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Return of the Jedi: Radical Re-Edit (Released)

I agree that it gives Luke motivation to re-enter the battle.  I just think that this is a case of "less is more."  A lot of the Ben scene exists to tell you that Leia is Luke's sister but really, do we need to have it spelled out for us?   When I saw 5 when it came out the "there is another" was enough and I don't think that there was a Star Wars nut who didn't remember that line going into 6.  If one watches them 1-2-3-4-5-6 then one already knows about the twins.  

If you leave things as just 4-5-6- it provides a super payoff as the viewer goes all the way through 6 thinking, huh?  aren't they going to tie up this whole "there is another thing?"  Uh.....the end of the movie is coming up and they still haven't done anything with that.  BAM....your feelings for them are strong....especially for....sister.  A great payoff in my opinion and to make it the first time Luke hears this gives a bit more backbone to him losing his s*** for a bit.  It becomes a purely visceral reaction because he hasn't had time to digest the new information, he's already in fight or flight mode and this pushes his button just so.  A big part of the movie is the visual imagery, Luke in black, is he going to swing to the dark side or the light.  So Leia is threatened and he blows it and almost kills Vader and comes around when Palpy goads him.  It perpetuates playing up Luke being not entirely secure from the dark side right up to when he tosses his saber.

Return of the Jedi: Radical Re-Edit (Released)

I liked it that you cut the Ben scene entirely.  There is too much reiteration and not enough new information (the same is applicable to the Yoda scene and I appreciated the trims there as well)

I never minded the Luke/Leia brother/sister thing.  In my opinion you set it up very nicely for the "there is another line" from TESB to be resolved and explained during the saber fight at the end; instead of Yoda or Ben giving this revelation to Luke it could be played out as a simultaneous event for both father and brother. 

Just my two cents.

I really like your edit and hope that you don't abandon finessing it  In all honesty I find it a preferable watch to the original product (and it's various GL fanedits).

TM2YC's 'Star Wars: Reborn' PT fan edits (PM me for new ROTS link!) (Released)

I'd appreciate the links, thanks. 

I understand that some people like GG, I just loathe that character.  I am actually able to stomach JJB more than GG.  I think that the trimming to ROTS to accommodate removing GG entirely would be severe but it is doable.  He is referred to but never seen.  He is a McGuffin and the presence is overstated in the movie.  ROTS is about the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the movie should focus on that plotline more than anything else.  GG exists solely to remove Obi Wan and isolate Skywalker.  We don't need to see GG, we just need to sideline OBWK.  That's my take on it.....does anyone know of a ROTS edit out there that is actively being shared with GG removed entirely?  I would love to see one and have a feel for how the movie flows without all those scenes.

TM2YC's 'Star Wars: Reborn' PT fan edits (PM me for new ROTS link!) (Released)

Do you have a cutlist for ROTS?  Mostly for me two requirements for a ROTS cut are reinstatement of the birth of the rebellion scenes and the entire removal of Greivous.

I am interested in links for AOTC, not entirely what I have in mind for a cut if I ever get around to trying it but some of what you've done is spot on with my ideas.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

IIRC the story is that Mark Hamill had a car accident in between IV and the filming of V starting and the wampa attack was a device to facilitate this.


Jeez, there's a thread all about this on Snopes.  I'll let the big boys hash this one out.



Return of the Jedi: Radical Re-Edit (Released)

I hopscotched around the workprint last night, mostly trying to hunt out the large changes.

I think it is really impressive and enjoyed what I saw a lot and would certainly like to see where you take this.

I was quite impressed with how you addressed the Endor battle (ground theater).  I always imagined the cut scene on the Death Star focused on the space battle and I like how it was tied in with the fanfilm work of stormtroopers vs. rebels.  I've heard other people opine about having Boba Fett vs Han worked in here and how you did this was quite engaging.  I realize that based on your source material you're probably stuck there with the burned in captions (and Boba Fett using the word "closure" doesn't work) and the actor in the Fett costume...that costume doesn't fit, again, beyond your control.


My only true concern here is the scenes with Boba Fett on Endor.  They work pretty well but all the really tight shots on Fett's helmet doesn't work for me at all.  Again, I know that you are shackled by the material that you're working with.  If you're trying to make something that could be seamlessly watched with the other five films these shots stand out because none of the movies have facial shots cropped this tight.


I hope that you don't mind my comments.  I am really impressed with your work so far and look forward to watching the workprint from start to finish sometime this weekend.  

Return of the Jedi: Radical Re-Edit (Released)

I'm in agreement with the rest of the people who don't like the Yoda scene split. It just seems like a speed bump to me.  I really like everything else that I saw.  I wish that I could offer some advice on how to work around that, maybe I'll have an idea after watching your workprint.  I don't think it hurts to leave it intact - I do like that you cut the scene with Ben entirely.  I was disappointed first seeing this in the theaters because Yoda's dialogue is mostly recycled, then Ben shows up and doesn't really say much of anything new or different outside of Leia is your sister....and there is nothing wrong with leaving that to be a force revelation during the final saber battle.


The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Darth Maul is just a hulked out...thing.....with a double ended light saber to make the fanboys go nuts.  Nothing about E1 is redeemable for the larger picture fanedit.


The Empire as seen in 4-6 is xenophobic and while they outsource to bounty hunters in V it is otherwise white human and male.  I find Maul to not fit into this even if in terms of TPM we are talking proto-Empire.  Maul is ultimately a dumb villian that serves as a lackey for the proto-Emperor who, like Fett in V/VI is dispatched too easily and quickly.


Dooku falls to a similar fate.  There is ample opportunity here to have a Lando-esque character whose allegiance is ambiguous and the opportunity is squandered.  Maul should have never been there, imagine E1 if Dooku was the agent of Palpatine and didn't die at the end and was ported into E2 as something more than a weak plot device.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

I agree with most of what is above.  All of E1 needs to go and 2 and 3 could be mined for material.  To me some of the items that really need to be ported over are the birth of the rebellion (cut) scenes.

It's also nice to see someone else arguing for the complete elimination of Greivous, the weakest and worst character in the PT (yes, I think JJB is a better developed character than GG, they both need to go).  


I would much rather see 4-5-6 as standalones and then maybe 4-5-6 with PT content as flashback.  I know that the canon material doesn't use flashback but maybe this is the only route for redeeming what little good exists in the three movies.

Help: looking for... Blue Velvet - a Q2 edit

Thanks for the reply and help, Mr. Frink.  

The application that you referred to, I would use that on the files for the BR or the regular dvd that were in the packet that I received off of fanedit.org, yes? 


(edit) That did it!  Looks like I have some work ahead of me.  Thanks, again.  Teach a man to fish and all that.



Help: looking for... Blue Velvet - a Q2 edit

I just found out about the hour of deleted scenes on the BR which I promptly bought.  I have no skills ripping BR otherwise I would take a crack at it myself.

I tried installing the jdownloader and I have never seen so many malware alerts – ever – on a computer.  I know it isn’t malware but after some time trying to convince my PC that this was really ok I gave up.

I see no torrents out there for this, is there anyone who could PM me with a path to downloading this one?  Thanks for your time.


I was really pleased the first time I watched Adywan's edit where he fixed the bad dub where Vader is talking to Tarkin and stops talking but then shakes his hand for effect about five seconds later.  It has always amazed me in all of the cleanups, restorations and special editions of this movie that they can't fix this one simple thing.  I also appreciated the reedit of the scenes in Ben's house.  The continuity issues with C-3PO being off/on inconsistently has always bugged me and I don't think that the scene is any worse for the repair.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

One of those walkers goes down only because Luke is able to pop open a hatch on the unarmored bottom with his lightsaber, not a common cause of these being taken out for the Empire.  If you discount this d/t the uniqueness of Luke and his talents then you have a 20% casualty rate.  


I don't mind the idea of more robust impacts on the walkers who remain unaffected.  The existing shot is fine and doesn't need to be changed.   Things don't need to be changed for the sake of changing them, this is one of the two movies of the six that is largely fine as it is.  "Improvements" should be done to address poor fx that were not corrected over time or to create something that couldn't be done at the time.  What I've seen with the AT-ST's fits that, they were in the movies but nothing was done with them.  Seeing them operating as walking flak batteries is a nice enhancement.



STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ronster's idea is dynamic but a big problem is that it doesn't fit the context of the scene or the movie.  The rebels are essentially executing a delaying action to keep the power generator and the shield intact so as many transports as possible are able to escape.  The Empire is supposed to be trouncing them, their armored vehicles are supposed to be impervious to the equipment that the Rebellion has cobbled together.  The shot of the cannon hitting the walker to no effect is important in illustrating this.  

This chapter of the movies is supposed to be darker and the Rebels are on the run and the Empire has the upper hand despite the destruction of the Death Star in the last chapter.  

I'm not hoping to see a lot of AT-ST's or AT-AT's go down in this fanedit.  I realize it is a fanedit but some things shouldn't be changed too much in order to maintain the integrity of the original story.  

Help: looking for... 'Dead Poets Society' - preservation of the US laserdisc version?

I had this laser disc years ago and sold it thinking it was a slam dunk that the extended cut would be released on dvd.  The LD is damn near impossible to find on eBay, I've been watching for a couple years now.  It's on my list; too, years ago I converted my LD library to DVD and I really wish that I had this one still when I was doing all that.


I just re-checked eBay and there's one up there, first one I've ever seen.  Bid is at $10 right now if you want it badly enough.  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Laserdisc-DEAD-POETS-SOCIETY-Robin-Williams-NOT-Rated-Color-142-Minutes-A113-/221176283525?pt=US_Laserdisc&hash=item337f224185


Info: The Redemption Of Anakin Skywalker - whole SW series edited to one 3hr epic

Best part of it for me was the near total elimination of Gungans and the absolute excising of Gen. Grevious, the weakest & foulest character in all six movies.  I do miss the Yavin battle but like the cut to Hoth after the DS escape.  I am prejudiced with that, I did the same thing cutting my old Super 8 digests into a fanedit when I bought the OT on VHS.  I understand that the editor was probably trying to keep the time down but some of the cuts are too deep and major scenes are reduced to bookends of themselves (the walker battle on Hoth for example or the rescue of the princess on the Death Star, they basically go in, get her, some light saber battle and they leave).

Star Wars Episode 1: Jar Jar's Big Adventure

One of the great features of the first one....Star Wars 77 and not TPM....was that things were just presented and you accepted them or you didn't.  Most of us imaginatively went along for the ride and accepted it.

Chewie was not subtitled.  Jawas were not subtitled.  R2 was not subtitled.  Greedo was.... Perhaps a solution is to redub JarJar and not subtitle him at all if it can be gotten away with.  Otherwise dub him in an unintelligible language and subtitle it.

Star Wars Episode 1: Jar Jar's Big Adventure

I'm more aligned with the Topher Grace edit that I read about where the only part of Episode 1 that is used is the lightsabre battle from the end.  You have an interesting idea, though.  

Is there a fanedit out there of #3 that removes Grievous entirely?  I despise that character more than most people loathe JarJar Binks.  For the record I think that Episode 1 is a better put together movie than RotJ, JJB or no JJB.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

MrInsaneA said:

Has anyone considered removing Grievous COMPLETELY from Revenge of the Sith?

This would be the biggest improvement to any of the PT films, including scrubbing Jar Jar Binks.  Greivous is the weakest and lamest character in the entire PT and the light saber duel between him and Obi Wan just reeks of the heavy hand of Speilberg's influence.