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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Yeah I definitely missed that lol

Thanks for the link! I’ll see what I can do with this during the weekend


Here’s the link. I forgot to paste it in my previous message lol.

I’m envisioning palpatine’s broadcast which we see a montage of star destroyers arriving at different planets and then lando’s message/broadcast, which we see a montage of ppl gearing up/arming up to prepare to meet on exegol.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

sherlockpotter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

The ships that are destroyed in the planetary sequence are First Order ones.

Nah, doesn’t Palps tell Pryde to join up with the Sith Fleet? I took that to mean that they incorporated all of the First Order assets into the Sith Fleet and they all became one huge force.

Dude, are you telling me that the central conflict they had been building up for two and a half films (the First Order) was resolved off-screen by a bunch of unknown people whom we never meet? While our protagonists were dicking around with a random side mission?

God, I hate this film.

Why would they move all their assets directly on exegol? That just sounds illogical. It’s not so different that in RotJ, the entire imperial fleet was not all present at the battle of Endor. I don’t think it’s that hard to imagine that a sizeable portion of the first order fleet is regrouped on exegol while the remaining ships scattered across the galaxy remained in place.

So no, it’s not a side mission persay. While in TrOS there’s many things that are nonsensical, I just don’t see this as a reason and if at all, one of the major ones.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

axlanian said:

Darth Raditz said:

I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but has anyone toyed with having Poe’s speech before the final battle be broadcasted across the galaxy?

I tried using Lando’s message from the Star Tours Disneyland ride for this purpose: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dHO9Ox2T94RPV_iC_lO1I4FeW0xOL3Cx/view?usp=sharing

Unfortunately there wasn’t a really good source without lots of chatter from riders, so this is as good as I could get it.

I’m not sure if u saw my post. I found a better source of it on YouTube that has the least amount of interruptions. Hope this helps. I would love to try and incorporate some footage of this into an edit

Star Wars: deleted and extended scenes * database *


I’m wondering for this deleted scene of General Crix Madine.


from 0:00-0:39. I cant seem to find the source and after some searching on the forums. I’m guessing this is from Rinzler ebook? I was wondering if there’s a better source file for this or any work has been done on this. I would like to use this scene for my own fan edits. thanks!

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Hal 9000 said:

One thing that could help the ST as a whole would be making the First Order into more of an Imperial remnant who is hellbent on reclaiming the galaxy but isn’t really in a position to do so. They destroy the Republic capital, but that was basically the sum of their might. Once SKB is destroyed, it’s only the lack of the New Republic’s fleet that allows them to pose a threat. In TLJ, they would visually be downgraded in their firepower and shown to be fledging and even wounded due to the loss of their main base. In TROS, they’d be desperate for Palpatine’s old imperial fleet he stockpiled, because it’d give them a huge leg up.

I think you just described what the mando-verse seems to be going for.

In terms of what you were saying, I always did get that idea in TROS at least, they are “in need of/could use the assistance” for Palpatine’s imperial stockpile. my head canon just assumed that the holdo maneuver gave the first order’s fleet a dent in their arsenal, which bought the resistance time to rebuild as well, despite the first order is ahead of them. Something ive always personally liked about palpatine’s fleet on exegol is that if unleashed it has more destructive potential than the galactic empire could be. So it’s a situation where its not a repeat of the OT where the empire is already ruling and the rebels is to overthrow it, but in the case of TROS where the final order was on the verge of executing their plan.

Episode IX. From The Darkness (WIP)

Nindroid243 said:

jadenkorr41 said:

I can see you took some inspiration from the clip I put together. Some parts dont feel as natural to me tho. I dont see the link anymore so I half forgot some other details.

Yeah bro. LOVED YOUR CLIP! It felt so big in scale and felt like a true conclusion to this franchise

Haha thanks. I have some more updated versions of this. Sometime in the future I’ll upload and share it. Glad to see someone using inspiration from this in their edit

Episode IX. From The Darkness (WIP)

T-202 said:

jadenkorr41 said:

I can see you took some inspiration from the clip I put together. Some parts dont feel as natural to me tho. I dont see the link anymore so I half forgot some other details.

Could I see the clip of yours you’re talking about?


Password is fanedit

This is an older version, but it contains the barebones and concept I was going for. Enjoy!

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

jadenkorr41 said:

The battle of exegol is essentially a re-run of ROTJ where its palpatine trying to goad said subject to strike him down to fulfill his objective. While there are elements that are different than ROTJ (dyad, palpatine actually restoring himself etc). At this piont, its a matter of taste on how different it is to ROTJ and if there are any creative/meaningful ways to make the rey, ben, palpatine interaction more “original/novel” but thats a different discussion. I personally like what we got in episode 9 for what it was worth

Is it a rerun though? In RotJ it was Luke versus Vader with the Emperor watching. Him dying came as a surprise to him. In TRoS, Ben is already redeemed and both him and Rey have come with the explicit intention of killing him. It’s more like the LEGO SW level than the actual scene in RotJ.

If you guy really want the duel to take place during the battle, what if you just made Kef Bir and Exegol the same planet?

Didn’t someone’s edit version do something like that? i forgot whose…

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

RogueLeader said:

jadenkorr41 said:

At this point, its a matter of taste on how different it is to ROTJ and if there are any creative/meaningful ways to make the rey, ben, palpatine interaction more “original/novel” but thats a different discussion.

Actually, this is exactly the discussion I’m wanting to have!

I feel like you could make Rey and Kylo’s duel on the Death Star relevant to the battle of Exegol if you can establish one. For example, if Kylo has ordered for the fleet to wait for his return, then Rey keeping him distracted can connect the two plots. Or, if the Wayfinder’s function could be changed, maybe the Wayfinder can be used to control the entire fleet (like a remote control), then Rey getting would play a role that could have an effect on the battle, even though she is light years away.

Again, not saying I hate the movie as it is. Just spitballing.

haha i dont interpret this as u hating the movie as it is. Very similar to myself. I like to have different options available. So in your new spitball suggestion. Would Kylo be left as unredeemed? or redeemed at the very last moment? What about palpatine? I do like this idea.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

That’s how it played out in the leaked second draft of DotF, and tbh, I don’t like it. It feels weirdly disconnected having the lightsaber on a completely different planet. They move it to the same planet in the next draft iirc.

Regardless, the Battle of Exegol simply does not work without Rey and Ben being there. Them fighting Palpatine is the lynchpin of that entire scene.

yes i agree with that about DotF. While there were certainly some aspects in DotF that seems cooler than what we got. The whole finale battle thing seems a little odd. Kylo is on a complete independent vendetta and the their final duel is disconnected from the battle at hand.

The battle of exegol is essentially a re-run of ROTJ where its palpatine trying to goad said subject to strike him down to fulfill his objective. While there are elements that are different than ROTJ (dyad, palpatine actually restoring himself etc). At this piont, its a matter of taste on how different it is to ROTJ and if there are any creative/meaningful ways to make the rey, ben, palpatine interaction more “original/novel” but thats a different discussion. I personally like what we got in episode 9 for what it was worth

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I havent caught up far enough into Star Trek discovery to notice lol. And same for the other movies, I haven’t seen them except Man of Steel (which is awesome).

So the only tidbit I can give for the explosion at 0:18 is that u have the orange explosion roto’d but you don’t have the orange/yellow surrounding light/flare that precedes the explosion. Whereas if u look at the next explosion down the shaft, it’s present and looks more natural

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Wow, I like the sequence a lot. My initial reaction to watching the theatrical original is that u have this slight moment of u certainty because u don’t know if the proton torpedo would work and let alone save the rebel base in the Knick of time. Your sequence seems to portray this from tarkin’s pov. While he thinks victory was attained the viewer can appreciate for a few seconds it is quite the contrary.

How did u rotoscope the explosion starting at 0:18? Is it the same explosion that proceeds down another shaft several seconds later? And what program did you use? If im not mistaken, it looks like your explosion was manually drawn? I use Davinci resolve and for explosions, the Luma keyer works well for rotoscoping explosions in fusion page. For my low standards at least

Star Wars Episode IX: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

lol its your edit, you can do whatever you want to it. I just see fan edits as how far are people going to close the gap between head canon and what is shown to you. Theoretically almost anything can be justified/reasoned. It’s just do you accept it or not? Sounds like you dont accept this line, so since its your edit, be gone with it! haha

Star Wars Episode IX: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

My understanding for the second line when he says “look what you have made”, my initial thought was he was talking to the sith cultists whom are watching this from the stadium. Since they nursed him and are the laborers that brought about his ressurection, he was referring to that. That was my thought since the next shot is the sith cultists bowing to him while palpatine is standing gloriously to them like hes a super star lol.


That guy with no name said:

Bobson Dugnutt said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m after the deleted calamari pilot shot so if anyone else takes this on would you mind sharing?

I did a quick DNR pass at the footage and it doesn’t look half bad



Still needs dirt and scratches cleaned, but if you give me a specific clip or segement to work on, I can give it a shot

Not to brag, but I’m not half bad at removing scratches in PFClean, if you want I can clean it for you.

I would love to get clean clips of these please? I’ll DM you

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

^ I can’t be sure from my phone: do those Vimeo links offer downloading original file? A file that is ProRes or something similarly high quality?

Only if the user makes them available to be downloadable from that link, like poppa was kinda enough to make some of his vimeo links available for download. Though I think if one has a vimeo + subscription, the downloading might be feasable. I’m not completely sure

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

For my own personal edits. I have contemplated on two versions of it, one without crackling saber and one with crackling saber (considering i’m incapable of making them and all clips get released for everyone to use in their own edits). I personally never gravitated towards the aesthetics of a blue crackling saber, but considering the reasoning with the cracked crystal from TLJ etc, I think its a cool connectivity tie in.

Perhaps Hal would you consider releasing two diff versions of ascendant V2? Just curious, not trying to suggest to push/rush in any shape or matter

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Yeah I agree. Replacing him to be thrawn would be cool for the sake of just doing it, but in the grander scheme of things with respect to the movie it serves no greater purpose to the story. Can u imagine if that existed in the theatrical from the getgo? Everyone would be complaining what a waste of a character/missed opportunity that was.