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Introducing Star Wars to young children

I have two young children. They have seen the OOT, TFA, Rogue One, and the Rebels TV show. The prequels are not allowed in my house. For a while I covered by daughter’s eyes during the obi-wan hand chop in the cantina, crispy Owen and Beru, and Luke losing a hand in Empire. But this year she’s fine to watch it all. She has a great head on her shoulders and is very aware that movies are just pretend. I am planning on taking her to see The Last Jedi in the theater.

Celebration 2017 Speculation

GlastoEls said:

stealthboy said:

Cedric T Sealion said:

More than four years on from the sale of Lucasfilm and still no OUT. They are taking the fucking piss.

I think I am coming to terms with Harmy’s Despecialized or TN1 35mm scans as the only versions I will ever need. Disney won’t do it. This was the ultimate chance to announce a real preservation project, but no. Instead let’s all stroke George’s ego some more.

Can’t we stroke George’s ego AND have the OOT?

Honestly I don’t think so - because to release the unaltered versions would be a slap in the face to George, who thinks the changes are the only correct versions.

Celebration 2017 Speculation

Cedric T Sealion said:

More than four years on from the sale of Lucasfilm and still no OUT. They are taking the fucking piss.

I think I am coming to terms with Harmy’s Despecialized or TN1 35mm scans as the only versions I will ever need. Disney won’t do it. This was the ultimate chance to announce a real preservation project, but no. Instead let’s all stroke George’s ego some more.

Celebration 2017 Speculation

oojason said:

lovelikewinter said:

Fuck it. I’m so tempted to buy the burned Despecialized Blu-Rays off ebay. I’m beyond sick of this. Fuck you Lucas you old bastard. No one likes your Prequels no matter how hard you whore them.

Mate, just download them from myspleen - please don’t give money to the pricks on ebay profiting off Harmy and everyone who contributed to making the DeSepecialised Editions happen.

Exactly. Instead of buying them off eBay, put that money towards buying a blu-ray burner!

Celebration 2017 Speculation

Lord Haseo said:

stealthboy said:

Hopefully they’re just getting the prequel shit out of the way to appease those incorrect fans… then they’ll move on to the panel proper.

I hate the PT almost as much as the next man but there are no objective opinions dude. Stop that shit man.

Oh come on I wasn’t being completely serious. Lighten up. Over on reddit I get called an “incorrect fan” all the time because I dislike the prequels. Tongue in cheek.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Hal 9000 said:

If Hayden is going to feature in TLJ as the ghost of Anakin Skywalker, how would we feel if they portrayed him as an aged man, perhaps not quite as old looking as Shaw was, but much moreso than Hayden in 2005? Made him look not like the Jedi he was when he turned to the dark side, but the wizened figure he may have become if he had continued on as a Jedi.

Hayden as an Anakin force ghost in TLJ would REALLY upset me.

I only watch the original theatrical versions of the OT, and I never watch the prequels, so I would hate to have to see something from a version of events I’m trying to ignore.