here is the shot from HDTV- source. Even in the jpg- format the shot has more detail, for example on Padme’s hair on her forehead and on Anakin’s sideburns:

the look

Here it’s the same with details on Anakin. HDTV source’s grain leaves more detail to the picture. Also the teal tint was introduced on the Blu ray version and was not present in the movie originally and should not be found in BTS and promotional footage:

the look

Schorman has done us all a big favour by meticulously preserving the HDTV version (DVD- version in HD). You can read about it here: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/schormans-HDTV-Star-Wars-Saga-Preservation-Released/id/16702/page/1. I would strongly suggest that for the AOTC you should use the HDTV restoration of that film instead of the Blu ray.

Star Wars Prelogy | 4K Filmized Remasters (Released)

A very commendable project! Your upscale definitely looks more natural with the edges of the distant objects, even if the detail is not increased that much except what the added grain “brings out”. I would be interested to get the links to these please when ready!

About AOTC, are you planning to use HDTV restoration instead of Blu ray since it has noticeably more detail than the Blu ray?

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

Fullmetaled said:

Alaskan sandman’s project made me wish there was a group a fans that could update cgi in both the prequels and the original trilogy because not all the cgi scenes in the original trilogy were bad.

Fullmetaled, Since you really seem to want updates to CGI, I would suggest to get proactive and organized about it:

-Start a thread, maybe per movie where you list the top 5 (for a start) shots you would want to be updated with CGI. Ask people to mention any fan editors with required skills. Update the thread to know if the work starts on some shot and if/when you get some of the shots done.

-PM the people you think have the skills to pull off CGI- work (more complex than VFX fixing with other methods) and tell your plans to form a CGI- shot pack for everyone to use in their edits.

-Make a cloud storage account(s) (MEGA, Icedrive, something else) and share access to the account/specific files for them to upload their work.

Make it as easy as possible to participate. You would already be asking quite an investment from anyone to produce an all new CGI- shot. EddieDean already has couple of Community Focus Threads for the movies so maybe ask him if he’s willing to help you with this.

PMs sent to Rors and yaoberh.

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

Cerditodevillapinguino said:

The mkv contains spanish subs?? Thanks in advance 😎

Lo siento, no tiene subtitulo espanol. The movie has only english subs for the alien dialogue. The subs would have taken a long time to edit manually. Since the edit was completed, I have learned there might be some way to do it in the workflow but I haven’t looked into it yet.

Pm sent to MoonDog1999

(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)

I must say I’ve been enjoying The Mandalorian just fine in a serialized form through the first 2 season but Acbagel you are right about the disorganized structure of the season 3! You have some very spot on analysis and great ideas above so I would also like the link for your Book 5 to check out what you managed to cook out of the latest season.

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

Thank you for the reviews!

Roo Eee said:

Removing the remarks to slavery was an interesting choice and the reasons for doing so are legit, but I thought it removed some of the weight in Anakin’s mother’s decision to let him go, so I guess I don’t exactly know how I feel about it.

I understand that it takes some weight off the separation but it’s still about mother letting her small child go, although not perfect. And for me losing the badly written slave plot is better than the plot hole between EP1 and Ep2 of Jedi not doing diddly squat to relocate her from slavery. 😄

DeonStar123 said:

I actually really enjoyed this new edit as I have seen it 74 times since acquiring it last year and I have
several close friends who have seen it too.

That’s some hardcore watching DeonStar. 😅 It’s great if you have had fun with it with some friends!


Sharp and stylishly subtle work as always Ady!

adywan said:

One last thing; today marks the last day i will ever rotoscope & enhance a blue lightsaber. I finished the very last Obi-Wan shot (Vader striking him down) earlier today and that will be my last for the Revisited saga. Moving onto green ones for ROTJ. I’ve seen some claim that i just use the videocopilot saber plugin to do the lightsabers, but i can assure you they are all done by hand, frame by frame.

Congrats to not having to touch the blue sabers anymore. Doing saber effects gets tedious real fast, even if one is using the saber plugin, since you have to put in some additional patching to some frames to get the original blade shape.

<em>Kenobi: Trials Of The Master</em> - Fanedit by PixelJoker95

This seems like straight out of Lucasfilm if they put in the proper effort in the effects. Amazing!

Since PixelJoker was participating in the Kenobi Redux thread I really hope that he is incorporating the great idea from Phase3/Broom kid of Vader getting his helmet sliced by Obi before he buries Obi with the rocks.


It would fix the stupid ending of Obi-Wan just walking away from the fight and letting Vader live. This would explain why Obi is not so uneasy in the end scenes because Vader assumes he is now dead. His effects skills would really be needed here to replace the intact helmet with the broken one for those fight ending shots.

Maybe he wants to keep the ending details under wraps until release, but just wanted to remind about the idea. Fingers crossed…

The Mandalorian - Improved Chapters

I made some small tweaks to the edit, minor stuff to some color, music blend and last improved lip syncs for Luke. But now it’s online and I have shared the link to everyone interested. I’m trying the new storage site suggested here on some thread. My test with the link failed once but the setting on free version says it should stay up “forever”. So let’s hope the link stays alive.

The Mandalorian - Improved Chapters


This thread is a place for telling about my modified chapters of the Mando series. For now there is only one:

Mandalorian S2.5/Chapter 16.5

This edit is a chapter of The Mandalorian 16.5, set between Seasons 2 and 3. It reunites Mando and Grogu on the Luke’s training planet by combining the mandalorian parts of Book of Boba Fett episodes 5,6 and modified shots of 7 into one episode. With this edit, BoBF can be skipped for those who thought that show just didn’t work. It was a baffling choice to put the reunion into a different show since it’s such a big plot point. 13 modified shots were needed to reunite Mando and Grogu. They go by pretty fast in the final footage. 😅 Some of these were more difficult than I thought initially, so I didn’t get this out before season 3 start as I planned. But this can help with re-watch marathons.

ALSO: No spoilers for Season 3 please! I’m trying to set aside some time to binge me some SW




4K shots of episode 7 were used to make some of the reunion footage. It had to be stabilized in AE because the original reunion happened on the moving cart. The resulting HD image is “zoomed in”. Also the motion blur caused problems on those shots. I had to replicate and delete some frames and animate stills into footage to reduce it’s effects. The result is not 100% authentic but close enough for my taste. Also some AI tools used to help with the result.

In the edit chapter 5 plays out as original on the ring world but the edits begin when landing on Tatoiine to build a custom Naboo N1 starfighter. Jawas are gone and jokes about dating them plus some other silliness that was easy to cut without extensive audio editing work. The test drive and the run-in with the x-wing “cops” continues straight to episode 6 footage and to the Luke’s planet.

The training scenes have been moved around. In the original Luke and Grogu leave the hilltop to go for a walk. When Ashoka takes Mando near them, they are back on the hilltop. In this edit Luke & Grogu start with running/ walking scenes and end up on a hilltop for Mando to see them. In the hut Luke doesn’t give Grogu a strict ultimatum to choose between armor shirt and saber, it’s implied that he just wants Grogu to understand that the training will dominate the jedi’s life and he won’t be seeing Mando much. Ashoka is a more strict one in this edit with the old jedi code. Luke also doesn’t offer Yoda’s saber to Grogu because giving a lethal energy blade weapon to a toddler is not wise teaching. He just shows it to him to give more motivation for training.

There is off course the question of what Mando is still doing on the planet after sent away by Ashoka. This is up to the viewer. Maybe he was still a little upset and was using the lively environment to relax or maybe took a nap on the bench made for him by the builder droids. 😉

There are also a couple of smaller changes:

-I cut Ashoka’s two fan service lines that require knowledge from the animated shows.

-Lighsaber colors for Luke’s and Yoda’s sabers are switched more to pure green from tealish color. Also the effect of lightsaber prop’s dim core is fixed to look like the old school effect:


-Grogu gets his order 66 PTS incident during Luke’s lighsaber training. That way it’s more fresh on viewer’s mind and plays into his choice in the hut to reunite with Mando.

-I modified the training remote to fire smaller lasers and recolored it more to the orange which was the remote’s laser color in ANH I believe. Also the first blast near Grogu is smaller and not in his face so much. The thought here is that Luke sets the remote to smallest setting to compensate for Grogu’s size.


Runtime: 1 h, 9 mins
File: MKV, contains MP4 video and 5.1 EAC3 and AC3- tracks
Size: 4,7 G

My other edits:

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Phantom-Menace-Improved-Edition-10-years-on-the-forum-edit-Released/id/91544

Avengers: Age of Ultron – Improved Edition : https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Avengers-Age-of-Ultron-Improved-Edition/id/65907

Prometheus - Improved edition: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Prometheus-Improved-edition-Released/id/68622

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 - Improved-Edition: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Vol-2-Improved-Edition-Released/id/73451

Iron Man 3 - Cut and Chromed Edition: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Iron-Man-3-Cut-and-Chromed-Edition-Released/id/87734

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

I agree with many of you, this show is amazing! Gilroy manages to expand the GFFA with new aspects and stories and make them interesting with great writing and the actors deliver with their performances. Tired, easy tropes are left in the background, we barely see x-wings, TIEs show up for a few moments and stormtroopers are in the background until the season finale. Gilroy not being a big SW fan really helped the show, as he probably had sort of a outsider eye for the whole thing. And they still have some hardcore fans in the production to make the world’s details match with what has come before. The fan service is organic and not in your face.

The first two episodes could probably have been edited down to one episode but otherwise I really liked the pacing too. This feels like a proper series it was developed as when comparing to Boba and Kenobi with their their six episode runs that still didn’t have enough plot (or it was stupid). This and The Mandalorian compete for the best SW tv, depending on the mood. Andor is way more original though and I have a big respect for it because of that.

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

hash_ak_gik said:

I was looking for the deleted scene of Duel of Fates when I found my way here.
Only to find that you guys have integrated all those deleted scenes into the actual movie!

Can you send me a link, please?

I sent you a PM, if you like to check out my edit. It only has shots of BTS footage of the fight that I added effects to. If you are after more shots of the fight in reactor room and other deleted scenes, then The Phantom Menace - Expanded Edition by Bobson Dugnutt might be for you. It has all the deleted scenes added to the movie.

The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

jkimm said:

Has anybody tried completing the deleted scene of Maul jumping onto the ship and getting knocked off during the desert duel?


Thanks for the reviews!

That extended fight on the ramp is even lower quality than dvd BTS footage despite being on Bluray extras. It’s so raw that it’s just not usable.

Deepfake Ideas - Index and Discussion

Master Lawdog said:

After some tinkering and training, I’ve officially given up on putting Samuel L. Jackson’s face onto the background fill-in. It would just be better to digitally map Jackson’s face onto him. I’m moving onto my planned Qui-Gon deepfake, which I may upload to my YouTube channel.

I tried tipping my toes into deepfaking to replace the double’s face for my edit. I think the algorithm doesn’t like faces far away in the picture. It managed to only generate a frame here and there. I ended up using those frames as reference for where the new face should be and just masked Samuel’s face to the shots using Ep2’s deleted scene for the face footage.