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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Just while we're on the topic of Dagobah, one thing that always bugged me was when the X-Wing lands on ground after Yoda force-levitates it out of the swamp. Its motion when landing (that is, when we see the very front of the X-Wing descend and Luke run up to it and pat it with his hand) seems too fake, too plasticy, too overly-obvious that some guys off screen are just plonking a big model down on the ground. Mind you, I don't know if anything can really be done to alter the motion of the X-Wing here to make it seem a bit more 'heavy', but some food for thought nonetheless.

Colour correction looking great, by the by!
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
You know, as I was typing my original post, I was thinking that fading out Ben's ghost on Hoth would be a neat touch. Then again, ChainsawAsh and Teharri raised valid points - Leia doesn't see the ghosts right in front of her on Endor, and so it follows logically that Han wouldn't be able to see Ben in a snowy haze and from a distance.

But would it possibly give the interaction with Ben and Luke more closure if the ghost faded away before Han rides through it on the Tauntaun? In Empire, Ben is not one to linger - he dissapears when Luke's X-Wing takes off from Dagobah and shrouds the area in shadow, then when the shadow clears, Ben is gone but continues to talk to Yoda disembodied. So it could also tie in with the flighty nature of the Force Ghost.

Look at me getting really sucked into this! Eitherway, Adywan, I'm glad (and yet unsurprised) to hear you were already planning away with regards to the Force Ghosts, and I'm sure the finished product will be great!
STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
Hey, I'm new to the forum (and was new to the whole notion of fan edits until I stumbled upon 'revisited'). In fact, I never post on forums, but as an anally retentive Star Wars fan who really digs this project, I felt compelled to post on this one.

All of the edits are fantastic and I have complete faith in the direction this is going in - the changes aren't just cosmetic, but also serve to improve the films in terms of plot, tone and theme, which is something the SE changes didn't do. Literally, every niggle I had with the films is being eradicated, one by one.

From reading the thread, I gather there's a kind of cooperative, brain storm thing going on, with people putting their own ideas for the edit forward (and some really great ideas too! I loved the talk about the Wampa and regaining its mystique, and the windows of Cloud City and how the removal of some would heighten the tense atmosphere in this part).

But one thing that's not been discussed as much as other things, although I'm sure the editor has no doubt already thought about it, is the Obi-Wan-Force-Ghost visual effect used in Empire and Jedi. In the same way as there should be visual continuity with the Emperor Hologram, I would love it if all instances of Obi-Wan appearing as a Force Ghost could be unified, with a constant, stable look.

If I'm thinking right, Obi-Wan on Hoth appears just as himself, but transparrent (no glow or blueness), and on Dagobah he isn't as transparrent, but has a thick, glowy blue line around his body, and in Jedi he is semi-transparrent, and is made up entirely of a faint blue glow. If the 'Blue-Force-Ghost' effect at the end of Jedi could be applied to all instances, that would be just gravy with me!

Cheers, and keep up the good work!