canofhumdingers said:
I’m a historical purist. Give me all films (not just Star Wars) as they were seen by audiences in their original theatrical runs, warts and all. If there are multiple versions (like the 70mm vs 35mm ESB), include both so I watch each version. If there are later re-edited special editions or director’s cuts or whathaveyou, include those too. Film history is important and various iterations of a film should be properly preserved and made available to anyone who wishes to see them.
As for the original Star Wars Trilogy, I prefer the 4KXX versions both because they are the highest quality restorations (official or not) and, more importantly, they are the most “pure”. Meaning they are sourced as much as humanly possible from original, pre-special edition, film prints. They aren’t reconstructions that try to mimic the original (as amazing as Harmy’s work has been), they ARE the original. But, of course, 4K80 isn’t complete yet…
So yeah, I definitely prefer the original cuts to any version of the SE. But if I’m going to watch an SE, I don’t mind the ‘97 or the brand new ‘19 versions. The 2005 dvd and 2011(?) blu ray versions are pure and utter garbage that I’ll never watch.
Im totally understanding. However they did the almost thing to Blade Runner although it is good in some respects I still do like the original version better even if it does have the narration over it and I like the original ending better as well