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The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)

CaptainFaraday said:

lantern51 said:

CaptainFaraday said:

I’d be really interested to see the latest cut of this.

This version isn’t done yet. The version I did a couple of years ago I still have up, but it’s not up to my current standards. Let me know if you are still interested in it though.

In that case, I’ll wait for the updated version.

Optimistically about a month or so, but realistically it will be longer.


Here is some general feedback.

I can see that you are very talented! But you need to remember that this is basically a period piece. This movie was done in the 1980 and it will show that. So when I see cars and clothing that are obviously more modern, it takes me out of the movie. I’m not saying that you can’t use shots with modern FX, but be careful of the close ups.

Also it personally feels like there is a lot of Superman just flying around and not actually doing anything with the destruction happening around him. I don’t want to take anything away from the work you are doing and I hope I don’t sound too harsh, but it was feedback like this that helped me to step back from what I was doing and see things from another perspective. I know sometimes I’m too close to it and I don’t always see what everyone else does.

In the end, you really just have to make the movie YOU want. It’s your edit and you are only sharing it with us.

Keep up the amazing work!

A New Hope: Vader edition (Released)

Hi guys! Long time since I have been in here… I’m working on the full 1080 HD version per request and I was thinking of taking a new look at the opening and I have 2 ideas I want to run past you all.

Here is a slightly different take on the original opening I had. Also not using the ship capture from R1 anymore, going with the original footage. My goal here is to make that the guy in the hallway holding something is insignificant as possible. At least what he’s holding is hopefully not even a thing you are thinking about.


But then I had another thought. What if I went all in on this instead of trying to hide it?


Neither of these have sound because that is the heavy lifting in any edit and I would be redoing a lot of work there. So I wanted to start with the visual flow and see what you think is better?

A New Hope: Vader edition (Released)

Delpheas said:

This all looks pretty great! In the area of making Vader more consistent across the Saga, are you familiar with what joshua_blue did for the “Stronger Vader” cut of ANH:R? (https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/ANHR-Stronger-Vader-edit-Released/id/13462/page/1)

There is a lot there that I think would go nicely with what you’re working one. Just a thought!

The sound mix in your opening is quite loud and doesn’t flow well from the tale of the fanfare into the rest, it is very clear that something is up to me. And when the soundeffects from the RO: vader scene are heard, I can hear that they’re mixed into the ANH soundscape from another source.

Hello, and thank you for the feedback. I’m almost done with another version of the edit and I have taken all feedback into consideration on this one. I’m working hard to get all of it right and hopefully I can get an official page on fanedit.org with this one.
I was not familiar with the edit you mentioned. I took a look at the post. It seems interesting, but I think I’m too far along with it at this point.

The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)


I need a little help with the plot of this edit here. So I show Finn with the tracker that Rey uses to find the resistance. How to handle this after that can be done in 3 ways that I can think of.

  1. As you see in the video, I can try to piece together something that shows Finn passing it onto Poe. This is because I really wanted to cut out the sub-plot that goes absolutely nowhere.

  2. I can just not worry about it, we know someone has it and just cut the scenes that hearken back to the tracker from the point that Finn has it.

  3. My least favorite option, but I can live with it. I do something like Sobo Films did and just make Rose the code-breaker and skip the whole Canto Bight stuff and bring Rose and Finn right to the ship and take care of them being tracked. This may also make Rose a bit more likable because I am still going to cut her using the cattle prod on people.

The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)

I couldn’t get a good enough shot of Kylo Ren to use in the edit, so I am going to switch out that shot for some Hux footage that I was going to delete and it looks great! No more goofy face…

I finished up the new music and sound fx on the Finn waking up part of the movie for those who have seen my edit. I am now working on Rey meeting Luke for the first time.

BTW… Without spoiling anything for ROS in theaters right now. There was nothing setting Rey up for this in any of the other movies, so I will be going and doing a TFA edit (eventually) and I think I can adjust the force vision she has to drop a hint or 2 there so Episode 9 doesn’t feel so out of place.