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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

ziggyonice said:

There’s a video clip missing, but the audio is still there. The video clip needs to be reinserted.

Wow, yes you are correct! The video clip is missing. Ziggy, THANK YOU for catching this error. Ash, if you have the November encode, you will not see this issue.

This mistake occurred during my effort to improve the encoding quality, when I replaced the few sections where I had left Hal’s encode with the raw Blu-ray file.

All files with the encode date “120318” are affected, which is what is currently posted. My apologies for everyone who took the time and bandwidth to download this version.

I will make the fix immediately, and hopefully I can have a new version out Sunday evening.

So everyone understands, there’s a moment during the Hux call when it cuts to Poe’s cockpit and we first see that he’s scanning the dreadnought. We hear Hux over the comms threatening Poe and the fleet. This shot was moved to earlier in the scene when Hal shortened the dialogue and removed the SNL comedy. This is one of Hal’s many brilliant edits that is carried over into Rekindled, except when I replaced the video with the raw blu-Ray file in my last pass, I did not move this shot into its proper place. The audio is correct (which is from Hal’s lossless audio file).

Thank you all for your feedback and criticism, it is very helpful and greatly appreciated!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

Hal, that’s very interesting. I do think doing an encode of an encode of an encode (Blu-ray > Legendary > Rekindled) isn’t ideal and probably produced a good amount of artifacts in mine, but glad to see you’re also looking to make your encode as good as possible! Legendary looks amazing, so I’d be interested to see how much better it can get.

For color correction, I wanted to use yours because it looked great (fixed the green tinge and made the skin tones more natural), so I had already re-created it in Premiere for the initial release. However, my version didn’t adjust the blacks, just shifted the mids and highlights. So, it looks like in the end we’ll both have similar color!

Also, so everyone knows, the new versions are all posted. I didn’t call this a V2 because the content is the same, so I just updated the date in the filenames to the new encode date (120318).

And finally, I submitted the edit to FE.org last week and the project is now listed as “Pending Review,” although I haven’t been contacted for a link yet, so I imagine it will be a while. Thanks to everyone for the suggestion and encouragement to make the submission!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)


I have an update:

A member over at FE.org pointed out some compression artifacts in the encode of Rekindled in certain places. These occurred in the shadows of high-contrast shots that had a lot of sharp detail (such as explosions during the opening space battle), where the fine grain structure was breaking down.

Fortunately, I went back into the project and I was able to identify the problem. The issues occurred in areas where I was re-encoding Hal’s encode instead of using the raw Blu-Ray source. The extra generation of compression was hurting the grain in visually intense moments. I had only intended to use Hal’s encode directly in places where he had done FX work, but I had left it in other places as well by mistake.

So, I went through the whole project and made sure everything was directly using the raw Blu-ray file, and Hal was kind enough to send me the masters of the FX shots I was missing. I made a new encode yesterday, and the results are a significant improvement in the problem areas. The compression quality of the encode now appears on par with the original Blu-Ray. I have posted the new 34gb encode with the date in the filename (120318). The medium and small encodes will be uploading during the day today so should be ready by the evening.

Here’s a example problem frame with the before and after:





And here’s a frame compare:

While I still believe in the viewing quality of the initial release, providing the best Blu-Ray quality release I can make is important to me, and for those that desire the best possible quality, I would recommend this new encode.

Thank you!


The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

I can’t argue against Malà’s screening with friends, and how they were confused about the ring. I would hope/think that isn’t everyone’s reaction?

However, I don’t think adding the shot of Rose’s hands here really works. Judging it by the standard Hal has set of making changes that are seamless and could pass for official, I think if the original intention in production was to have Holdo call out the symbol of the resistance, she would have held her hands up, or looked down at her hands, or there were have been a closeup of her clutching something that we cut back to when she reveals the ring. I do like that her hands shake when she says “the oppressed and the downtrodden know our symbol”, as if she was holding something. I’m just not sure it’s convincing enough.

I think if the ring is an issue, the best solution is cut the ring shot at the end. I know this was suggested before, though, and pointed out that it would be very difficult to make the cut work with the end music. If I get a chance in the next couple days, I could try to mock that up if that would help discussion.

Personally, I don’t find the ring to be an issue, as long as the audience recognized the symbol. The rebel alliance is not new, and these kids playing with Luke toys could reasonably have found a ring on their own in some way.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

AbramPT said:

Wow, I apologize for the ramble. It’s a pipe dream, but if possible, it might just be the cherry on top for me.

Not a ramble, it’s great to hear ideas! For me, the Phasma fight is just not necessary. Finn already bested her and got his revenge in TFA. Their storyline together was more or less complete, and TLJ has the addendum of Phasma nearly getting some revenge of her own, but in the end circumstances prevented it. I think toning down their relationship is appropriate, because we’ve already seen Finn commit, maybe not with a declarative “Rebel scum” line, but by his actions to help Rey, his mirroring Poe’s line about heading back “where we belong”, and his ultimate effort to stop the First Order cannon.

Overall, I was disappointed with Finn in TLJ. He was actually my favorite character. I liked the idea of a storm-trooper who rejected his training, even if it was handled a little simplistically. In TLJ, it just felt to me like Rian Johnson didn’t really care about his character, which is why his story feels like a bit of a rehash from TFA. There are differences, of course, but essentially his arc once again is about committing instead of running, culminating in a showdown with Phasma who represents everything he is running from.

Hal 9000 said:

MalàStrana said:

Brillant 😃 Tell me, is your audio of this scene compliant with the theatrical cut (and Hal9000’s edit as well) ? I’d like to use your audio alteration on Hal9000 edit.

Don’t exert yourself on that one, my friend.

Malà, thanks so much for the feedback! And I’m so glad you liked some the ideas!

Oh, and as Hal said, I think you’re covered for the Luke toss scene! (in other words, yes)

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

Good to hear from you! Yes, I will be sticking around for episode IX. I really have no idea what will happen, as The Last Jedi didn’t leave me with much to anticipate for the next film other than another confrontation between Rey and Kylo-Ren. So it’s kind of a blank slate for me, which is exciting.

About phasma, she does seem pretty tightly tied into the execution scene. I don’t think you could easily remove those chunks from the build-up to Holdo’s light-speed attack, especially with the climactic music. Although some edits, like Forceghostrecon’s, have completely removed phasma AND the Finn/Rose sideplot entirely. I’d like to see that just to know how the music and pacing can work without phasma, Finn, or Rose and just intercutting between Rey/Kylo and Holdo.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

nicko1981 said:

Could I please get a link for the 4Gb version?

PM sent!

As for Phasma, I also wish they could have given Gwendoline Christie’s screen-time more meaning. She doesn’t need to be a major character in a story that perhaps already has too many, but I think she could have made an impression similar to what Boba Fett did with his few lines.

Hal, I hadn’t thought of that, but I suppose Phasma is the sole casualty of Holdo’s maneuver (besides Holdo)! However, I have to say I’ve actually gotten a bit tired of having to assume the only way a named character can die is if we see it on-screen. It’s why for 7 seasons now I’m still waiting for Arya’s dancing master to return on Game of Thrones!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

Update: There are now 3 versions!

  1. 34gb 1080p Blu-ray quality with DTS and AC-3

  2. 10gb 1080p version with AC-3

  3. 4gb 720p version with AC-3

I had originally hoped for a 2gb 720p but I could not get the Ahch-To flyover shot to look right at that bitrate. It’s unfortunate, because the 2gb encode looked very good otherwise (even had much of the grain preserved). If anyone has any recommended ffmpeg X264 settings, I would be happy give it a try!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

ChainsawAsh said:

poppasketti said:

That’s good to hear, ChainsawAsh. Still could be worth looking at if I decide to make a V2. I rewatched that Finn hologram scene, and it is a real nice moment (and I got a genuine laugh from it). There is some FX work needed, but I think it’s small enough and only in 1-2 shots. Not sure exactly where it would fit, but it’s something to think about!

I’m pretty sure the only place it can fit is right before Finn packs his bag to sneak onto the escape pod, before he meets Rose.

Good point, after rewatching that section, it can only fit between when Holdo tells off Poe and Finn packing his bag. I think it could fit there nicely, but I also noticed there’s more FX work needed than I thought. The background in the first medium shot of BB-8 rolling up is very rough. There’s a strange mask edge around BB-8, most noticeable in the engineering equipment in the background. It would need to be recreated and tracked with a lot of rotoscoping. You could also just cut the shot entirely and work around it, but I’m not sure how well that will flow.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

HyperDown said:

I’m looking forward to grabbing the 10gb version when it’s ready.

Ready now! Pm sent.

jrs81 said:

This is the one I have been waiting for! Could I get a witness!? I mean a link 😃

Ha! Pm sent.

ChainsawAsh said:

For what it’s worth, this did not stand out on a repeat viewing. I’d still like to see the Finn/BB-8 hologram scene restored, but it’s not essential and does require some FX work to get rid of the puppetry on BB-8, so it might not be worth it anyway.

That’s good to hear, ChainsawAsh. Still could be worth looking at if I decide to make a V2. I rewatched that Finn hologram scene, and it is a real nice moment (and I got a genuine laugh from it). There is some FX work needed, but I think it’s small enough and only in 1-2 shots. Not sure exactly where it would fit, but it’s something to think about!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

DZ-330 said:

I would love to have a link, do I need to PM you or will you just send me a PM? Thanks!

PM sent.

And for an update: there’s now two version posted, the 34gb Blu-ray quality version with DTS and AC-3 audio, and now a 10gb version (AC-3 only). I intend to have a 2-4gb 720p version in the next day or two, but I’m trying to find the best encoding settings. My first 2gb test looked very good, except for one shot in the film that is surprisingly difficult to encode: the first flyover of Rey walking up to Luke to give him the lightsaber. That overhead shot of the island has an immense amount of in-focus detail across the frame: the grass, the rocks, and the ripples of the water. So I’ll tinker to see if I can get that shot to look good before posting.

Thank you all for you PMs and interest!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

I’m pleased to announce the release of The Last Jedi: Rekindled!

The first post has been updated with the final cut-list and the specs. Currently there is only the Blu-Ray quality version, which is about 34gb, but I intend to make smaller versions for easier download. Right now, I foresee 10gb and 2gb versions, each 1080p with AC-3, but I’d be open to suggestions.

Edit: To clarify, if you already have a link for workprint 2, you can use the same link to find the release version.

The first post also has a new “Special Thanks” section, including everyone that Hal 9000 thanked for the The Last Jedi: Legendary, which was the base for this edit, as well as any new people who helped with Rekindled.

On a personal note, it’s been amazing and inspiring to be able share ideas in such a positive atmosphere. I’ve been following this website for many years, initially from my interest in Harmy’s Despecialized editions. When The Last Jedi came out, I couldn’t wait to see what the talented people here would come up with, and I was not disappointed.

Hal 9000’s edit is fantastic, and I always admired his eagerness to collaborate. It was on TLJ:L that I was able to make my first contribution to anything on this site: stabilizing the crate Luke sits on while talking to Leia!

I must repeatedly thank Hal 9000, not only for the amazing work he put into his edit, but for his encouragement and guidance in helping me on my own edit.

I must also thank all of you for your help, feedback, and enthusiasm, which has made the whole experience truly rewarding!


The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)


Thank you so much for the detailed review! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, and thrilled you think it’s ready for release!

I also completely respect all of the things that you would do differently. I’d have to think on them for a while, perhaps after more viewings and other feedback comes in. If anything, it might help for me to give it some time off and come back with fresh eyes!

As for the Leia stretcher music, there is a small bit of holdover music (a note of strings) from the Leia spacewalk. I tried to lead into it with some strings and an accent from “Torn Apart.” The accent has two dark bass notes that rise during the transition. Then the stretcher strings fade in. I wonder if it’s the strings coming in that sounds off to you or the bass accent? Like you said, this may be one of the things to save for a V2 down the road!

When the Eagles win (or inevitably lose) I’ll probably make a release post and update the first one. I will also make a thread on FE.org as has been suggested.

Thanks so much again to you and everyone for your help and feedback!

Restoring the wondrously disastrous <strong>Star Wars Holiday Special</strong> (Released)

For that, you can use Adobe Media Encoder. Drag in the master file, set the format to H.264, and you can start with the preset “match source - high bitrate”. Then go into the video tab, and you can raise the bitrate even more to something like botox1 was suggesting, 15 mbps.

I assume the audio is stereo? If so, you should be able to leave the setting as is, which should be AAC 320 kbps.

If all you need is H.264 video with stereo audio, the resulting mp4 should be fine. If you want to add separate chapter markers and subtitles you can mux those in with something like mkvtoolnix, which would result in an mkv.

Restoring the wondrously disastrous <strong>Star Wars Holiday Special</strong> (Released)

Morphzero said:

It wouldn’t be a good idea to go with Prores, because making a distribution copy would result in another lossy conversion on top of that.

Fair enough. Thought it might be a good balance between the 50gb per 10 minutes he was getting. From my format calculator, uncompressed 8-bit at SD 59.94 should be about 24gb per 10 mins. That would be a good lossless option.

Restoring the wondrously disastrous <strong>Star Wars Holiday Special</strong> (Released)

I also recommend prores as a mastering codec. While technically not lossless, the results are fantastic and efficient (10 minutes of 59.94 SD should be about 10gb at prores HQ).

The mp4 settings listed above by botox1 would also look great for distribution.

I wouldn’t change the bitdepth out of the default. I think the confusion here comes from Adobe. They list total bit depth instead of bit depth per channel (channels being Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha). So with RGB footage at 8bits per channel, you have a total of 24bits. Most software, however, would simply call this 8-bit or 8bpc.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

ChainsawAsh said:
I’ll have some actual free time over the holiday weekend, so if you want another set of eyes on your edit for QC before you officially release it, shoot me a PM, I should be able to watch it and give you notes on any issues that jump out to me by Sunday.

This is so much appreciated, I will definitely try and get you something to QC in the next few days if I can!

ChainsawAsh said:
Also, if you’re working with lossless audio and want a DTS encode (though sadly not DTS-HD), I can do that for you once your audio is finalized, provided you can give me each individual audio channel as a mono AIFF or WAV file.

Also extremely appreciate offering to encode the DTS. I did do a DTS encode using ffmpeg (bitrate: 1509.75k), and it sounded good to me, but it would be great to have the extra ears. It will be included (along with AC3 at 640k) if/when I get you the file this week, and if you think your encoder would improve the quality, I would greatly appreciate it! I am using lossless audio.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

oojason said:

Personally, I’m a fan of the milk drinking scene - for me it’s part of Luke demonstrating the Force (the nature of it; in the cycle of life and nurture - along with the fishing)

I agree with this, which I why I didn’t want to cut the whole scene. Luke’s milking the alien for me is enough to suggest his connection with nature and the force. The shot of Luke actually drinking it with the scornful look on his face (as if he was deliberately trying making Rey uncomfortable) felt a little too strong to me. Rey was already uncomfortable, so, for me, the purpose of the scene is already achieved without having Luke rub it in her face.

ChainsawAsh said:

…but have you started a thread like this one in their Fanedits In-The-Works section? That would get you a little bit more visibility and allow your edit submission to stand out among the dozens sitting in the queue waiting to be reviewed by the Academy…

That’s a good suggestion! I was hoping to keep just this thread here to keep everything consolidated, but I may have to expand into FE.org to get that moving. I think in the next week after I have a full release here, I will setup a page and focus harder on getting that submision. Thank you for your help!

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)


I finally got to sit down and watch a final render for QC! I caught a couple of black frames, and 1-2 small adjustments to the mix I would like to make. Otherwise, I am pretty happy with the film.

My wife had two small suggestions that I would like to bounce off of the people here to see what you think!

One is to remove Luke drinking the milk, as the creepy face is very off-putting coming from Luke Skywalker. I agree that’s part of the point (to show Luke has become a recluse), but surely the rest of his behavior is sufficient and doesn’t need this particular shot. Here is the attempt:
pw: fanedit

The other suggestion was to remove Maz Kamata’s reference to her sexual relationship with the codebreaker. It was distracting (and odd considering she was in some kind of battle), so I gave that an effort too. It doesn’t completely work with 3PO’s head movement, but it may be worth it to remove the line? Take a look:
pw: fanedit

I’m not 100% attached to either of these changes, but I’d be interested to see what others think.

Thank you and I hope to post within a week or so!

Also, regarding FE.org submission, I have not heard back from DominicCobb, and my first PM to him was 2 weeks ago. I sent a follow-up three or so days ago. Could there be something I am doing wrong, or should I keep waiting? Any advice would be appreciated! I’m not in any rush, just thought it was a long time without reply.