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Show us the Death Star II construction

One of the things that has bugged me a bit has been the protracted construction of the Death Star. It was once described as a “deadly countdown,” and I find that makes it an interesting story device. Nevertheless, the length of time it takes to build it is rather remarkable, and makes the construction of the DS II less believable. But as we are having more and more stories come out at different phases of the Star Wars timeline, something occurs to me: what if we had a story that took place between ANH and TESB or TESB and ROTJ? If timed right, it could be another heist story involving Bothans, but it could even take place prior to this. It could merely reveal the profundity of S.R. Hadden’s (from Sagan’s Contact) statement:

“First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?”

It could merely represent the first discovery that the Empire had already begun construction on a second Death Star before the first was even operational.

I dunno, maybe it’s a stupid idea. But it just struck me as an interesting thought and the possible setup of some additional interquel stories on Disney+.


Chase Adams said:

My vote would be against the inclusion of the Imperial March in ANH:R. Personally I find it overused enough in Star Wars stuff as is. The little motif given to the Empire throughout ANH is far better anyway, and doesn’t get enough recognition honestly. I would hate to see it missing from any scenes in the film. Each Star Wars film’s soundtrack generally has its own unique feel to it, at least to me. I associate the Imperial March much more strongly with the later two instalments of the trilogy… Hard to articulate into words exactly, but it just would feel out of place.

I do love the Imperial Theme in ANH, but I have a different preference than you, where I’d rather see it more in TESB and ROTJ. For example, the aforementioned arrival of the Emperor on the Death Star II would be a cool place to reference the original Imperial Theme with a similar time as that used when the Falcon is pulled into the first Death Star!


sade1212 said:

I’d be in favour of a little Imperial March, if done tastefully. Echoing the sentiments of many others, if I wanted to watch the 1977 theatrical Star Wars with minimal revisionism, I’d load up 4K77; this project doesn’t need to be that.

Yes, it doesn’t have to be bombastic. Just something subtle, primarily when Vader arrives on the Tantive IV would be sufficient.


exitzero said:

It’s Imperial March not Darth Vader’s theme song. The Imperial March is in Episode 2,3, Rogue one and even Solo: A Star Wars story. In episode 6 it’s used when the Emperor arrives at the Death Star. Playing the Imperial March for the Revisited’s grand reveal of the Death Star is fitting. That being said, Rogue One Death Star music is fine. Whatever Adywan thinks is best for the scene.

I think the fact that it was played subtly and gently at Vader’s death speaks volumes of its association with him.


EddieDean said:

I’m in favour of the inclusion of the Imperial March. This project has often called itself ‘what the special editions should have been’. They’ve never been particularly purist; they’ve been about bringing up the originals to a lovely, more modern standard. Vader in ANH was a lesser villain, yes, but his character was more striking than Lucas anticipated on ANH’s release, so much so that the saga from that point grew around him. Whether or not Lucas/Williams paired Vader with the Imperial March on his first appearance, the two are now paired. It’s entirely appropriate that a project that seeks to polish the original trilogy pair the two in ANH retroactively.

This is exactly how I feel.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Regarding Sam’s suit…


Can I just say that if I were gifted a really cool but inherently dangerous flight suit made of vibranium, one of the toughest metals on earth, I would want it to cover more than, you know, everything but the head. Just sayin’.



I didn’t feel like Walker was given a pass. Personally, I felt the government stripped him of his right to represent the U.S., but as he, Sam, and Bucky had a common goal, they united in the end. Meanwhile, he was being courted by Val, a woman of questionable motives. In the comics, she is titled Lady HYDRA. Walker feels legitimized and patriotic, but he is heading down a dark path.

I only know this from reading nerd articles; I had no idea who she was before her appearance.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Tobar said:

Marvel Studios’ Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings - Official Teaser

That really was an awesome trailer! I didn’t know anything about Shang-Chi, but I just thought it was another kung fu movie and I wasn’t interested. Admittedly, my knowledge of the source material is very weak. But that trailer really looks awesome and has me excited!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Yes, from what I understand, the Raimi trilogy, the Webb duology, and the Homecoming films will all make their way to Disney+. I love the Spider-man movies (Amazing Spider-man less) and am eager to have them all available on a single streaming service!

I am also very eager to see Homecoming 3, whatever it will be called. I usually steer clear of the movie rumor mill, but this one has me engrossed and excited!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Though I don’t participate much in conversations on the main board anymore, I really wanted to pitch in with this. I have come to love the MCU, perhaps more than Star Wars (heresy, I know)! Wandavision was amazing and I am looking forward to the last episode of The Falcon and Winter Soldier. Admittedly, the movies can only do so much character development, but these series have the ability to explore the characters so much more thoroughly!

But the real reason I came to this thread today was to share this news:


I am glad that Sony and Disney have been able to peacefully share Spider-man since Tom Holland pushed them to compromise after their last squabble in 2019. Now, they have come to a new deal and I look forward to Spidey content coming to Disney+! I just love this shared universe!

Now all we need is Universal to share the standalone Hulk rights!

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Hey, I should apologize to you. While I feel it is good to encourage you to say things differently, I was pretty rude about it. I’m sorry.

I specialize in mental health, but I have only read a few of your posts and didn’t realize you struggled with mental health issues. I should show you more kindness and patience.

If I can offer you a piece of heartfelt advice, don’t let your mental illness define you you this way. It may make it easier to think such negative thoughts, but you have the power to change such thoughts!

I appreciate your effort to be more optimistic, and I promise I will try to do better in helping you with your struggles!

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I hate it when people are too simple-minded to consider historical context for events of the past.

I hate it when people today judge people of the past by today’s standards.

I hate it when people don’t consider how the future might look upon the present day with condemnation, and if today’s people could only speak to those future judges, they would try to explain how we were just trying to navigate our way through the world based on our limited understanding.

I hate it when people think entirely in black and white, either/or, all-good or all-bad.

I hate it when people use excessive foul language.

I hate it when someone has to make the majority of their forum posts something dramatic and/or self-pitying in what seems to be an obnoxious attempt to get attention.

I hate it when someone paints Europeans, whites, or Christians as the only perpetrators of evil in this world.

I hate it when people use the word “rape” to add weight to lousy arguments about how horrible things are without considering the real horror that rape is and how it cheapens its meaning when it is misapplied.

I hate it when those who proclaim to hate haters can still be so preoccupied with hating them.

I like having a place to come and complain, as well as reading others’ complaints, but I hate having to read the rants of individuals who feel the bulk of the thread should be dedicated to their own hyperbolic griping about everything.

I do hate racism and think it has caused a lot of evil in this world. I am deeply saddened by the evil that has been committed in the past by racists, supposed Christians, and so forth, but I also hate the similar crimes committed by other groups throughout human history, such as the Islamic conquest of Northern Africa and the Middle East.

I understand that people are ultimately simpletons, and that only the collective learning of the entirety of humanity over millennia will lead us to avoid the evils of the past. We don’t have to celebrate past genocides and such, but we can also accept that the people of the day didn’t understand all that humans do today, nor do we have to hate those of the past for their ignorance. I understand that most religions (and even atheist societies), peoples, and political ideologies have had extremely militaristic iterations at some point or other throughout history, have conquered and destroyed other peoples and cultures, and that it doesn’t do much good to pin all the world’s evil on a particular group. Such broad strokes are just another form of bigotry, after all. I like to recognize that no one in this world is completely bad, but also that no one is completely good, and that we all have room for improvement. I believe that as humans collectively learn to love and accept one another more, even learning to love those who may have done some pretty horrible things in their past, that we will eventually become a better race of beings and will all live happier lives.

I actually enjoy eating most fish, especially fried filet on a bun from Burger King!

The &quot;Name that Movie/TV Show I Can't Name&quot; Thread

darth_ender said:

I remember when I was rather young, I saw a small fragment of some movie my older siblings were watching. Bear in mind that, as I describe it, some of it is only what I remember my brother telling me about it. It may be misremembered, I may be conflating things, he may have been teasing an impressionable little kid, but I will relay to you what I seem to recall him telling me, as well as the brief scene I actually witnessed.

Possible background:

My brother told me that this movie takes place on a planet that orbits several (seven? ten? can’t remember) stars, and as a result, they only experience night every few centuries. Knowing that another night is pending, the people become frightened, for none of them has ever lived through night. In order to avoid this upcoming horror, a woman elects to go through some ritual where…

I remember seeing this:

…a mask is placed over her face, leaving only her eyes exposed. She is laid upon a bed, next to where two birds are perched. With a man apparently leading the ritual and a crowd looking on, the birds begin to peck her eyes out! She moans and cries, but eventually, the dreadful deed is done, her mask removed by the assistants, and she is seated up, eyelids open, empty sockets exposed.

Imagine how this frightened a young boy. The movie seemed to have generally earthly technology and clothing, even possibly ancient in appearance, and the people looked very human, making me doubt my remembered background. It looks like it was probably filmed in the 70s or maybe 80s, but I can’t say that with certainty either. Any ideas? Or is the whole thing a concocted memory?

I finally figured out what movie this is: Nightfall, a low budget adaptation of an Isaac Asimov story. My memories were not flawless, but I am surprised how much I got right.
