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SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) - Is this a concern?

The SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) bill is trying to be passed again.

The bill states that "all websites containing media that refers to or is owned by a company that hasn’t given its permission for the media to be displayed can and will be shut down. This means sites such as Tumblr, Wattpad, Pinterist, fanfiction.com.

People who post such media can and will be fined, with a maximum sentence of five years in prison. This includes, but is not limited to, people who own/post the following: fanfiction, fan art, roleplay blogs, fan blogs/accounts and movie streaming sites.

The legislation would allow copyright holders and the Justice Department to seek court orders against websites associated with copyright infringement. SOPA, the House version, applies to both domestic and foreign websites, while PIPA targets foreign websites. If that court order is granted, the entire website would be taken down. Internet users who typed in the site’s URL address would receive an error message, and for all appearances, the site would never have existed. Importantly, the court does not need to hear a defense from the actual website before issuing its ruling. The entire website can be condemned without a trial or even a traditional court hearing."

Is this something to be concerned about for the future of fan edits?

Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back Master Tapes on Ebay.

SilverWook said:

After Lucasfilm somehow lost the original Death Star miniature, (it eventually found it's way into the hands of a fan) nothing really surprises me anymore.

Aren't the masters for the other Max Rebo Band songs still missing?

At least one Max Rebo song exists in some form because its on the Star Wars Soundboard in the Jabba's Palace section.