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Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

g-force said:

looks like the back to a comic book, maybe Transformers?


 Hi g-force,

I did some searching and it turns out this was an actual sale's poster and is up on another Star Wars forum. The image is not hidden for "members only" but showing up for public viewing. I now have the full size image, but am reluctant to post it up in case someone from the other forum accuses me of stealing it. ;-) You may be right about the original being on the back of a comic book. That does sound right.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

MattMahdi said:

Video Collector said:

P5, I am really not okay with this. As a custom cover designer I generally frown upon people cannibalizing my work.

Feel free to make such modifications for yourself, but please refrain from distributing them.

Not much I can really do about it if you persist, but I just wanted to let my feelings on the matter be known.

It is a neat image. Is there a place where your originals are displayed?

Actually, the intended question is this: do you mind if people use your custom covers unmodified? Because if you're willing then I'd love to see some of your work. I'll be doing my own conversion of the episodes to DVD just because it feels somehow more real.

VC did a SUPERB job on the dvd PAL transfers and the reformatting of the old artwork to suit dvd cover size. The covers look very fresh, slick and professional. The whole set is up in the usual place. Obviously they have been put there for people to use. But I would suggest that apart from seeding, don't distribute them or advertise the fact you intend to modify the covers in any way... or you might get into trouble like yours truly did. :-)

Disney's attitude towards fan edits / restorations?

Very true. In an ideal world the only people who should ever receive a C&D are those who try to sell and profit financially from fakes which they knowingly reproduce, advertize and sell as the real thing. I personally also draw the line at those unscrupulous parasites who download edits from forums, burn them to multiple disks and then try to sell them.

Well this is the way it should be in an ideal world. The problem is we don't live in an ideal world... we live in a world of corporations, bureaucrats and lawyers. What concerns me is we may not have GL acting as a "buffer" between corporate interests and fan interests as we once had, even if it had been only implied. Correct me if I am wrong, but it was kind of a "gentleman's agreement" between GL and Star Wars fans, to my understanding.

Disney's attitude towards fan edits / restorations?

So now that Disney owns all of the former Lucas Films, can anyone tell me if Disney has made any clear statements about reaching a compromise between intellectual property and fan edits / restorations /artwork? I'm sure other people must be asking this question.

GL always had a general understanding of consent towards fan edits, but I wonder if Disney intends to extend this kind of "agreement" in the same way, or will they be more stringent? Are the new owners as flexible in their dealings with the creative pursuits of Star Wars fans?

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

Video Collector said:

point5 said:

Here is a reduced version of what I've done so far. Basically just a reworking of Video Collector's artwork for Droids 1, so all credits go to VC really.

P5, I am really not okay with this. As a custom cover designer I generally frown upon people cannibalizing my work.

Feel free to make such modifications for yourself, but please refrain from distributing them.

Not much I can really do about it if you persist, but I just wanted to let my feelings on the matter be known.

I generally frown upon people cannibalizing my work.

*smiling at the irony* Haha!! ;-) I thought this whole forum operated on the premise that fan art is intended as a compliment to the original artists. We always assume of course that the original artists will see it that way and not as a stolen and cannibalized manipulation.

please refrain from distributing them.

*sigh* No intention whatsoever and now I know your feelings, not at all. I guess I was just trying to show others what I was talking about re the front cover and need for a clearer image, which is why I posted up a HIGHLY reduced image which was useless to anyone who may have downloaded it. And "far be it for me" to distribute something that isn't mine. Heaven forbid! ;-)

Not much I can really do about it if you persist.

I'm taking that gem with me all the way to the summit of Mt Everest and back. :-)

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

MattMahdi said:

I'd love to see a clearer copy.

It is the insert on some of the official Droids release dvds (Portuguese, Spanish and French versions only??). It is different to the insert in my U.S. version, which has been cropped badly. Would be great if someone has a copy.

As I said before, I'm really only doing this for myself to house Ted's Version 1.0, otherwise blank disks tend to get lost in the chaos of my collection.

By the way, I also found this on my hard drive. I have no idea where I got it from now. I recall I found it while doing a Google search some years ago. Would be great to see a good clear image of this original sale poster. It could be added to the PDFs in Video Collector's PAL version.

Ewoks & Droids sales's poster

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

I am working on some dvd artwork for Ted's Version 1.0, having just converted the mp4s to dvd. 

I am doing this cover mainly for myself. I'm guessing the demand will not be large enough to warrant putting it up on MySpleen in any case.

Would anyone have a really nice, clear, hi res copy of this image? I wish to use the image at right for the front cover.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

pittrek said:

Your player will always read the correct aspect ratio from the file header. Meaning if the AR will be set to 4:3 your DVD player will show the picture as 4:3 independently from the actual dimensions of the video.

Thanks for the heads up. I thought that may be the case but was not sure. So if I just use the default setting "720 X 480 (4:3) NTSC" it will turn out okay?

retaining 640 X 480 with MP4 to VOB?

First of all, please excuse my "dumb-ness". I am a newbie to this. I have a question about transferring MP4 to DVD. The mostly freeware software I have will not allow me to retain the original 640 X 480 of the MP4 files when transferring to VOB files. Instead they all show only two choices 720 X 480 (4:3) NTSC or 720 X 576 (4:3) PAL. Is there any way to retain the original 640 X 480 while transferring to NTSC for use on a DVD player? Does it matter if the size is changed to 720 X 480 or will the resulting video look distorted? Or am I totally missing something???

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

I have a question about transferring these to DVD. The software I have will not allow me to retain the original 640 X 480 when transferring MP4 to VOB files. Instead they all show only two choices 720 X 480 (4:3) NTSC or 720 X 576 (4:3) PAL. Is there any way to retain the original 640 X 480 while transferring to NTSC for use on a DVD player? Does it matter if the size is changed to 720 X 480 or will the resulting video look distorted? Or am I totally missing something???

Star Wars Clone Wars DVD Cover-Art

I'm looking for some fan dvd cover artwork for Clone Wars Season Six, The Lost Missions (Netflix). I've searched Google but not found any cover art.

It seems that this season is only going to be released on blu-ray and I cannot find a definite date for this release. :-(

In any case I would prefer it on standard dvd as I have all of the other seasons in this format.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

Wow, I thought this project had been shelved a long time ago so I neglected to call back. Unknown to me it was flourishing. So it is a very pleasant surprise for me to call back to the forum and see the restoration has been completed. I now have a lot of catching up to do. BTW, I vaguely recall donating some sound for one of the episodes but not sure if it was ever used? No skin off my nose if it was not, but it would be good to know if it was of some help to the project.

Disney Acquires LucasFilm for $4.05 billion, Episode 7 in 2015, 8 and 9 to Follow, New Film Every 2-3 Years

OMG, I hadn't checked my emails for a few days!! What a fool I was to subscribe to this topic. Haha!! I had like 200 topic update notices. It will be impossible for me to read every post, but the recent bombshell thrown at fans by George Lucas sure has promoted some lively discussion.

Just one thing I hope is that Disney remains true to Lucas's vision and doesn't adopt a version of the "Lord of the Rings" or "Harry Pothead" style. Just because those kinds of films were successful for younger audiences today does not mean that Star Wars should throw out the Force in favour of magic. Lucas sometimes delved into the world of witches and magic with the Ewoks cartoon series and Clone Wars. In small doses it works and compliments the idea of an all-encompassing life Force. It concerns me a bit that a style like the Italian fan film Dark Resurrection may be adopted which could send Lucas's original vision way off track. Any future SW films will need to remain true to the original idea.

Disney Acquires LucasFilm for $4.05 billion, Episode 7 in 2015, 8 and 9 to Follow, New Film Every 2-3 Years

I hope Disney does not dumb down the new episode and make it "childish" to cater for a potentially younger audience. The results could be something like the Holiday Special just with lots of gee whiz special effects. And if only one princess breaks into song then I'll be walking outa the cinema and demanding a refund!!!

Once upon a time on MySpleen (Now with OPEN REGISTRATION)

MichaelGonJinn said:

Could I have an invite to myspleen. How does myspleen work. I would like to download the complete series ewoks adventures.

 How difficult can it be? Scroll back about 7 posts. You will see a user called walkingdork. Click on "Send Private Message". Write your message in the window that appears and click send. Then wait... a short while or a long while, depending on how busy he is.

Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)

I recently made a rough cover for a DVD set to house 6 DVDs (3 for the Droids series and 1 for The Great Heep) and possibly a sixth for bonus materials (but this material could probably be added to one of the other DVDs).

This design is for one of the 6X DVD cases that are roughly the size of an old VHS case. I think the 4X cases are the same size. Also, one of the CD holders can be removed from a 6X set if you only have 4 DVDs.

This design is not my own. I found it on the net some place and altered it to suit my purposes. Many of the Droids DVDs I have at present are very poor quality (just AVI files converted to VOB), so I am looking forward to a complete Droid's restoration!!



I admit the quality of the cover is not the best. It clearly needs work and could definitely use better quality images. This was all I had available at the time.