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The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)

The idea is that I’m keeping more Rose in this edit, but I want her to feel more likable that I thought she was in the film proper. So I cut her hitting Finn with a taser. So I still needed something to prompt Finn to want to do a mission to disable the tracker. So I repurposed this deleted scene.

<iframe src=“https://player.vimeo.com/video/627472924” width=“640” height=“564” frameborder=“0” allow=“autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe>

BTW… The feed back on my ANH edit has been fantastic! I’m hoping to hear something about this edit soon. I have sent out enough links LOL…

Halloween (1978) The 2018 Prequel edit (Released)

Atom-88 said:

Hi Lantern51, Just finished watching your edit and really enjoyed. I liked the added scenes from Halloween II, I thought it made Michael a bit more menacing like we see in the new Halloween. Will admit after seeing this it has me more pumped for Halloween Kills which is out soon😁.
Anyone here who is a Halloween fan or even someone looking for something good to watch on Halloween should give this edit a watch.

Thank you once again Lantern51 for sharing this with me.

Thanks! I really appreciate the kind words! Doing an edit is always more fun if others are enjoying them along with me.

Halloween (1978) The 2018 Prequel edit (Released)

Jimmy Chips said:

I really liked the idea of this edit! Especially the use of Halloween II footage to up the body count. My biggest hang-up is the kill of the mechanic. It just sort of happens after Michael’s escape, leaving no room for suspense and it fades out mid-impact. Maybe arranging after a Loomis scene would help? Thank you for letting me view this edit!

Thanks! Glad you liked it over all!. I have to admit, that scene was a bit of a struggle because there isn’t much of anything there? There is a Loomis scene where he sees a garage mechanic who is dead outside by the payphone and I could maybe move it before there, but we still don’t see anything more with that scene than what I already have, so I thought the fade might be best, but I don’t know? Like I said, it’s a struggle. I can play with that idea though.

Halloween (1978) The 2018 Prequel edit (Released)

Here is a change/cut list for the edit.

  • After Michael kills his sister, I cut the to the Rob Zombie scene with that young Michael sitting in the police car. We then go right into the grainy footage where Loomis is talking about how Michael needs masks.
  • I Replaced the footage of Loomis and the nurse driving to the hospital and Michael stealing their car with the hospital transfer scene from Halloween 4.
  • After Michael drives off with the ambulance I cut to the mechanic shop from Halloween 4 so we can assume that is where he got the car used in the rest of the movie.
  • Cut the kids from school teasing Tommy about the boogeyman. We get all of this later in the film when Laurie is babysitting.
  • Shortened the walk home with Laurie and her friends. I felt this dragged on too long.
  • Shortened the drive with Laurie and Annie and Michael following them. Again I feel it goes on too long and nothing is really happening here.
  • After Loomis and the sheriff are at Michaels house and find the mutilated animals, I cut to the street scene of Halloween 2 where Michael picks up the knife and goes next door and kills the girl talking on the phone. I added dialog from Night of the Living Dead to remove the TV talking about the killings and I added The Monster Mash when the girl talking on the phone turns on the radio. I also removed the voice of the person talking on the other end of the phone call.
  • Cut Annie going to the car and forgetting the keys, going back inside to get them and then walks back out to the car again. Now it’s just one trip to the car.
  • Trimmed Linda and her boyfriend wondering where Annie is. Now they just want to go upstairs.
Halloween (1978) The 2018 Prequel edit (Released)

I love what the original movie did for horror movies, but to watch it now (as much as I hate to say it) I’m kinda board… I have a lot of respect for this movie, but I felt that the 2018 packs more punch (and stabs). So the intention here is to get more tension built up in this and add a few more deaths to try and make the 2 movies feel more in line with one another. I actually did this edit the weekend after I finished Star Wars -Redux., so it’s finished

So aside from some trimming to move things at a faster pace, I replace how Michael come back to Haddonfield buy using Halloween 4’s escape. To explain the bandages on his face and and why he wanted the mask from the store I used the film footage from the Zombie version that has Loomis talking about Michael needing a mask and hiding behind them. This also fits with the 2018 movie as to why he refuses to show his face without a mask there as well. The last thing I did was add the street scene from Halloween 2 as the start of the killing spree in this so we can get moving sooner (with what I personally came to see when I watch these movies). I removed any references to people talking about what happened in Halloween 1 so it all flows.

Any edits that remove Luke from the sequel trilogy?

sade1212 said:

Not to be too Testing about it - and I know there’s been a “FanFix” category of fanedits since time immemorial - but can we collectively stop referring to completely subjective changes as ‘fixes’? Fixes are what Adywan does when he corrects an accidental visual mistake or continuity error, not what’s being done when an editor consciously moves a film away from what was originally intended. Both are totally valid, and half the fun of being in this community is seeing everyone’s very different takes on what can be made from the same material, but surely if there’s anything that’s apparent from the discussions on this website, it’s that there’s a wide variety of opinions about what people do or don’t enjoy or “want to see” in each Star Wars movie.

I agree with that. Sometimes when I jump in real quick and just type up a reply I’m not thinking about stuff like that. However, you’re correct.

My reply was in response to the post and obviously the Luke presented wasn’t the one they wanted. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone who likes anything different from what I like. If I did, I apologize. Movies, like all entertainment is subjective.

The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)

Mario said:

The training scene looks really amazing. That’s are scenes I will see in the movie. If the final version is released I would get the link please 🙂

Thank you. I worked hard on it. I will be happy to get links out when it’s done. I have about 45 minutes of the movie to edit and then I have to watch it for any other possible errors.

The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released)

CloneWarsFan said:

I would love to check this out. Can I have a link please?

I’m still working in the final version. I have the rough cut that I originally put out before if you want to watch that until this one gets finished. I was hoping it would have been done by now, but there were a couple of scenes that gave me more trouble than I thought to fix them. So I still have about 45 more minutes of the final to get through still.