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Idea & Help Wanted: Jurassic Park - Original Teaser Trailer 35mm Preservation...

So over 2 years ago, I (am fairly certain at least) that I won a 35mm original teaser trailer for Jurassic Park. Now, unlike the other trailers for the film, this teaser does not feature any footage from the film. Instead, it features more of the amber mine, then later a microscope zooming in on a mosquito. All of this while featuring original music (NOT by John Williams) and a very 80s-esque narration that makes it all feel very different in tone than how the movie ended up. It almost feels more like a trailer for the novel.

You can see probably the best upload of it Iā€™ve seen at the link below:


Interestingly, for the 25 Anniversary Celebration of the film, they did play this teaser in front of it when I was at Universal Studios Hollywood, and it was clearly restored. Sadly, to this day, it has yet to surface from them officially online or as a bonus feature.

I have wanted this to be preserved for a long time now, but have no way of doing so. If any of you would be interested in making this happen, with the 35mm reel that I HOPE is this trailer, please let me know. Iā€™ll cover the shipping on it both ways, since I would like the reel back; but I only want someone to do this if they really feel as passionate about restoring it as I do. This lowrate YouTube quality is not what this deserves, and this teaser has such a wondrous quality that is a world of its own.

Someone is posting the first draft of the Jurassic Park script on Facebook!

And with that, I leave you allā€¦ failed at loveā€¦ failed at lifeā€¦

I met a traveler from an antique land,
Who said - " Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desertā€¦ Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor, well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
ā€˜My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!ā€™
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Someone is posting the first draft of the Jurassic Park script on Facebook!

Thank you, again. šŸ˜ƒ Still amazing that there is still more to uncover. So much went into this franchise, especially the first film, it seems.

A final shameless self-promotion, only this time a bit unrelated: I am working on my own novel. Should be done by this summer. Anyone know any publishers? šŸ˜„


Someone is posting the first draft of the Jurassic Park script on Facebook!

Yep, all me! Jurassic Time, too. Labor of love, honestly. Just wanted to preserve Attenboroughā€™s ā€œlost performanceā€ in a way that would be engaging on its own.

And thank you. šŸ˜„ Itā€™s all worth it when others enjoy the countless hours heh. šŸ˜„ But I really just wanted to see it done, because no one else was doing it!

Someone is posting the first draft of the Jurassic Park script on Facebook!

Awesome! Great guys running it. I have become a bit obsessive digging up the making of stuff for Jurassic Park, and even its ride attraction.

Here are some other articles I conducted that you may find interest in:

John Bell (Art Director) of JP Interview

Gary Goddard (Theme Park Attraction Director) of JP Ride Interview
Part One: http://insideuniversal.net/2013/11/interview-gary-goddard/
Part Two: http://insideuniversal.net/2013/11/interview-gary-goddard-part-2/

Austin Grossman (Game Designer/Writer) Writer of Trespasser- The Lost World: Jurassic Park

While youā€™re there, check out Jurassic Time, which fans of Attenborough may find fascinatingā€¦

Someone is posting the first draft of the Jurassic Park script on Facebook!

Of course! In my mind, no one can OWN this script. None of us wrote it. I am purely posting it for educational purposesā€¦ to see how Crichton transcribed at least one draft of his book into film. There are many other drafts of his that he did (this one is somewhere in the middle), and while some of the ideas were presented by others, this draft is still all-him.

It is worth noting that not only will I be uploading the original PDF as you are seeing, but also a re-type of the entire thing I have recently completed that is (hopefully) pretty close to what you are seeing (sometimes a challenge with some of the blurred text), apart from formatting.

You can find more discussion here:


There also may be some VERY cool stuff comingā€¦ and actually ways we can all get MORE cool stuff with the help of people like you. But I only want to tease it like that for now, because I donā€™t want to say I have something yet when I donā€™t. But itā€™s a strong possibility. Stay tuned.

Help: looking for... Jurassic Iniki - Storm Stories

Hey guys, not sure if any of you have recording/uploading capabilities, but I just found out that The Weather Channel (regular and HD) will be playing this episode of Storm Stories again on 10/24 @ 2:30PM (PST, I believe)! So if ANY of you can record this, preferably the HD channel version, I would be eternally grateful! I myself work that day, and even if I didn't I don't have the ability to record shows anyway. :( So... help me all of you Obi Wan Kenobis, you're my only hope! ;) Thanks in advance, and I REALLY hope someone here is able to do this for me and the many fans!

Help: looking for... Jurassic Iniki - Storm Stories

I have been wanting to see this Weather Channel special from the show STORM STORIES for years now! Everytime it airs, I miss it. I donā€™t have DVR so I canā€™t record it. And it appears it will never be on DVD (or on the new JP BLU RAY set). Here is a show description:
Fantasy and reality collide as the cast and crew of the film ā€œJurassic Parkā€ face the most powerful hurricane to hit the Hawaiian islands in over a century. Hurricane Inikiā€™s piercing rains and 145 mile per hour winds take Steven Spielberg and company by surprise, destroying sets and trapping the filmmakers on the island of Kauai. Through never before seen footage, and brand new interviews with the cast and crew of ā€œJurassic Park,ā€ ā€œStorm Storiesā€ tells the amazing tale of survival and the ingenuity of a film crew trapped in a disaster._

It originally aired in 2009, and recently re-aired on the Weather Channel on Sept. 29th at 5:30PM EST. I missed it then, too, of course. If anyone has this show recorded PLEASE upload it for me, and others, to finally see, after 3 years of waiting! Thanks, and let me know if you can help in any way! šŸ˜„

Idea: for a 'Jurassic Park: The Grindhouse Edition'

Jurassic Park has always been my favorite movie growing up, and I am of course incredibly excited for the Blu Ray release. Itā€™ll be amazing to finally have a HD transfer of the films with a new documentary to boot. Sadly, however, there doesnā€™t seem to be any longer cut for the film (or the other two), nor will there be any deleted scenes. I always wanted an alternate viewing experience for Jurassic Park, just to spice things up on those random days where you want to watch it, but you want to watch it in a slightly different fashion. Orā€¦ how about VERY different? A very fun thought occurredā€¦

Jurassic Park may have been a film of the early 90s with cutting edge technology that still impresses today, but many people canā€™t help but recall older films when they see dinosaurs on the screen. Perhaps it is because there were so many dinosaur films in previous decades, brought to wonderful life with stop motion? Perhaps it is because dinosaurs themselves were ancient creatures? Regardless, there is always a sense of nostalgia watching any film with dinosaurs, especially Jurassic Park. Because of this, sometimes when I watch Jurassic Park I think of it as a film older than it really is. Perhaps it is because it uses a sweeping orchestral score by John Williams to full extent, something modern films have either forgotten how to do well or dropped it altogether in favor of synthetic rock-induced creations. Perhaps it is because the core point of the film, the fact that nature cannot be contained and should not be messed with, is an idea that was very much touted in films of the 70s and even 80s frequently.

Soā€¦ why not make it appear like it came from one of those decades? Why not turn Jurassic Park into a grindhouse film!

This wouldnā€™t be a simple ā€œletā€™s add film grain!ā€ edit. Iā€™d love to put a lot more work into it than that. Here are just some ideas:

-Make the first part of the film, before they get to the island, be in black and white with grain. This would really work with the mysterious opening of the film plus would give the raptor attack in the pen an even more interesting look.

-When the plane starts flying to the island, the film can suddenly turn into color, which will really startle and impress you all at once when the island is revealed in this version.

-While there will be film grain, dirt specks, softer colors, and film warbles throughout, there should definitely be a lot more of this everytime a dinosaur attacks, as if the person kept playing ā€œthe cool partsā€ over and over again. It would also give the dinosaur attacks a gritty feel.

-Have the sound quality be slightly tampered and perhaps even reduced to 2.0 or even mono.

-Have a ā€œmissing reelā€ somewhere. Still havenā€™t thought of a good scene to cut, but something that isnā€™t too major yet could be missed, and would leave unanswered questions, lol. Perhaps cut right when Ellie says ā€œMr. Hammond I think weā€™re back in buisness!ā€ and the raptor pops out, then resume the film after her little ā€œchaseā€ scene is done?

More ideas to come. I know this could seem like a blasphemous thing to do to such a great film, but itā€™s not like Iā€™m saying this will be THE BEST way to see the film. Hell no. This is just a fun experiment and could be a very fun alternate way to watch the film on a Saturday night with a bunch of drunk friends over. What do you guys think?

Just Released: The Star Wars Holiday Special RiffTrax!
I finally found a way to see it and you are right: it was one of the funniest 2 hours ever. Funnier than almost every comedy this year (with an exception of course for SUPERBAD. McLovin!!!)! You are also right about how the other RiffTrax on the site haven't come close to the good MST3K quality till this one was made. In fact I think it was actually better than some of the MST3K episodes! Although some may say that's a stretch, it isn't really. Ever seen the earlier MST3K eps? You'll see what I mean. I'm one of those guys that didn't think MST3K got REALLY funny until Mike Nelson was the human riffer. Not Joel. Although one of my favorite MST3K episodes was a Joel episode: MANOS: The Hands of Fate. And I think the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL RiffTrax was on the level with that episode.
Just Released: The Star Wars Holiday Special RiffTrax!
Originally posted by: C3PX
Originally posted by: scallenger

Also... anyone plan on making a Special DVD of this with the Rifftrax, using a good source of the WMAR broadcast with commercials, and possibly some other extras?

That would be great actually. I even thought about doing that, nothing fancy, just a basic DVD with a static menu, but this thing doesn't fall under preservation or anything like that. I think everyone who wants to own this ought to be paying the RiffTrax guys the 4 bucks for this. They own the copyright to their riff.

I think a way to see if whoever wants a cool DVD of this made by someone else would be to prove that they have the Riff. How? I would have it so they show the Readme document included with the Riff, and have them show you a select minute from the Riff file (which can easily be done with an audio editor/cropper).

I would love to have this on DVD with the Riff in it. I however do not posses the tools to do this (or a DVD burner). So I have a downloaded RiffTrax file and it just sits there. lol. Unlike the other RiffTrack files (which can be auto-synced with the official DVDs using a RiffTrax Player) this one has no DVD to use, etc.