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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

In theory this would go a long way to fixing issues with the plan and in fact synergizes well with TRoS since we see Poe step up as leader of the Resistance, something he couldn’t have done if he’d died in a suicide charge.

However, I think you’re gonna need more than just that one line to sell the idea that Poe genuinely was going to do it. You need Poe to see Holdo sacrifice herself and say “It should’ve been me.” or something along those lines. Coming solely from Leia, it’s a bit harder to buy.

On a different note, I remember people doing versions of the fleet arriving at Exegol with cockpit interiors of Din Djarin, Boba Fett, and other random Disney+ characters. Recently I came across footage of the Neimoidians from The Acolyte and I realized it’d be perfect for that. Even the lighting looks very TRoS with how teal it is, blending in well with Exegol. Of course, this would be an awkward random addition if it were the only one, but I’m sure there are other clips of ship interiors that could be spliced in.

Ah, yes that was a clip that I made awhile back. https://youtu.be/J017hH8LnQk?feature=shared Can you refer to me which shot of the nemoidian shot from acolyte and maybe I can play around with it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant Special Edition (WIP)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Oh. Well, like you said, I think most of the blame for the weirdness was with the second sentence. So thanks for pointing that out. I’ve been thinking of alternatives for the first sentence and nothing else conveys my intended meaning properly. For example, with your suggestion, it sounds like Luke is admitting that Palpatine made them, which I want to steer clear of.

Anyways, here is the (hopefully) final rough draft of the Vader vs. Kylo scene. There are a couple experimental things in there that I can change, if needed:


I think this looks much better. I recommend getting rid of one of the forest scenes where you see the two clashing. It happens twice. Either get rid of one of them entirely or swap it with a different angle of Vader and kylo parrying/striking and I think image wise it’s perfect imo

The Starlight Project Addendum: The Rise of Skywalker (Freeform Brainstorming Session)

NeverarGreat said:

-Finn responds through the Force, reminds her of her true family.
-Rey’s friends join Finn in helping Rey, who confronts Palpatine for the last time.
-The fleet gains a reprieve, attacks one last time.
-Palpatine is destroyed, Rey dies, Ben returns and restores her.

“Be with me…be with me…be with me.”

Finn: “Rey, your family isn’t in the past…it’s here, now, with us…and within you. Remember us, Rey.”
Poe: “We go together.”
BB-8: (Beeps Amiably)
D-O: “Thank you…very kind.”
Leia: “Never be afraid of who you are.”
Maz: “The light…it’s always been there…”
Chewbacca: (Supportive Chewbacca noises)
Maz: “…it will guide you.”
Ben: “Take my power, Rey. Use it.”
Luke: “Rey, the Force will be with you…”
Leia: “…always.”

Removing the voices of the Jedi that Rey didn’t know in life will emphasize that she has rejected her desire to find belonging in the past, and will choose instead to take Finn’s advice and rely on the strength of her friends for her future. Burying the old lightsabers in the homestead is final confirmation of her new resolve.

This sounds very fascinating. I wonder how you intend to show the part where Rey’s friends join abd assist Finn. Granted this is a brainstorming thread, hope to see this become realized.

Open Vote for the priority of Time Code Removal from Deleted Scenes for The Force Awakens

Master Lawdog said:

Does anyone here still have xxtelecine 7xx’s work on removing the timecode from this scene? I really want to get my hands on it, since he made it private?

Same here. I saw a folder with clips, was wondering if I can see all the WIPs and clips. Can someone PM me please if they can share? Thanks!

Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced

Boba fett saying “this is the way” too?

I think “Din Djarin standing by” or something like that is doable. I can find some audio that matches.

Ideally, I would like for lines like all three of them saying “for Skywalker!” I could use them for different occasions in the scenes. However, I don’t have access nor ability to use AI voice. If someone wants to collaborate and help me with this, please lmk

I can start with “Din Djarin here to join” or whatever I can piece together with previous footage.

Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced

Thank you for the feedback. You’re absolutely right for the sound mixing. I’ve been solo on this, I’ve spent so much time with the visuals that the audio part is not my strong suit. I have an improved version of the audio. Can u tell me which graphics in particular? So I can do some touch up

Yes, we don’t know which ones may end die or not. But for now I’m safe, and if worst comes to worst, it’ll be my “personal elseworld legends” thingy

Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced

Finally, here it is!


Please see the time stamps for the new scenes added. I was able to add some pilot shots. Cleaned up the ROTJ deleted footage and finally was able to age up Crix Madine to the point where I’m satisfied with it for a first pass.

Description of the edited scenes:

Newly made or added clips at
0:05 - Inserted FO TIE pilot inside cockpit prior to transitioning to scene shooting down Snap
0:49 - Rogue One Gillette commercial pilot
0:50 - Hera Syndulla inside Ghost ship rotoscoped onto passing New Republic Cruiser
0:52 - ROTJ Mon Cal pilot with scratches and dust removed, upscaled, color corrected, and to match with audio sync “Mon Calamari fleet standing by”
0:56 - Bo Katan cameo (footage from Mando S3), color corrected to exegol background. “This is the way”
0:57 - ROTJ Nien Nub pilot with scratches and dust removed, upscaled, color corrected
1:07 - Mandalorian inside N1 starfighter. Rotoscoped a shot of Mando inside N1 starfighter with galaxy fleet arrive in background
1:10 - ROTJ Crix Madine footage inserted. This footage is cleaned. Face was aged using FaceApp to generate key frames for ebsynth to age the clip. Pretty rough but pleased with this first pass
1:33 - Mandalorian inside N1 starfighter, performing a spinning maneuver in cockpit in response to Poe calling to take out the star destroyer cannons
1:37 - FO TIE fighter cockpit shot with rotoscoped out of focus exegol background
1:38 - Action FX millennium falcon shooting down FO TIE fighters upscaled, and color corrected to match Exegol background. This scene is a falcon action scene to match before the Wedge cameo saying “nice flying Lando”
1:50 - inserted amazing ILM deleted scene of ships flying to attack Star destroyers. Upscaled and color corrected to match movie original footage
1:56 - ROTJ deleted Mon Cal pilot with dust and scratches removed to match dialogue of “Take out that cannon”
2:07 - A sequence of shots in the order: Side cockpit view of Bo Katan piloting Gauntlet fighter approaching star destroyer cannon, Boba Fett cockpit view rogering that, Outside ship shot of Mandalorian fighters with Slave I with resistance ships blasting a star destroyer cannon, Switch to Bo Katan’s POV blasting star destroyer cannon, to two mandalorian gauntlet fighters flying off from the imminent blowing up destroyer. ~8 seconds long

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

So, with the advancements with AI to generate new dialogue that fits into the films, I wonder if that could be used for this deleted scene seen in the TROS documentary on the Blu-Ray in order to make it workable for fan edits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpPjvA49ukQ

Obviously, it would have to take some more work seeing that one would have to figure ut what they’re even saying in this scene. Plus, you have the added challenges of green screen replacement in the background. But, this could be a valuable asset if it’s fixed!

I’ve tried taking a stab at seeing if this scene is usable for anything; however, with my limited skills, the scene is too low quality because it’s a zoomed version of something in the corner of the screen in the original documentary. Topaz upscaling didn’t do much for me in bringing the scene to some acceptable quality. Be happy to see if others can get th quality of the footage improved

Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced

Thanks! I’m currently working on putting Hera in it, since the ghost ship is present during landos arrival. I found some additional pilot scenes that I can put in there. (Pilot scene from a rogue one Gillette commercial) If you know of any pilot/cockpit scenes from deleted scenes or extra footage, let me know, it’s a lot of footage to sift through. I’m trying to make an effort to not make it just people from the mandoverse showing up.

Battle of Exegol extended and enhanced

Hey everyone,

Here is an update I’ve been working on recently. Because the ILM BTS and extended scenes shows some mandalorian fang fighter, gauntlet class ships, I’ve worked on incorporating some of these ships into the battle of exegol, thanks to the tons of footage from Mandalorian season 3. I’ve been working on incorporating Bo Katan, Din and Boba Fett into the mix. While there are tons of footage I can rotoscope and attempt to composite into exegol, I wanted to keep the incorporation of these characters and ships to be brief as quick cameos for fun.

Attached is the youtube link. In the description of the YT video I put in timestamps so you can just jump straight to the new scenes.


Description of scenes:
1:07 - Mandalorian inside N1 starfighter. Rotoscoped a shot of Mando inside N1 starfighter with galaxy fleet arrive in background
1:33 - Mandalorian inside N1 starfighter, performing a spinning maneuver in cockpit in response to Poe calling to take out the star destroyer cannons
2:07 - A sequence of shots in the order: Side cockpit view of Bo Katan piloting Gauntlet fighter approaching star destroyer cannon, Boba Fett cockpit view rogering that, Outside ship shot of Mandalorian fighters with Slave I with resistance ships blasting a star destroyer cannon, Switch to Bo Katan’s POV blasting star destroyer cannon, to two mandalorian gauntlet fighters flying off from the imminent blowing up destroyer. ~8 seconds long

Remaining scenes that need to be cleaned up/worked on.
ROTJ deleted scenes (Nien nub pilot, Mon calamari pilot scenes)
Deleted General Crix Madine scenes - will work on aging him up

If you checked out the video, I thank you so much for your time. Please drop a comment or feedback if you can. I worked tirelessly on these clips by myself and I have absolutely no VFX or film editing background. If you can drop some feedback on how to make these clips better I will greatly appreciate it. My goal is to attempt to make these clips as seamless as I possibly can. Thanks and MTFBWY!

Ahsoka Show Visual Rework

g00b said:

I agree with you. I was boosting the Whites of the color pallet way too much. I’ve significantly reduced that now! Thanks for the feedback 😄

I’ve also now added another screenshot to the original post which shows off the work I’m doing on Marrok’s lightsaber. In my opinion it goes from looking like a toy to a lightsaber haha.

I think the color of the sky looks much much better. Nicely done. Can you put the original HDR or non-DV screenshot for a proper comparison. I think the saber re-work is a good idea, however, I think the middle bright white is also too bright. I like the increase in red, but I think the central white bright blade is a little too wide. Just my opinion. I do like the renewed colors though

Ahsoka Show Visual Rework

g00b said:

I’ve now updated my screenshots and video to reflect the changes I’ve made since updating my source file. Thanks Smudger9, gflorese3199 and jadenkorr41! 😃

No need to thank. Just saying what I see.
In your updated version, I think colors look better however the white clouds are overly bright (based on the YT updated link).
If you could tone down the brightness of the white clouds, I think it will be much better imo