- Post
- #610832
- Topic
- For Sale : Star Wars 35mm - original Spanish LPP print
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/610832/action/topic#610832
- Time
The print is now up on ebay.
Search for star wars spanish LPP.
The print is now up on ebay.
Search for star wars spanish LPP.
wired's take on it:
congratulations on the write-up:
TV's Frink said:
Thanks for reminding me how annoying neg 1 is.
pot meet kettle!
TV's Frink said:
Why did you make a new account?
whatcha talkin' bout willis?
TK421138 said:
negative1 said:
Brooks said:
negative1 said:
... it's the streisand effect. you're just focusing more attention on it, now
that you've stated that you don't want to tell us what
you're using.
That's probably true. I'm guessing he just doesn't want the technical side of things to be the focus of the project or to start a debate about gear and software?
if he had just said it in the first place or not even mentioned it.
it would never have been brought up.
Why the drama dude? It's not like I'm intetionally keeping anyone in the dark here, just accept that there are certain technical aspects of the project that I prefer not to reveal. This is so people can fully enjoy the audio portion without focusing on what program I used to digitally fix it with. It would appear that right now the only one focusing attention on this silly issue is you. Just relax and enjoy the project when it is completed.
I got nothing but love for everyone here.
there's no drama with me.
you're the one that keeps bringing it up.
good luck.
Brooks said:
negative1 said:
... it's the streisand effect. you're just focusing more attention on it, now
that you've stated that you don't want to tell us what
you're using.
That's probably true. I'm guessing he just doesn't want the technical side of things to be the focus of the project or to start a debate about gear and software?
if he had just said it in the first place or not even mentioned it.
it would never have been brought up.
still processing more invites currently.
there's several more whose emails bounced,
so if you're one of them, you'll have to reapply.
we'll also be giving preferences to the board
members that have been around longer, and
have been actively posting.
if you're a lurker or new member, we'll get
around to you. but you need to be more active
so that we know you're serious about joining.
again, otherwise why are you here? we're not
just going to be handing out samples without
you being involved. we don't expect you to
be knowledgeable or do work for us. but if you
can't even comment, you'll be disappointed.
also, as i transition out of this board,
you'll be able to respond to team_negative1
from here on out. that way the team can
respond and check on it.
i won't be using this as much, and my pm's were
pretty much full the whole time anyways.
it's been a fun ride.
TK421138 said:
negative1 said:
TK421138 said:
I have purchased an amazing audio restoration program that shall remain nameless as to not colour anyone's opinions. I simply can't get over how well it cleans and preserves the original tone and warmth of an analog recording.
do you mean izotope?
Izotope, nope.
It's designed just for the transfer of audio from an analog source to a digital one. Not really a big deal which program it is. That is not the focus of this project. I'm not keeping any secrets by not releasing the name of the program nor am I being boastful, rather I simply want the spotlight to be on the audio and images and not on the software used.
actually, i think it is a big deal.
because i've done a ton of vinyl to digital restoration,
and if there's a better tool out there i'd try it. i've used
soundforge in the past, and also magix audio cleaning lab,
with very good results.
i have no idea why you think telling people about what
you're using would hurt this project. it's the streisand
effect. you're just focusing more attention on it, now
that you've stated that you don't want to tell us what
you're using.
done going through all of today's response
for accounts. we got about a 50% return
which is what i expected.
nice seeing a lot of familiar faces and names
there.. i expect more comments, and don't
forget to vote on comments, and thread
posts. we've got a lot more stuff lined up
in the near future.
about 8 emails were wrong, or got returned,
so those users will have to wait for a few days
until we open up general admission.
thanks for your patience, and consideration.
i appreciate your interest. and look forward
to getting the rest of you onboard real-soon-now(TM).
team -1
TK421138 said:
I have purchased an amazing audio restoration program that shall remain nameless as to not colour anyone's opinions. I simply can't get over how well it cleans and preserves the original tone and warmth of an analog recording.
do you mean izotope?
AntcuFaalb said:
I haven't received an invite either and I was a member of the previous blog (a late one, but a member nonetheless). I did send you my e-mail address, -1, but you gave me my login info via PM.
I'm looking forward to getting in!
you were an exception.
which is why i don't have you on my email list.
i mentioned i've IGNORED any PM's concerning
this until we're ready.
don't worry, we'll get to you though!
i have to plough through about a 40 responses
one at a time, activate each account, and do
some other stuff. so it will take a couple of days
before we open it up for the general board.
we're still ironing out issues with the video
plugin's and the commenting. but they should
be good to go.
there's not much there now, so you're not
missing out on the SUPER-SECRET-STUFF(TM)
yet. we'll be ramping up though. so you'll
make it in time.
i don't want to keep replying here, because it's
taking up time from stuff i could be doing over there.
if you guys don't hear from me for awhile, you know
the reason.
you can keep posting your questions here,
we'll get to them.
team -1
the commenting system,
and everything else seems to be good
to go now.
have fun!
team -1
if you're one of the people that got in.
we'd appreciate it if you could test out
the commenting system. it's not directly
under our control. and i can see them fine.
but you might not be able to see your own,
so it's another web/permission issue.
we're looking into it now. and hope to have
it cleared up soon. at least you can check out
a couple of things while you're there.
we want to make sure everythings working
before we start posting more stuff.
team -1
by the way,
everyone that is getting on there.
we are using the disqus commenting system.
you have to enter a username and email
(doesn't have to be an actual one) EVERYTIME
you make a comment. unless you have a
facebook, twitter, or disqus login.
we suggest you go here:
and for help:
and read up on how it works, and create
an account if you're going to be commenting a lot..
team -1
ww12345 said:
I got one email, but haven't gotten a response yet...
*AHEM, cough
you might want to check it again.
team -1
You_Too said:
Actually, I was a member, pretty active one and I didn't get any email.
And DJ said he got his email but logging in doesn't work.
EDIT: I hope this doesn't make you think I'm nagging. I'm waiting patiently until you guys are ready. :)
we jumped the gun just slightly.
the logins aren't working.
they worked for the admin guys,
but not for users.
our it/web admin is looking into this right now.
i just spoke to him on the phone.
just hang in there, i'm not sending out any
confirmations until we can make sure people
can log in.
that would help! right? haha
logins are working now!!!
thanks to williarob for getting it sorted.
on with the registrations..
team -1
ok guys,
everyone with a previous account should
have gotten an email invite now.
if you didn't, and are SURE you had
an account before:
1 your email bounced, and you'll have to
re-send it to me when the general
admissions start
2 i typed your email wrong (OOPS!)
3 i never did you have your email
in the first place, and just created
an account - in this case you'll still
have to wait for the general admission
4 CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTER, it's possible
that the mail didn't get past it
of course, if you weren't a member before,
you won't get an email. (because i don't have it).
DON'T SEND ME A PM JUST YET asking for an invite.
We need to get the other people started with
their accounts first (should take a few days).
once we've gotten them in, we'll let everyone
else join.
i think Harmy was the first to respond,
so congratulations to him!
ok guys, i'll keep you posted on when
we'll be ready for the general admission.
(and i've had some sent to me already, although i
keep asking for them not to be sent)
thanks again for your patience
and consideration.
team -1
negative1 said:
another super wide laptop reviewed,
as mentioned earlier:
the review:
ok, i tried this out at a best buy.
yeah, it's a really weird looking laptop..
and unfortunately they didn't have any super widescreen
ratio movie samples on there.
but it was very sharp looking, and clear. the normal video
get's letterboxed, depending on your preferences.
it was kind of pricey too.. but that's to be expected
for such a niche type of computer.
MeBeJedi said:
Well, I thought I'd come back by and see what you guys thought of the new Disney acquisition. Seems I arrived just in time to see this exciting new project.
thanks, but it's not new.
this is just a new thread started from another one
that was 6 years old, and i got in on it 4 years ago.
"I'm pretty sure we aren't doing anything illegal, since we aren't making any money."
Oh, the studios have that contingency covered as well...
who's distributing anything? i'm not.
how does this actually apply? maybe to
people distributing something.. we don't
have anything to distribute do we?
and even if we did, do you know who
those people are? i don't.
as for reproduction issue? it's a private
backup of a print for personal use. if
other people happen to see it, oh well.
team -1
on a related note.
we've put up the LPP for sale on
the 35mm forum.. ( and will got
to ebay if it doesn't sell).
it has served us well, and it's
purpose is now complete.
it's been quite the adventure
owning it.
i hope the new owner appreciates
the historical nature of it also.
just in case there is someone interested here.
a notice has been posted on:
you have to join to be a member first
and then look under 35m features.
another friend of mine is selling it for me.
good luck!
if it doesn't sell, we'll consider ebay.
for most people,
it's better to have very low expectations,
and that way you can be pleasantly surprised
if they're good, or say 'i told you so' if they're not,
but not be too disappointed either.
i prefer to be neutral, leaning slightly towards
but i'm not like a lot of the fortune tellers here
that can predict the future, and know what's going
to happen before something actually come out.
i avoided ALL spoilers for the ALL the prequels
and was fine. i'll do the same for the new postquels
(if that's a word?)... and avoid any major spoilers
as much as possible for these too.
skyjedi2005 said:
Lucas pulled a Steve Jobs or a Stan Lee. Though neither of those two as far as i'm aware was willing to give away their landfall of wealth gained for selling pixar/,marvel.
This is still kind of weird though its like bargaining with Satan to give you worldly riches with the end goal of giving it all to the church,lol.
George is a good man when it comes to charitable giving, but now Disney gets to ruin star wars.
ah, good old classic skyjedi2005,
glad you're ok,
and nice to see some thoughts never change.
that's reassuring.
more power to George for what he's doing.
i always appreciated his charitable stance.