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The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Darth Muffy said:

MathisMando said:

Review live tonight - The Acolyte Corcoran Cut on Stay on Target Show
Tune in here tonight! They are going to review my fanedit The Acolyte Corcoran Cut sometime during their live! https://www.instagram.com/p/DA6FLJLO_OQ/?igsh=MXN0dmk3NGgxdHgxaQ==
Here is their Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@stayontarget
19h Eastern Time

Link Timestamped To The Acolyte Corcoran Cut Review:

Tx man! I put it elsewhere “timestamped” but forgot to come back here… Cheers!

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Another great take on my cut from KM_Carter :
She talks about editing as an author, and how it can change the storytelling.
She’s funny, her arguments about storytelling are brilliants, and she’s a cinephile.
You should look at her channel…
I’ll upload on Youtube an edit of my panel that I gave at Quebec Comiccon Saturday 12th, about fanediting… And after that I’ll unplug about my cut for a while!!! lol… Be patient…

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

TDS91939 said:

Such a shame the show failed, I didn’t think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be; which gave me mad anxiety. Soon as it came out I saw YouTubers and redditors rally to burning it as if LGBT was trying to do a mass take over, I’m glad I gave the show an open mind. I only just watched it a couple week ago? Sure it had problems but I don’t think it deserved the hate that it got.

You’re right. The show didn’t deserve all that hate, especially from the Youtubers (Saber Theory, Critical Drinker… ) Some was very harsh but with nuanced arguments… Because the show did have many issues, storywise and editing wise… The story was good though, but badly executed, like other shows that didn’T receive that much hate… 😦. I would have liked a second season too, to see where Q’mir goes from there with Plagueis…

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Next saturday October 12th, I will be presenting a panel at Québec Comiccon about fanediting, drawing from my experience as a faneditor of The Acolyte, which I dubbed The Acolyte Corcoran Cut. Why this practice exist, from when (The Phantom Edit will be discussed)? I will talk about storytelling, and what are the main changes I felt was necessary to make The Acolyte watchable. The panel will be presented in French though. https://www.comicconquebec.com/en/marcato_workshop/une-petite-histoire-du-fanedit-lexemple-the-acolyte-corcoran-cut-2/

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

rfry11 said:

This is a final, workable movie pulled out of what feels like a mismanaged and confused project. Couple of thoughts:

-Sol’s narrative is specific and yet loose at the same time, and the final climactic scene with him works and doesn’t work. He wants absolution and forgiveness so bad he will help start his padawan down the path to the dark side? Obviously this is a failing of the source material, but you’ve done a great job centering the narrative around him

-I think you lean into the narrative idea that all 4 Jedi feel guilty about what happened with the Coven and with Mae, but once we get to the scene that shows the storming of the coven it kind of just falls flat. We’re supposed to go from hunting pacifist Jedi to watching them be murderers but it never quite gets to that part. I wonder if displaying these events more chronologically would give more weight to what Mae is doing and her turn from the dark side but this is also the story that was produced. Sol is the ultimate villain, everyone else was just collateral damage.

-You mentioned an upscaled version, I would be interested in that. The video quality is good, about 7-8/10, but this series uses haze and smoke a lot and I found the bitrate struggling with those effects at times, especially early in the video.

Thank you so much for having taking the time to share your thoughts here! You’re right about the failings of the source material, and that’s why I didn’t want to lean too much on Mae’s motivational arc VS Osha, which in the series doesn’t work at all… I mean, when sol is killed force choked… After that the sisters crying in each other’s arm falls flat for me… I didn’t care for them, I just wanted it to be finished, but it still takes 12-15 minutes before the credits roll! So yes, Sol motivations are still blurry but he is convinced until the very end that he did the right thing… And that is what mainly informed my proposition with the tagline “Noble intentions with dire consequences” He is not bad, he sincerely thought the girls were in danger, then they defended themselve against Korril… and the mysty Mother… It is all circumstantial events one after another, culmulating into a mess! And I think that, we all kinda experienced that sort of situation, as human being, at least once in our lives… Where I found it difficult, was to attenuate the feeling that Sol could have told Osha what really happen earlier… We often found him telling Osha “I’ll explain” “I’ll explain” “when we get to the ship I’ll explain”. Damn… So I cut down those moments to the minimum…

Overall you’ve done a great job, your editing made this series watchable. The length of the series is just so silly considering the story that they are telling.
Yep too long, it should have been a movie in the first place!!
Thanks again!!!

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

jquux said:

GLogus said:

This was a great edit. I think the message of the source material is quite flawed, but your edit still managed to emphasize the strengths of this show. Great work.

My thoughts exactly. This edit is well paced and does as good a job with the source material as could be. Thank you!

Thank you!!!
It sums up quite well the result I intended. 😉

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

GLogus said:

This was a great edit. I think the message of the source material is quite flawed, but your edit still managed to emphasize the strengths of this show. Great work.

Thank you!! That’s why keeping the narrative on Sol, and what’s at stake for him, is more interesting than spending too much time with the twins’ whose arcs are quite simple and predictable…

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Hey there! tx for your feedback. At this stage it definitively is a picture lock though. I put some thought through all the feedbacks I’ve received during the last weeks and try to see the one that apply, regarding my angle and my style of editing. I’d like to react to your points below though 😉

Just watched v2 and I’d like to give some feedback before I write a formal review elsewhere:

  • I would have removed the brief line where Sol reveals that Torbin killed himself with the poison. I think it’s better to leave this up to viewer interpretation because in this edit he is not the one entirely at fault for storming the coven, so he shouldn’t feel that guilty. Perhaps even remove the brief mention that he hasn’t spoken to anybody in 10 years. Heck, they even blame Mae for killing him later on, so it’s just a really random line at this point.

Good point. That might be a subtle change without promoting it in the future, when I output an upscale version with subtitles! lol - like Lucas did several times!!!

  • The lines from Mother Anasaya over when Osha has the helmet on feel out of place. Silence works better here because of the similarities to Darth Vader’s breathing.

Agree to disagree. ;-p I “did wanted” to get rid of the similarities with Vader, and give a sense of purpose or intention slowly burgeoning in Osha’s psyche…

  • The line “What did I do?” from Mae in the ending appears to have been chopped off abruptly.

It suits me fine, to my ears, and others’. But I get your point. We are biased by the fact that we know the series, almost by heart, and it plays against our expectation. People who haven’t watch the series and watch my cut didn’t seem to bother at that moment…

  • The ending could use some touch ups. Without any prior knowledge of the show, it appears that Osha and Quimir betrayed her sister and mind wiped her without her consent. Was this your intention? It just feels weird that they are crying in each other’s arms a second before Osha abandons her like this.

It is left for interpretation indeed, but this scene needed to be cut down, since Sol is dead, we don’t really care about the twins. However, during the interview I put back a shot where Mae nods giving her consent… If you blink you don’t see it! lol. And I love to play with “show and don’t tell” principle, and then let the viewer play along.

  • As an aside, your change also makes the mind wiping ability incredibly overpowered, since it assumably could work on anybody. The idea that the person has to accept the memory manipulation is the only reason it was believable originally imo.

Q’mir is overpowered in this show… hahaha… And I kept the lines where Q’mir makes allusion to mind wipe during his first encounter with Sol.

Other than those things, I think this was a solid movie. The show is something I’d never rewatch again, but your edit has proven to me that there is a watchable movie buried within it.

Thank you man! The story of The Acolyte is interesting, and adds to the lore just fine! But the execution is not! Editing is where we can rewrite the “storytelling” - it is the third step after the writing, the shooting…

Looking forward to read your formal review! ;-p Tx!!

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

FYI - Alterations done on V2 vs 1.4:

Color grading; to get rid of the “washed out” image (as best as I could);

Opening crawl text added;

All the links between Vernestra and Q’mir, that was suppose to set up S2, cut;

I have also tweaked the sound (it was clipping on a few places and there was a unintentionnal repeted audio gasp from a character during the intro),

I let some breather at the beginning of some shots. Ex:

1- when Sol goes back to Brendok: now we can see the fortress, pan left towards Sol’ ship.

2- Then before the credits, the ship takes 2 secondes longer to enter the shot - before Plagueis:-)

“Mathismando” added as faneditor on the first slate

A surprise post-credit sequence… Not Yoda.

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut V2 FINAL - and NEW procedure to see it

Hey everyone, it has been a great ride. That was my first incursion in the fanedit community. Your feedback, comments, word of support and positive reviews (WOW!) were more then I could expect. I felt welcomed, you’re great folks, thank you all! Keep it up! Although I’ve learned a lot using Resolve - I knew already this software but working on something tangible contributed to reenforce my knowledge - now I must get back to my day to day duties, teaching and my other movie projects. I enjoyed so much this venture, that I might come back next year. I’ve always wanted to tackle the Ahsoka series (which I love by the way, for its well assumed space fantasy imagery!), something is still off with that one, pacing wise.

Much much later (for The Acolyte), I might provide .srt files for subtitles - by Christmas (French and English). Transforming the actual stereo mix to 5.1 surround would also be a great improvement. Finally, an upscale 4K, but all that much much later, maybe even next year…

I changed the way to distribute it (the master file will no longer be available).
I will not respond to public request on the thread (no pun) anymore.
I might respond in the private chat, by asking you to write me at my gmail address…
NOW YOU MUST write to me personnally at this email:

Don’t forget to leave a review on Reddit/fanedits, or on Moviesremastered.com
My fanedit page: https://www.moviesremastered.com/movieinfo.php?id=10773

Thank you again for your support!! Peace! And May the Love for Star Wars be forever with You!


The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

honestabe said:

I have not personally watched anything related to the Acolyte yet. However, as I skimmed through some of the changes for the edits of the show, I noticed only the editor Movies Remastered made any hardcore visual and audio edits.

Did you ever consider incorporating some of those into your own (with proper credit provided)?

I would need to see their cut… It’s tough to get our hands on a copy, we must be on discord… I hate that platform… But, as a screenwriter, editor, I tried to keep my head on the storyflow only, and making it not look nor sound like a “patchwork”. So there won’t be any hardcore modifications, as my only goal was to transform the original material into something enjoyable to watch, with a better pacing, storywise, emotionaly too, … However I’m thinking about removing something in my last shot, it would need some compositing work though which I’m not too familiar with…

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Jar Jar Bricks said:

MathisMando said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I’m assuming you will be removing the Yoda cameo? I’d be wary of removing the Plagueis cameo, because at least that explains how Quimir and Osha are screwed.

And the link between Vernestra and Q’mir doesn’t make sense now in a standalone story… it was setting up season 2…

Their link does go at least a little ways in explaining why Vernestra would want to cover up the whole thing. It’s her own failure that she doesn’t want to confront. But I do agree that it was sequel bait. Perhaps you could just tweak the scene between Mae and her concerning going after him? So it’s more of thing she wants absolutely nothing to do with going forward?

I suppose her cover up could work as a way to preserve the entire Jedi Order’s reputation, still.

Yep, you’re right. I’ll think about that. I have an idea but I must get back, again… into it! lol…
Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to let some breadcrumbs… I was thinking to remove Vernestra on Brendok who says “You!!” then cut Q’mir puting his helmet back… that part implies heavily that they know each other… If there is no follow up this serves nothing storywise…

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

hinventon said:

Sad that Disney canceled it, I really liked seeing a different time period and some new characters. I would definitely keep Plagueis and cut Yoda. Maybe you can cut Osha saying she will try to find her sister at the end. I would also fix that doubled knife audio in the beginning fight.

Would you consider adding a classic star wars crawl? The pan down to the surface may be hard since the text is over top of the pan, but maybe a new planet shot could be created to pan down from. Can’t wait for the new version!

Yep, it is sad. But As I wrote elsewhere, the story is good, but the execution is lacking, Disney and Lucasfilm just can’t greenlight a S2 to the same creative team. I wouldn’t be surprise though that Q’mir and Plagueis come back later… They are canon after all! I like what I did with Osha at the end, to “suggest” with short flashback shots why Mae lost her memory… I’ll cut Yoda… I’ll also try to do something with that last shot…
And yes… when you told about the doubled knife audio, it was the first modification I did for the V1.5! lol… I was just waiting for other ajustments, to make the work of a new output worth its while!! lol

The Acolyte Corcoran Cut

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I’m assuming you will be removing the Yoda cameo? I’d be wary of removing the Plagueis cameo, because at least that explains how Quimir and Osha are screwed.

You’re right. Yoda out. But Plagueis is cool just before the credits roll indeed, for the reason you mention. 😃. And the link between Vernestra and Q’mir doesn’t make sense now in a standalone story… it was setting up season 2…