- Post
- #1493555
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- Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1493555/action/topic#1493555
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This is as smooth as baby Yoda’s butt.
The edit has now been released now. Enjoy!
Comments, criticisms welcome, but first understand that the primary goal of this edit is to produce a higher budget looking film.
I do not want cheap looking footage especially of Leia before being kidnapped, Leia running around on the mining planet Mapuzo, and Inquisitors doing all their bad acting on Tatooine. If this is a dealbreaker for you, please be warned and find another edit that suits you better.
STF78 thanks for taking a look. I’ve polished that dream sequence audio up a bit more and it now has a proper LFE treatment for those on a home theater system. Hope to have the edit released in 1080p and 720p tomorrow.
I’m exporting the video now.
Hi Mario it will be ready soon. Within just a few days.
Here is the concept for Ben’s extended Dream sequence incorporating the fire:
Using Vader dragging OWK in the fire as a dream sequence is an inspired change!
I like it
Thanks Ice. I really liked the concept but not the implementation. This lets me keep keep some of that initial confrontation without it feeling like a fanfilm anymore.
Glogus, also thanks for your thoughts. I have decided to update my opening text so it does not override any canon. Here it is:
Under orders from Lord Vader,
the GRAND INQUISITOR must find
and execute outsiders who use the Force.
While leading a team of Jedi Hunters
on Tatooine, the Grand Inquisitor
was shot by a Tusken Raider sniper.
Declaring the Grand Inquisitor dead,
Vader orders weekly executions
on Tatooine in retaliation.
The Grand Inquisitor is an established part of Star Wars canon. Why are you so eager to remove him? Despite going a bit too far in a few places, I actually liked the infighting among the Inquisitors. It was entertaining.
Also, I thought Haja’s story was pretty well received, so I’m surprised you want to eliminate it.
This Grand Inquisitor unfortunately was a weakling with terrible lines.
The Inquisitor with the fancy hat was a bad caricature of a bad guy with just about every line he spoke. He’s still in this edit though and is angsty toward Reva.
Haja’s arc storyline was a bad rough draft seemingly written by the alternate writing team to add filler material.
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
To inquire about this edit, email krausfadr at gmail dot com and include the word fanedit in the subject line.
This edit is a series to film fanfix
Other edits have left in too much of the low budget scenes for me. I would love to have a high budget edit that runs at 2 hours. But this is not possible… but it is possible to tell a full story at 1 hour 45 minutes.
This series was a puzzling assortment of unevenness with much low budget filler material. It also went from a Jawa making “stinky” jokes suited for third graders— to an innocent woman getting her hand brutally sliced off with a lightsaber. With such dark material it made little sense for Disney, after the fact, to try and turn it into a light hearted show for small children. They put minimal time and budget into their retrofitted material and it shows.
The first fight/encounter between Vader and Ben (dragged into fire) was a cool concept but looked like a youtube fanfilm.
Luckily the scenes for the main storylines (probably from the original script) were filmed/produced with a moderate to high budget.
This edit maintains a higher budget look and trims out so many cringey scenes of Reva, Leia, and Luke. It completely removes the ridiculous Grand Inquisitor (until Reva fills the open position). The focus is more on Ben and Vader while making both Reva and Leia more believable and likable.
Major Changes (UH, SPOILERS…)
PM sent. Hope you enjoy.
Congrats Hal. Looking forward to watch what you have done.
is it still possible to get the latest edit? I’d love to do a marathon soon and suprise my friends with the reimagined cut!
I deleted all files. Sorry 😕
You have to remove three Finn NOOOOs or REEEEEEYs to add one.
Updated version released with bluer eyes, a bit less expository from Mapes, and some unflattering close ups of Paul at the wrong angle reshaped.
I made the changes but have to get around to rendering and posting.
AspiringCreator thanks for the review (I still need to read the whole thing). 5.5 stars is definitely fair as this was one of my first edits. I’m honored someone would take the time to write such a detailed review. Maybe one day I will restart this from scratch and get rid of the whole Corellia plot. But first I want to see what Spence does. Hopefully his will be definitive for me.
EDIT: read the whole thing now and thanks again. Very fair critique. In later revisions of the edit all audio transitions got moved into wrong positions after having to try and replace source files in a dying Premiere project. They had to each be manually fixed and perhaps that contributed to some of what you didn’t like. If I do anything else on TROS it would be starting anew in Resolve.
Thanks Spence. I’m very much looking forward to this.
Oh ok. No I did not change that from theatrical.
CMMAP wow thanks for watching and for the thumbs up! I checked but not quite sure of the event you describe at 1:50:10. Can you elaborate?
Prepares the underground? The catacombs with weapons? Yeah I left that prep in there. EDIT: Hmm well I thought I did. I did not!
And I take the dress down into a t-shirt as a peace sign that he’s not conducting violent business.
Good idea. Though, I have found a way to launder his pullover so it will longer be obviously dingy. The VFX tools built into Resolve are awesome.
my comments below in ALL CAPS to differentiate from your comments but not to yell.
scene at 30:36 needs color grading in my opinion, so it matches better with the scenes before with John in the room (more warm/yellow) - I WENT AHEAD AND TWEAKED THE GRADING FOR ALL THE SHOTS OF VIGO IN THIS SEQUENCE
Narrative: Overall i was excited to read about your structure, after watching the edit it decreased a bit, due to several reasons:
why proposing peace („mir“) with Vigo when he still has to hand over his son? THERE WOULD BE PEACE BETWEEN THEM IF HE HANDS OVER HIS SON
i would have placed his shower scene after santino leaves and before the henchmen are arriving. This way you would show, John is well aware of the consequences rejecting the marker and underlines his composure towards the nearing escalation THAT WOULD BE AN ACCEPTABLE APPROACH TOO BUT I’LL LEAVE AS IS FOR NOW… EDIT: I MAY DO THIS!
what didn’t worked for me was the scene at 1:44:07, outside of the church there is the shoot out with Vigos guards, one of his man enters the car and drives off and then John storms out of the building again. He was already outside. Although i get why you arranged the scenes that way I AGREE VERY MUCH. I CHANGED IT SO HE’S NOT COMING OUT OF THE BUILDING
Vigos death can work for some people, for me it didn’t unfortunately OK. I’VE ALWAYS HATED THE BOSS BATTLE WITH VIGO , SO HIS NEW DEATH WORKS FOR ME
i was a bit confused by the following scene change
—> John checks-in in the continental, goes downstairs in the hidden club, meets Winston (talking about the marker, this audio had a echo/hall effect, was this intended?) and then scene change, we see john in his white dirty pullover and rome. Is this supposed to be a flashback scenario? I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN. I TWEAKED THE AUDIO SO THERE IS NOT A LOT OF REVERB. PERHAPS I CAN DO SOME VFX WORK SO THE SHIRT APPEARS TO BE LAUNDERED INSTEAD OF DIRTY.