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A place for self reflection.

ray_afraid said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

I was looking over an issue of National Geographic and was suddenly swept back to about four or five years old.

I’m callin’ bullshit.

I was looking over THE COVER of an issue…

I didn’t have the stomach to look inside and felt anyone who did want to after seeing the cover photo should be arrested.

I did read the sick BS attempts at rationalization for what they were doing.

If the whole thing wasn’t so COMPLETELY REVOLTING, I’d be curious to know how and why an INSANE and PURELY DEPRAVED little gang of Satanic social engineers would do this.

A place for self reflection.

I was looking over an issue of National Geographic and was suddenly swept back to about four or five years old…

I had been watching Star Trek re-runs and other space related cartoons and shows. I had spaceship models and other toys in my room. This was part of my play and imagination.

Somehow, I’d gotten the idea into my tender head that I could be, in some way, a space alien or from aliens. I imagined different scenarios for how this could be possible and why I wasn’t being told. I was seriously TRYING to believe this and it had gotten to the point of upsetting me.

Finally, after several weeks, I decided all the evidence was against it and it had to stop. There was no intense physical, emotional, or psychological forces involved to sustain it. There wasn’t the most intense physical force in human existence, at least 10,000 times more powerful than the next most powerful drive, present in the idea. There were no adults jumping in and anxiously trying to reinforce it. I decided to stop, and the whole experience left me with a quite skeptical disposition towards the ridiculous things people will try to believe.

When I was 10-12, my grandparents, who were certainly not wealthy people, had given me a couple of expensive subscriptions to National Geographic magazine for Christmas and birthday. One of the few highlights in the otherwise dreary period in my life was retrieving my latest issue from my father’s confiscation and pouring over the beautiful photographs and fascinating articles. I kept my stack at the ready in the front of my closet for the many reviews. It was all very special to me.

Today, when I see the famous yellow border, a wave of revulsion sweeps over me and I have a vision of the publishers, editors, and journalists being frog-marched in shackles to a large prison cell where they can spend the rest of their lives doing to each-other what they were, with the most vile and evil child pornography, encouraging vulnerable youths to do to themselves.

Ask the member of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church AKA Interrogate the Catholic ;)

If youths will do three things, stay off of drugs and alcohol, do not have children out of wedlock, and graduate from high school, the chances of them becoming trapped in poverty is reduced to nearly nil.

The course of action is obvious, every church and school and family must make an all-out push to prevent these pathologies.

Instead, the liberals and progressives fanatically protect the welfare state and the failed public school system and do little other than promote behaviors that entrap while encouraging hatred for the conservatives who seek an end to the cultural and personal devastation.

Joining in unity means accepting the dictates of these enlightened betters in their entirety. Any one who does less is a evil monster who deserves to suffer until death.

It all comes down to the psychopathy of Moral Narcissism. There is The Way of True Law. But holding to Law requires a complete surrender of personal willfulness. The progressive has no power to determine what should be “right”. UNDERNEATH IT ALL, PEOPLE KNOW. the progressive knows that right is entirely beyond them. And yet, they themselves MUST be right and all MUST BOW to their transcendent rectitude. This generates tremendous Cognitive Dissonance that throws these liberal dears into fits of HATRED for the people who recognize that they are viciously and stupidly INSANE.

This catastrophic insanity is perfectly represented by the ‘Living Document’ right of Popes to loose and bind AS THEY SEE FIT. Peter, AND NO ONE OTHER THAN PETER, was given special authority as Judge over the founding of the Church because he was to receive such a strong and miraculous indwelling of the Spirit that he could not violate The Word. 2000 years later, the most viciously depraved homosexuals on the planet claim the right to substitute their own wills. But the Popes must be so far gone that they don’t suffer dissonance. It’s purely about their sick jollies to deceive and expand their power.

Ask the member of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church AKA Interrogate the Catholic ;)

In Babylon, they were all unified under Nimrod with one purpose and program. Isn’t there much to be said for division? If one group strays, they are not taking all the others with them.

There are many different offices in The True Church, some are Prophets, Bishops, Deacons, Language experts, Teachers, Healers… Why must the local congregations be exactly uniform?

Could they be one under The Logos while diverse in other respects?

Conservatives are demonized as uncaring. I would contend that it is precisely the opposite. To care for others means to honestly recognize what lifts people out of destructive conditions and to courageously hold to those principles in the face of all the hatred they inevitably receive from the enlightened ones. Moral Narcissists will feed the poor for a day and prance around with great superiority thereafter.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

From the article…

Many who do not file tax returns still have taxes deducted from their pay checks. Out of that $11.64 billion total, undocumented immigrants pay $6.9 billion in sales and excise taxes, $3.6 billion in property taxes and about $1.1 billion in personal income taxes. ITEP estimated that if America’s 11 million undocumented immigrants were granted citizenship allowing them to work legally, current state and tax contributions would be boosted by over $2.1 billion a year.

How do they get taxes deducted from illegal pay checks? How do fill out tax withholdings forms without a social security number? Also aren’t a lot paychecks to illegal immigrants done under the table, via cash?

I have no problem believing state and tax contriibutions would be boosted by a lot if they were legalized.

I am more interested in the reverse… how would an undocumented worker ever get a refund on their taxes withheld, such as for legitimate work expenses? One article I read said that the average effective state and local tax rate for undocumented workers is 8%, whereas it is only 5.4% for the top 1% of all taxpayers. Another article said that it is likely that the majority of undocumented workers each paid more taxes last year than did Donald Trump.

They don’t pay a fraction of what they cost US taxpayers in welfare, health care, education for their children, criminal justice expenses, the expenses of the US citizens displaced in the job market…

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Then there is the National Security/Foreign Relations spectrum…

Some strange bedfellows.

On the left extreme is the NWO totalitarian global state. To the right extreme is borderless defenseless anarchy.

Degrees of disarmament----Conservatives–Degrees of New Order regional/global imperialism

The right extreme is occupied by anarcho-socialists AND anarcho-capitalists. They want the same effect for different reasons. They pretend to believe that little or nothing is adequate and there is no reason for borders. The Libertarians are blind adherents to their ideology, and the anarcho-socialists are intensely depraved surrender monkeys who will sell their own families into the most horrifying totalitarianism in exchange for the hope that they will be allowed to participate in the festivities. UNDERNEATH IT ALL, they all know this is COMPLETELY TWISTED AND INSANE STUPIDITY.

Moving towards the center we have degrees of inadequate defenses and engagement. People who pretend to know and believe that too little is plenty good enough. The only response to this is "Well, when you become a Bird Colonel or Rear Admiral, your confidence in your own judgement might be something better than TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED.

To the left of center we have increasing degrees of dedication to establishing some grand regional/global New Order. This is TOTAL INSANITY.

Caught in the middle, as usual, are the conservatively minded people. People who recognize that, until The Second Coming, we will have to provide defenses and policies which are definitely adequate to protect vital interests and stop global predators from running wild or gaining WMD.

The horizontal Ideological spectrums have at the central point the least evil humans can achieve with increasing degrees of cruel stupidity to the left and right. >.<

The vertical Actual spectrum has an inverted pyramid for Rule by True Law to Rule by depraved men.

Econo-Fascism, national or globalist, is the right-wing of the Left-wing.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree with the criticism, but I wouldn’t call it fascism. That’s a word that is getting thrown around far too much.

The question is, will Trump and co really try to break out of the establishment. It’s clear that the population has been deliberately divided 50/50 and deliberately left with nothing but a need to turn on each other in the case of a great shock to the system from any number of possible sources.

Bush, Baker, and Pence and the Super Bowl. WOW! White, supposedly Protestant, apparently heterosexual males trotted out in front of 110 million viewers.

Back to the political spectrums…

                       THE HUMAN OPTIMUM (total enslavement to True Law)

TOTALITARIANISM (total enslavement to the will of men)

The reason the Republican Establishment and it’s phony conservative Judas Goats HATE their own base so much is because they are what is left of the Private Oligarchical impulse combined with traitorous Econo-Fascist “Progressive” globalists. This is why they have no problem helping promote Cultural Marxism with private libertine Libertarianism. It is also why they will take on enormous debt, for debt together with the remains of the Lawful Marketplace is what fuels Econo-Fascism.

The modern American Conservative Movement was a Western/Midwestern based break with the East Coast based Establishment RINOs.

[fill in the blank] Just Died!

SilverWook said:

… I was really impressed by his efforts to revive the show. With what a reinvigorated Star Wars franchise rakes in, I’d bet Universal wishes they had gone with his concept now.

Now Universal could take inspiration. I’d bet a stream series that captured the spirit of the first season would do well with scifi fans.

I was a big fan as a kid.


Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Since it’s not possible to put too fine a point on this…

The spectrums I wrote of were skewed to the econo-political more than socio/socio-political.

People think in terms of “freedom” v oppression without understanding human freedom.

Freedom from one’s own and another’s tyranny requires TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT to natural True Law. Freedom from True Law is TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT to the depravity of men, INCLUDING ones own evil/destructiveness.

This is the Libertarian error with regard to morality and personal conduct.

With this in mind, the Actual(vertical) and the two Ideological(horizontal) spectrums


////////////////////////////////////////// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Econo right-wing= private oligarchs control the politicians, leftwing= politicals control everything.

Private Oligarchy slants downward because it’s difficult for them to attain totalitarian conditions.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

DominicCobb said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

ferris209 said:

I really don’t understand the point from either side, the whining of the Trumpets, or the gloating about the smaller crowd by the anti-Trumpers.

Logic and common sense can naturally deduce the myriad of reasons for a smaller crowd in 2017 vs 2009.

First, Obama was the first black President, or half-black President to be precise, so his inauguration was a far more historical event than the average inauguration. This tends to bring in more looky-loos.

Second, Washington D.C. is located in a heavily Democrat city (you can tell by the high crime rate and high level of poverty). Additionally, the area also has a high number of black residents, so naturally the crowd will be bigger seeing that it’s far easier for these folks to get to the inauguration than it is for Mid-Western Republicans.

Third, there was rioting, violence, and all kinds of civil disorder occurring throughout the city in 2017, so a lot of people who might have attended decided against it in order to avoid personal harm or risk. This wasn’t a factor in 2009 because I don’t recall any Conservative groups trashing Washington on the election of Obama.

Fourth, and let’s just face the facts, Dems have a much better ground game in that they tend to spend way more money on making crowds look bigger at major events. They put a larger focus on collecting funds to bus people in and put people up in hotels that otherwise wouldn’t go. Republicans , for whatever reason, just don’t tend to do this and tend to have a “if they want to come, they’ll find a way” attitude. I know I do.

So, in conclusion, who should really care what the crowd looked like. I know I don’t, so far I’ve personally been impressed with some of what Trump as done. I have no clue if he’ll screw up, if he’ll be magnificent, or if he’ll just be meh. Who really knows, and anyone who claims to know is speaking through pure bias.

Sixth, security was reportedly considerably tighter because conservatives don’t riot when they don’t get their way (they sat still for eight years of that fraud “Barry Hussein”, and the demented lefties can’t make it 24 hours.) It was reportedly more difficult and time-consuming to be screened to enter the central parts of the mall.

I’d say it’s very important. The lefties are trying to whip-up chaos. The more they feel supported, the more they will agitate and destabilize.

Though I suppose these images bring warm feelings to your fucked up, bigoted heart.

Anyway, millions protested today. As far as I’ve read there wasn’t a single arrest.

I’d bet good money the first two images are ‘Westboro Baptist’ type agitprop for their ‘Two Minute Hates’. The last two couldn’t be more reasonable.

These demonstrations were agitated with the suggestion that Trump would be “delegitimized” before taking the oath. It’s all about extreme destabilization and pitting half the nation against the other half.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

ferris209 said:

I really don’t understand the point from either side, the whining of the Trumpets, or the gloating about the smaller crowd by the anti-Trumpers.

Logic and common sense can naturally deduce the myriad of reasons for a smaller crowd in 2017 vs 2009.

First, Obama was the first black President, or half-black President to be precise, so his inauguration was a far more historical event than the average inauguration. This tends to bring in more looky-loos.

Second, Washington D.C. is located in a heavily Democrat city (you can tell by the high crime rate and high level of poverty). Additionally, the area also has a high number of black residents, so naturally the crowd will be bigger seeing that it’s far easier for these folks to get to the inauguration than it is for Mid-Western Republicans.

Third, there was rioting, violence, and all kinds of civil disorder occurring throughout the city in 2017, so a lot of people who might have attended decided against it in order to avoid personal harm or risk. This wasn’t a factor in 2009 because I don’t recall any Conservative groups trashing Washington on the election of Obama.

Fourth, and let’s just face the facts, Dems have a much better ground game in that they tend to spend way more money on making crowds look bigger at major events. They put a larger focus on collecting funds to bus people in and put people up in hotels that otherwise wouldn’t go. Republicans , for whatever reason, just don’t tend to do this and tend to have a “if they want to come, they’ll find a way” attitude. I know I do.

So, in conclusion, who should really care what the crowd looked like. I know I don’t, so far I’ve personally been impressed with some of what Trump as done. I have no clue if he’ll screw up, if he’ll be magnificent, or if he’ll just be meh. Who really knows, and anyone who claims to know is speaking through pure bias.

Fifth, white tiles made the gaps far more visible.

Sixth, security was reportedly considerably tighter because conservatives don’t riot when they don’t get their way (they sat still for eight years of that fraud “Barry Hussein”, and the demented lefties can’t make it 24 hours.) It was reportedly more difficult and time-consuming to be screened to enter the central parts of the mall.

I’d say it’s very important. The lefties are trying to whip-up chaos. The more they feel supported, the more they will agitate and destabilize.

The great test will be whether Trump will expose the birth certificate (or rather the lack thereof.) If he does so quickly before great distractions, he’s for real about stopping the insanity and horror. If not, he’s part of the cabal effort to destabilize and set people at each other’s throats before ‘The Big Glitch’.

Last movie seen

DominicCobb said:

TV’s Frink said:

I saw E.T. in the theaters and I’m not sure I’ve seen the full movie since. I never liked it.

The Atari 2600 game was pretty great however. I played it way too much.

This is the second worst post I’ve seen on this site in awhile and that is saying A LOT.

I missed seeing ET in theaters. I saw it a few years later on video and it was easy to understand the reception. One of the greatest movies ever .

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

thejediknighthusezni said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

Jeebus said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

12 days till doomsday.

Just curious, what exactly do you expect will happen when Trump is sworn in? “Doomsday” insinuates mass death, anarchy, lawlessness. I’m pretty sure it will be business as usual and everybody will go about their lives.

I expect a crazy bigoted, sexist, bully to take control of our government and our nukes.

Okay. Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited, bully but you’ve been pretty cool with him.

Ignoring Warb’s condemnation of Trump for a second…Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited bully? Really? That’s an accurate assessment of the man and his personality?

From my point of view, yes. Yes, very much.

I could go as far as smug and even conceited, but I’d be interested to know what actions of his demonstrate his craziness and hatefulness to you.

He has been very hateful of cops, from day one. All of his speech and rhetoric is hateful of cops. He is very hateful of conservatives, he’s proven this time and again. I personally think he is crazy just because of his radical allegiance to a failed ideology. Socialism doesn’t work, history has proven has much yet he and his keep wanting it.

Think of Socialism like a spectrum; on the far left is things like minimum wage, work hours, and the banning of child labor. On the far right is things like abolishing private ownership entirely. The things on the left have worked, and continue to work, the things on the right haven’t.

That really muddles things, imo. Reasonable regulation of the market does not fall under “socialism”.

Socialism is the means of production of goods and services being placed under the control of the political authorities in the name of “The People”. Economic Fascism, nationalist and globalist, is the political authorities exercising control through nominally “private” owners mixed with outright state ownership. It is, in fact, a thoroughly leftist socialist totalitarian sort of system. Hitler and Mussolini were sincere and accurate in identifying themselves as socialists.

Thing is, there are TWO political spectrums, the Ideological(horizontal) and the Actual(vertical).

The purpose of politics is to actually bring a people to optimum conditions and actually protect them from the tyranny of men. This means that ‘The Human Optimum’ belongs at the top and totalitarianism at the bottom of the Actual spectrum.

Complete socialism(Communism) is on the left and oligarchy of private interests who control the politics for themselves belongs on the right of the ideological spectrum.

At the center of both spectrums are the people who want to find their way to The Optimum. In the U.S. context, these are American conservatives and independents with conservative values.

Imagine a sheer cliff with many people trying to climb across the face in various directions.

                          THE HUMAN OPTIMUM



Ideologically, the conservatives want to go up, the lefties WANT to go down, and private oligarchies want to go off to more of that.

double post

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

thejediknighthusezni said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

Jeebus said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

12 days till doomsday.

Just curious, what exactly do you expect will happen when Trump is sworn in? “Doomsday” insinuates mass death, anarchy, lawlessness. I’m pretty sure it will be business as usual and everybody will go about their lives.

I expect a crazy bigoted, sexist, bully to take control of our government and our nukes.

Okay. Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited, bully but you’ve been pretty cool with him.

Ignoring Warb’s condemnation of Trump for a second…Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited bully? Really? That’s an accurate assessment of the man and his personality?

From my point of view, yes. Yes, very much.

I could go as far as smug and even conceited, but I’d be interested to know what actions of his demonstrate his craziness and hatefulness to you.

He has been very hateful of cops, from day one. All of his speech and rhetoric is hateful of cops. He is very hateful of conservatives, he’s proven this time and again. I personally think he is crazy just because of his radical allegiance to a failed ideology. Socialism doesn’t work, history has proven has much yet he and his keep wanting it.

Think of Socialism like a spectrum; on the far left is things like minimum wage, work hours, and the banning of child labor. On the far right is things like abolishing private ownership entirely. The things on the left have worked, and continue to work, the things on the right haven’t.

That really muddles things, imo. Reasonable regulation of the market does not fall under “socialism”.

Socialism is the means of production of goods and services being placed under the control of the political authorities in the name of “The People”. Economic Fascism, nationalist and globalist, is the political authorities exercising control through nominally “private” owners mixed with outright state ownership. It is, in fact, a thoroughly leftist socialist totalitarian sort of system. Hitler and Mussolini were sincere and accurate in identifying themselves as socialists.

Thing is, there are TWO political spectrums, the Ideological(horizontal) and the Actual(vertical).

The purpose of politics is to actually bring a people to optimum conditions and actually protect them from the tyranny of men. This means that ‘The Human Optimum’ belongs at the top and totalitarianism at the bottom of the Actual spectrum.

Complete socialism(Communism) is on the left and oligarchy of private interests who control the politics for themselves belongs on the right of the ideological spectrum.

At the center of both spectrums are the people who want to find their way to The Optimum. In the U.S. context, these are American conservatives and independents with conservative values.

Imagine a sheer cliff with many people trying to climb across the face in various directions.

                          THE HUMAN OPTIMUM



Ideologically, the conservatives want to go up, the lefties WANT to go down, and private oligarchies want to go off to more of that.

I left out Anarcho-Capitalists(Libertarians) and revolutionary Anarcho-socialists(what Bolshevism was supposed to be.)

Anarcho-socialists believe that everyone should leap off the cliff and swan-dive into the shark infested sea of totalitarianism pretending to believe the theory that they will somehow come shooting back out and rise to a preposterous version of the optimum that will have no private property and everyone equal in every way.

There are TWO forms of Libertarianism, Theoretical and Imposable. Theoretical is an intellectual exercise to determine the outer limits of what is possible. Like engineers do to prototype aircraft, it’s a hypothetical Destruction Test. I count myself very much a Libertarian in that sense.

Imposable kook Libertarians are ideologues who insist it’s all ready for prime time. They believe we should leap away from the cliff upwards to an optimum that cannot be sustained having inadequate social and legal containment. It will inevitably arc over and plunge into the brutish totalitarian sea.

This is why the “Progressive” media has promoted Ayn Rand to serve as an ‘Immanuella Goldstein’ for a controlled opposition. Like Goldstein, she was an excellent analyst of the Left. In the process, she drew everyone into Cultural Marxism and societal destruction from libertine savagery and drugs together with indefensibility of the nation and society topping it off with disrepute from the championing of rampant Private Oligarchy.

I write this as someone who has read the unabridged version of ATLAS SHRUGGED and LIKED IT!

Everybody's Top Ten Favorite Movies

Bingowings said:

Warbler said:

Jay said:

I enjoy Aliens for what it is, but it’s barely a sequel to Alien.


In terms of tone Aliens is more in line with films like Predator and the Terminator (no surprise considering James Cameron made that one) than the first film.
Alien is filmed in a matter of fact sort of way with a more consistent visual effects quality and with superior score and a more epic looking aspect ratio. Aliens is in places very tatty (like ROTJ and Temple of Doom), it’s quotable and fun action, rather than grim cosmic horror in vein of H.P. Lovecraft or the Demeter sequences of Dracula.
The Queen is amazing in Aliens and Sigourney plays it straight but then you have balance that against possibly the most annoying child actor performance in a major motion picture (Jake Lloyd’s antics are actually more tolerable than Carrie Henn’s mostly painful line delivery… mostly and her awful screeches) and James Horner recycling his other score (kept expecting the Klingons to turn up) and John Williams’ (as the atmosphere processor goes boom you can almost see Tarkin stroking his chin).
I like Aliens but it’s a very different film and yes barely feels like a sequel.

To some extent, ALIEN is to ALIENS as TERMINATOR is to T2. But yeah, the Cameron films are of a piece. I love them all.

It’s odd, I’m usually a stickler for consistency in movie series’, but ALIENS was such fun it was given a great pass.

I thought all the characters but Ripley were intended to be slightly exaggerated and all were just as they should have been. Newt was terrific.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

thejediknighthusezni said:

Jeebus said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

12 days till doomsday.

Just curious, what exactly do you expect will happen when Trump is sworn in? “Doomsday” insinuates mass death, anarchy, lawlessness. I’m pretty sure it will be business as usual and everybody will go about their lives.

I expect a crazy bigoted, sexist, bully to take control of our government and our nukes.

Okay. Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited, bully but you’ve been pretty cool with him.

Ignoring Warb’s condemnation of Trump for a second…Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited bully? Really? That’s an accurate assessment of the man and his personality?

From my point of view, yes. Yes, very much.

I could go as far as smug and even conceited, but I’d be interested to know what actions of his demonstrate his craziness and hatefulness to you.

He has been very hateful of cops, from day one. All of his speech and rhetoric is hateful of cops. He is very hateful of conservatives, he’s proven this time and again. I personally think he is crazy just because of his radical allegiance to a failed ideology. Socialism doesn’t work, history has proven has much yet he and his keep wanting it.

Think of Socialism like a spectrum; on the far left is things like minimum wage, work hours, and the banning of child labor. On the far right is things like abolishing private ownership entirely. The things on the left have worked, and continue to work, the things on the right haven’t.

That really muddles things, imo. Reasonable regulation of the market does not fall under “socialism”.

Socialism is the means of production of goods and services being placed under the control of the political authorities in the name of “The People”. Economic Fascism, nationalist and globalist, is the political authorities exercising control through nominally “private” owners mixed with outright state ownership. It is, in fact, a thoroughly leftist socialist totalitarian sort of system. Hitler and Mussolini were sincere and accurate in identifying themselves as socialists.

Thing is, there are TWO political spectrums, the Ideological(horizontal) and the Actual(vertical).

The purpose of politics is to actually bring a people to optimum conditions and actually protect them from the tyranny of men. This means that ‘The Human Optimum’ belongs at the top and totalitarianism at the bottom of the Actual spectrum.

Complete socialism(Communism) is on the left and oligarchy of private interests who control the politics for themselves belongs on the right of the ideological spectrum.

At the center of both spectrums are the people who want to find their way to The Optimum. In the U.S. context, these are American conservatives and independents with conservative values.

Imagine a sheer cliff with many people trying to climb across the face in various directions.

                          THE HUMAN OPTIMUM



Ideologically, the conservatives want to go up, the lefties WANT to go down, and private oligarchies want to go off to more of that.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jeebus said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Jay said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

ferris209 said:

Warbler said:

12 days till doomsday.

Just curious, what exactly do you expect will happen when Trump is sworn in? “Doomsday” insinuates mass death, anarchy, lawlessness. I’m pretty sure it will be business as usual and everybody will go about their lives.

I expect a crazy bigoted, sexist, bully to take control of our government and our nukes.

Okay. Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited, bully but you’ve been pretty cool with him.

Ignoring Warb’s condemnation of Trump for a second…Obama is a crazy, hateful, conceited bully? Really? That’s an accurate assessment of the man and his personality?

From my point of view, yes. Yes, very much.

I could go as far as smug and even conceited, but I’d be interested to know what actions of his demonstrate his craziness and hatefulness to you.

He has been very hateful of cops, from day one. All of his speech and rhetoric is hateful of cops. He is very hateful of conservatives, he’s proven this time and again. I personally think he is crazy just because of his radical allegiance to a failed ideology. Socialism doesn’t work, history has proven has much yet he and his keep wanting it.

Think of Socialism like a spectrum; on the far left is things like minimum wage, work hours, and the banning of child labor. On the far right is things like abolishing private ownership entirely. The things on the left have worked, and continue to work, the things on the right haven’t.

That really muddles things, imo. Reasonable regulation of the market does not fall under “socialism”.

Socialism is the means of production of goods and services being placed under the control of the political authorities in the name of “The People”. Economic Fascism, national and globalist, is the political authorities exercising control through nominally “private” owners mixed with outright state ownership. It is, in fact, a thoroughly leftist socialist totalitarian sort of system. Hitler and Mussolini were sincere and accurate in identifying themselves as socialists.

Everybody's Top Ten Favorite Movies

Dek Rollins said:

You’re right about some of those. New list, now top 35:

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Star Wars (1977)

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Return of the Jedi (1983)

Robocop (1987)

The Evil Dead (1981)

Evil Dead II (1987)

The Medieval Dead (a work-in-progress fanedit of Army of Darkness that I’m trying to get done)

Batman (1989)

Batman Returns (1992)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

Barry Lyndon (1975)

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989)

Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984)

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

Spider-Man (2002)

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Die Hard (1988)

ALien (1979)

Head (1969)

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

Rocky (1976)

Back to the Future (1985)

Jaws (1975)

Jurassic Park (1993)

The Terminator (1984)

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

I wouldn’t consider The Voyage Home quite good enough for a list like this, though I don’t dislike it. I do dislike Aliens, though.

ALIEN was greatness and ALIENS was great entertainment. TVH was the most entertaining of the STs, imo.

NOPE doesn’t necessarily mean bad, just doesn’t rate at the top.

Everybody's Top Ten Favorite Movies

Dek Rollins said:

In no particular order:

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) YEP

Star Wars (1977) YEP

The Empire Strikes Back (1980) YEP

Return of the Jedi (1983) YEP

Robocop (1987) YEP

The Evil Dead (1981) DUNNO

Evil Dead II (1987) DUNNO

The Medieval Dead (a work-in-progress fanedit of Army of Darkness that I’m trying to get done) DUNNO

Batman (1989) YEP

Batman Returns (1992) NOPE

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) YEP

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) YEP

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) YEP

Barry Lyndon (1975) DUNNO

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) YEP

Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991) NOPE

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) YEP

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) YEP

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock (1984) YEP

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) MADE FOR TV

Spider-Man (2002) NOPE

Spider-Man 2 (2004) NOPE

Die Hard (1988) YEP

ALien (1979) YEP

Head (1969) DUNNO

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) YEP

Rocky (1976) DUNNO

Back to the Future (1985) YEP

Jaws (1975) YEP

Jurassic Park (1993) YEP

Yeah, yeah, it’s a top 30, but screw the thread rules, I can’t be expected to make important descisions like this! There are still things that I had to leave out!