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Original Theatrical Versions

Yes that's true. I guess I did not mean HD in the modern sense of the word. The old analogue film contained all the information necessary, yet even at the digital resolution used they really failed my expectations. Hopefully in future digital capturing techniques will improve. Many other old films have been captured with so much more detail and resolution than the SW original trilogy though.

The new trilogy I, II, III, also seem to suffer from the same problem in my opinion. As soon as you zoom in the picture quality goes.

Original Theatrical Versions

Hi, Just a question here from another relative Newbie.

Were the LD trilogy released in the same format as GOUT, i.e. letterbox or whatever?

One of my personal gripes with GOUT versions is that as soon as I try to zoom in to make the movies fill the screen, the resolution goes and the picture quality becomes dreadful. The result is a bit like watching the original through out-of-focus glasses in a smoke-filled room.

Aren't they supposed to be HD?... or HD "in name only"? Are we expected to squint at them in that very narrow, letterbox window?

An original theatrical release should mean just that. You should be virtually able to fill a theatre screen with the picture without suffering huge losses in definition.

Are there any "true" HD versions in existence?


Worst Edit Ideas

Great idea! I was thinking of trying to make it more serious, but that may be about as "easy" as turning Die Hard IV into a broadway musical. lol!

I am sure the HS could at least be made watchable.

Perhaps lunacy will get the better of me one day and I'll begin such an edit! BE WARNED THOUGH, THE FINISHED PRODUCT MAY BE EVEN MORE CORNY THAN THE ORIGINAL!

Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

sunday256 said:

As crazy at this sounds, I kind of enjoyed Princess Leia and her singing. LOL.

Haha! Yeah me too. Hard not to miss that her eyes look kinda "dilated". I think she may have started celebrating Life Day early. lol!

I grew up in the age of variety shows. Many of them were just plain awful. But having a Star Wars variety show did seem like a bizarre idea, even at the time.

Worst Edit Ideas

Newbie here. I'm sure others have already thought of this a million times before, so please tell me if this is the case.

I once had a whacky idea to do an edit of The Holiday Special. I have always felt that with a lot of editing the special could be made fast-paced and at least watchable. It would have to be cut back to an hour or maybe only half an hour. The most important thing would be to edit out ALL of the special guest appearances, dancing and singing. Every scene that diverges from the plot needs to be removed. Every scene that does manage to stick to the plot needs editing back. Most are unnecessarily long and boring beyond belief. 

The tricky thing would be knowing what to do with the first 10 minutes. The idea of wookies living in 70s suburbia just ain't right! Ten minutes of growling at one another is another thing that just ain't right! And why do they live in trees?? Leave that to light-footed Ewoks I say! Wookies are big, heavy and a bit clumsy. What are they doing up in the tops of trees??? Are they afraid of some ground-dwelling predators?? Clearly they should be unafraid, so live on the ground in some kind of rough dwellings and be war-like and tribal.

Then there is knowing what to do with that scene at the end where the wookies walk into that big glowing ball thing wearing robes. Where would anyone begin to fix that scene?? Then there is the awful acting which even careful editing would be unable to cover up.

I do think the special could at least be made watchable with a lot of editing. It may not seem so strange either if it stuck to the plot. It would of course still retain much of its original corniness. Not much can be done about that!

I'd be interested to know if any such edits already exist.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

g-force said:

point5 said:

Looking forward to seeing the finished product!!!! By the way, I have raw DVD transfers of the UK Droids VHS series from tapes that were in mint to near mint condition. If these may be of any use to the restoration let me know. Only problem is I'm fairly sure they are in PAL format.

 I can speak for retartedted, but I'd love to have them!


 Sure. Send me a PM and let's see what we can organize.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

Looking forward to seeing the finished product!!!! By the way, I have raw DVD transfers of the UK Droids VHS series from tapes that were in mint to near mint condition. If these may be of any use to the restoration let me know. Only problem is I'm fairly sure they are in PAL format.

Would anyone have this Holiday Special cover?

Hi, Would anyone have the full-sized version of this cover? The name of the file is LD -  Anamorphic Version 4 - The Holiday Special.jpg and it is 2.62 Mb. The torrent for it on MySpleen has not been seeded for a long time and is dead.


Computer crash! Lost everything. Can anyone in Australia HELP with MySpleen files?

Hi, I was on MySpleen happily downloading recently when all of a sudden my computer froze up. I tried to reboot but nothing! I lost everything, including SW's files in various stages of download. I had only finished three and had luckily saved these ones to disk.

I have an extremely expensive connection on prepaid wireless broadband, so I lost around $300 worth of downloads. There were only about a dozen files that I really wanted, namely the complete Ewoks restoration disks and the various Holiday Special on MySpleen. I can now no longer log into MySpleen as it is not accepting the answer to my test question, even though I'm sure it is correct. In any case I really don't feel like giving Optus $300 just so I can download them all again!

If any members in Australia (or anywhere for that matter) can help me I would greatly appreciate it. If anyone can send me some of my missing files on disc, please PM me. I can reimburse you with DVDs and return postage in advance.

Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

I always believe the Holiday Special could have been quite watchable if it had been edited back to about an hour or half hour. Nearly all of the guest appearances should have been left on the cutting room floor, and all those tediously long and trivial bits should have been cut back to short scenes. George Lucas should have been on hand to keep the plot interesting and to re-take the bits with very bad acting. The first few minutes are okay, then everything goes awry. Lots of silly stuff like baking cakes should have been shot down in flames instantly by any serious producer! And definitely NO singing!!! The wookiees are not at all convincing. Turning them into a typical 70s suburban family was clearly a disaster.

I have to admit the "virtual reality" machine in which Chewy's dad gets off on an erotic fantasy is kind of cool. But most of the "Commodore 64" technology used throughout the show looks very lame. In fact it looked lame back then, and this was in the days before Commodore 64s existed!! lol!