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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

I watched the first hour and I agree with the comments above. I like it very much except for the deletion of some original shots for inserting new scenes (the AT-AT falling) and the jarring deletion of “Well Your Highness I guess this is it”. Sound volume should be adjusted in my opinion, some scenes sound quite louder than others. And I’m not sure I like the use of the Special Edition Wampa for the missing Wampa shot being fired at by the rebel soldier. Love the coloring and the music/sound editing in some new scenes, for example in the extended Wampa attack to Luke at the beginning.

The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

theprion said:

Personally I’m in favor of keeping the Cloud City establishing shots to theatrical, just so it doesn’t look too slick or modern in contrast to the grindhouse flair.

Me too. I don’t think you should use not even a single shot from the Special Edition. Your project seems to me like an attempt to archieve a complete “workprint” of the movie before trims were made. If you add SE material, it will be another hybrid cut and I think it will lose a lot of its uniqueness. My opinion only, of course.

Star Trek: Generations-Two Missions, One Destiny (Released)

Cameron Samurai said:

rortiz77 said:

Wow, your edit sounds nice, even though I don’t know if adding footage from “All Good Things” is maybe too jarring.
BTW, does anybody have a good copy of the workprint of this film that can share? I only have a terrible wmv version that’s almost unwatchable.

…Oh bugger, I was meaning to make an MP4…

An MP4 of your edit or the workprint? It’d be nice to have both 😃