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the reasons why episodes 7 8 and 9 will/should be made

WhatsMyName said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Any ST Lucas would make would suck just as much as - if not more than - the PT, especially since characters from the OT would undoubtedly feature in it and suffer character derailment in the process. 


Too late for that. Unless u exclude Harrison Ford.

And as much as i would like to see a VII VIII IX, i don't see how it can be done. if any SW movies should be made, it should be a novel from the Old Republic or something before or during the Clone Wars.

I have always thought an episode between 3 and 4  would be a good idea  as there is much that can be shown  and  their is a back story to take  to it.

At the end of episode 3 the death star is under construction. In a new hope no one knows what the death star is as they approach it in the falcon but all the sudden obi-wan  knows its a space station. I have always thought the force told him that and I still do but there is a chance he knew because he has seen it and been on it before. Hence vader telling ben on the death star "you should not have COME BACK"  as if he had been there before. Vader tells luke that obi-wan once thought as he did when luke tried to turn him back to the good side of the force. That can be bens reason for being on the death star at that time.  Going to try and make one last attempt to save his old friend. Not to mention such a film would give us a chance  to see costumed vader  in saber duels.Which Im all for if it is not the ninja kung fu sword styles we got with the PT. We  could get to see vader hunting down what is left of the jedi. they numbered in the thousands. no way order 66 killed them all.  Plus  qui gon could be in it mentoring obi-wan and training him.

There is much  an episode 3.5 could touch on.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

WhatsMyName said:

Anakin Craved power. So much that he believed he could keep people from dying. That's why he trusted Palpatine. Anakin truly believed that Palps would give him the power he desperatly desired to own.

So, in the end, he could care less if palpantine was trying to kill Padme for the last ten or so years. A perfect example of thick headeness.

sure he did...is that why  10 seconds after  turning to the dark side   palpatine  goes from telling anakin he knows how to show him to save padmes life  to admiting that he doesnt even know how?   riiiiiiiiiight! A perfect example of pathetic writing is more like it.

are you  actually defending that garbage? You might be at the wrong site if so.

the reasons why episodes 7 8 and 9 will/should be made

three films about the old republis would work too.  Just the fact of  how much profit these films would bring in guarntees their eventual making. There is no  two ways around it. I agree that  7 8 and 9 if directed and writen by george would probably suck as bad as the PT   but I would hope he has learned something  or would hand the ball off to someone else. Know lucas he would have the ewoks and gungans in episode  7.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

there is no  way he scared himelf like that on purpose. Besides that is just one minor point of the whole anakin/palpatine thing that makes no sense.

Just ten seconds before he was wanting palpatine to stand trial then all the sudden he just falls to his knees and woships hi,.  Mind you not just worships  just anyone but  worships the man who has been trying to murder his wife  for almost ten years. the same wife he  says he turned to the dark side to save. SO he trust the man whos been trying to murder her  to save her life? Yeah that makes a lot of sense.

Trying to argue anything in the PT  makes sense is a futile effort.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

palpatine is an idiot in the PT. in episode 3  when yoda pushed him back in the chair and he set their with his legs in the air  I almost felt like getting up  and walking out. then when anakin first turns and palpatine  says GOOOOOOOOOOD!  I felt sick it sounded so stupid. Some of this stuff is so bad I honestly think lucas did it on purpose to either piss the fans off  or because he deep down doesnt care if these films are good or not cause there is no way he could have watched  some of those scenes  and think they  were good. it is impossible. the palpatine in  episode 6  was evil. no cackling  no retarded movments Just what I thought at the time was an evil old wizard.

Didnt george ever ask himself why palpatine kept shooting lighting at mace windu   while it was byrning his face up? why not just stop shoting it. it sure didnt fry luke. it is impossible for these questions  t not pop in lucas mind or the producers or the editors. How could this stuff not have been brought up  during production.

there are many theroies as to why  but If I had to bet on one my only personal opinion is Lucas hates star wars deep down. blaming it for the lose of his wife and for the lose of his so called career s it boxed him into a corner  or so he thought. In his interviews NOT one person ask lucas any tough questions about his  motives.  everyone ask the same crap over and over and over. I would give  a yrs worth of pay for a ten minute sit down with lucas. The last indy film  tells  me  he has lost his mind.  Tales of the golden monkey  was better than  the crysal skulls

the reasons why episodes 7 8 and 9 will/should be made

First off  no one in their right mind is going to turn away a billion dollars in profit. We all know GL  could care less about how bad star wars suffers or gets belittled so long as it turns a  profit. Second the story line dictates it  and it needs it.   After episode 6 the  galaxy is still in turmoil. the  jedi council  needs to be restablished and the republic rebuilt. Plus just because  vader and the emperor are dead and the death star was destroyed  that is not all of the empire also mark hamail still looks  very youthful. He has hardly aged and as much as I hate  hayden as anakin who is to say he cant be in it as a force ghost. I think it's just a matter of time before these episodes are made Is it a good idea?  Maybe   and then again maybe not but the dollar and the seer profit figures  almost guarntees  these films will eventually be made. George recently said the live action tv show is now permantly on hold. perhaps  this is one reason why.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

WhatsMyName said:

i disagree. Maul was badass! He wasn't whiny like Vader. This guy was pure evil and power driven.

Qui-Gon was good, because he was unique from the other Jedi. He was his own character and really made me want to see more of him in the movies.

When was darth vader ever whiney?


Unless you mean PT vader and if so  that is just a testament to how those PT films screwed with star wars legeacy. It  has made people view vader as whiney. ugh!

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

The Phantom menace is really the only  PT film I can tolerate watching and that is only because of   qui-gon and darth maul. Qui-gon  was a perfect jedi knight  and darth maul made a good sith. I thought the saber scene at the end was ok but it was too flashy and ninja like for my taste.  the scene on tattoine   when maul and qui-gon fight  is very OT like in the way they are dueling. Those are the only aspects  of the film I enjoy. Episode 2 turns my stomach in every way possible and episode 3 just leaves me  shaking my head  and asking  why    3 films was attempted to be forced into 2 and a half hrs and watching palpatine cackle and hearing vader scream NOOO  really makes me want to drink a batch of poison. Liam neesons  performance is the only thing note worthy out of all 3 pt films. In my opinion anyways. I enjoyed the last starfighter and the beastmaster  more than I enjoyed the PT films.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

generalfrevious said:

If the shoe fits...

What if Homer made a prequel to the Iliad and the Odyssey that was just as bad as the PT? Those two works would never have become the classics of western civilization as they are now. To be honest, at first I didn't even hate the prequels; but then I found out they were terrible movies from other people. Before that I honestly believed that these were as good as the OT. But I guess I was stupid (I hate to say this, but it took me years to realize that TPM was a bad movie). Six years after the PT and we have gone from a great film trilogy to a six-film franchise that may not even be half-good. Its now painful to watch these films, knowing what could have happened, GL took the route that was a hundred times worse than our worst fears. SW is dead, man. 

I'll be satisfied if one person agrees with me on that statement.

star wars is never dead so long as we have our memories of the OT before the PT  came along and so long as we remember it  for what it was before 1997. In our toys, in our books and magazines in our comic books and in our memories  star wars will live on. The force will always be with us.

Favorite star wars child hood memories not related to the films

Hoth-Nudist said:

I would go back to the 80's too Hal!  what a time to grow up!  I also loved the saturday morning cartoons back then.  I cherished the SW commercials featuring new action figures, playsets and ships, in the midst of watching Thundarr the barbarian, looney tunes, D & D, pacman, johnny quest etc! 

Hey Hal I was also a huge Transformer/GIJOE fan, and still am.  I would race home from school back then in order to catch the cartoons, along with Voltron and HE-MAN!

I didnt have one of those giant yellow/red toy lightsabers, but my friends did and we had some fun duels!  We would end up whacking each others' back and butt and I'd have some bruises the next day!  Great fun!  I do remember them breaking easily too.

I loved it when would snow heavy enough for school to be cancelled.  I loved building mini-snow bases and having my own hoth battles!  My snowspeeder got too much snow  in the battery compartment and stopped working!  My friend would bring over his AT-AT! 

That's funny you say that...I did the same thing. My elementry school was right next to my house and I would run straight home after the bell to catch the transformers and gi-joe. I always ended up missing the first 15 minutes of the transformers  so I started recording it with our new VCR  in the mornings on the bozo show. I can still remeber the first vcr we got.  xmas of 84. the first movies I rented were dirty harry  and the spy who loved me.I didnt bother renting star wars cause that was on cable all the time back then. when empire came out on video that was a big deal though. i waited forever for that to come out and rember having to put my name on a waiting list at the video store. My brother and I got to order a pizza  and  we set down in front of the tv  amazed. I had only  seen empire one time at the theater  and  remebered little of it  except what i had in books and magazines  only scenes i could remember  were hoth  and luke getting his hand choped off.

Speaking of the bozo show did anyone here ever see anyone actually win the grand prize game?  I never seen 1 kid make the final bucket.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

I  disagree.  THe dialogue between yoda and luke in empire is poetic in my eyes and some of the best  dialogue  ever written in a  fantasy/sc-fi film.  It is philosophical  and enlightening.

Some of the dialogue in episode 5 goes over peoples head and they do not truly understand the philosophy behind it.

Luke - 'What's in there?"

Yoda - 'Only what you take with you"

That is brilliant.  Many people think yoda just means if luke takes a  blaster in there that means he has a blaster  but what yoda is  saying is spiritual and philosophical. He tells luke he does not need his weapons but  luke takes them anyways and he has fear and self doubt  and it is that self doubt and fear that luke takes in with him  and that is  why when he  chops off vaders head he sees his own face. The force is telling Luke that if he were to fight vader that day   it is his head that would be choped off and that he is not ready because he still has self doubt and no confidence.


All the lines between luke and yoda  in episode 5  are brilliant and  they mean something if you can read between the lines. There is not one instance in the PT films where jedi master and student are training and there is memorable dialogue. Not one.

When Luke fails to raise the x-wing and yoda  gives luke that speech when luke sits down is some of the best dialogue I have heard in any film period.

"Size matters not. Look at m, judge me by my size do you? and well you should not..for my allie is the force and a powerful allie it is. Life creates it, makes it grow.its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminius  beings are we  not this crude matter."

I have been drunk before and have cried   at some of the scenes  in episode 5. I know that sounds gay but hey I  was drunk.  Bottom line   is episode 5  is  pure brilliance.

ANother  film that comes to mind with  dialouge  that is  spoken in riddles of phillosophy is  wrath of khan. The  underlining story arc of that film is kirks  depression  about growing old. SPock gives krik a book for his birthday  and  kirk reads the line  when spck gives it to him and it says "it was the best of times , it was the worst of times"  Kirk ask spock if he is trying to give him a message and spock says no. When spock is paged to report to the enterprise  kirk ask him where he is going and spock says the enterprise and he ask kirk where he is off to and kirk looks at the floor  with a sad expression and mumbles "home" and walks off.  Kirk was the only  man to ever pass the kobyashi maru test and he did it by cheating becaseu it is a non win scenario test  and at the end of the movie spock gives his life so that the crew could  live and he admits to kirk before he dies that he never took the kobyashi mru test until  then and ask kirk what did he think of his solution. He had to  give his own life to beat the no win scenario and only then  minutes later  did kirk understand the meaning of spocks book for his birthday. He just lost  his bestfriend and left the funeral and mcoy ask him how he feels and he responds by saying he feels young. through out the entire film kirk is sad and depressed cause he feels old and only  till his best friend dies  does he understand spocks message and he feels young again. This sounds silly but if you get a chance to watch the film any time soon watch it with all these things in mind. it really changes the film. I didn't notice them either till i listened tio  my brothers william shatner bio tape that shatner  made and he explaisn all this.

but back to star wars  episode 5 is on par with Shakespeare in my eyes.  Shakespeare in space. It is at least the closest thing you are going to get  and the PT films had  even more potential  to reach that level than the OT did  because  there was so much going on to  build  on and build up to.  TH rise of a hero and  great jedi who is admired and loved who tragicly  is seducded through no fault of his own and falls from grace. Not because he wanted power not ebcause he wanted to save his wife not   because of anything   selfish  but because  he was seduced. That is/was suppose to be the great tragedy of it all. Everything anakin does in the PT films is done so out of being selfish.  The flaws  of  those three films are so plain and in yuor face its unreal yet so many ppl act as if they are not there or just  sweep them under the carpet for some reason.




Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

Ziggy Stardust said:

Haljordan, I'm usually a very mild mannered and patient person, but for the love of God, please listen to this young filmmaker!

That's like if I said that someone should walk up to Sean Connery, tell him to do a remake of Never Say Never Again, then make Dragonheart 3, and then reenact Outland with a bunch of sock puppets! Believe me, I've tried ;).

There is no difference at all between what you just said and what I just stated above!



Just want a little perspective is all.


I believe there is a difference.


I do not believe lucas original vision for the PT films is what he put on film. I think he had an advisor telling him  the proper   things to do to make the most money  off toys and things of that nature.


I have a lucas interview from the mid 80s where he says  the prequel films will not be kid friendly  and they will be much more serious. Lucas sold pixar for 2 million dollars.  it is common knowledge after his divorce he was hurting for money.  Every action he took with the PT films just points in the direction of what a GOOD advisor would tell him to do. I would have done the same and told him the same. the money from toys  over shadows the money from films. He had to make the films kid friendly  and guarntee   toys would sell.  take a minute and think about the things he did  with the pt.


He made the hero in episode 1  a child. he made a jar jar character  for the kids.  comic reliefe that ONLY children would find  funny.  He had to make sure he brought in a new generation of kid fans.   if he had made the  pt films serious like he once claimed  kids would have been bored with it and hated it.  Lucas also said yrs ago that  x-wings would be the premier ship in the pt films.  he said the rebels were poor and not well equpied and used out of date technology  and  in the pt era  x-wings would be state of the art.  Most all fans and collectors already own x wings and if he used them instead of the new ones that would have cost  millions and millions in toy sales.   no one would buy another x-wing for their collection.  so he designed new ships for  fans to buy. With episode 3 he tried to make it a serious and darker film but by then the damage had already been done.


He  made the PT films from a piint of view    "how do I make the most money?"  NOT  how do I make the best film. L:ucas needs to remake them  and do it this time  with the goal of making the best film possible. Not with the goal of getting a new generation of kid fans. Lucas excuses  the  goal on kids  by saying  that star wars was always meant for children and this and that.  I can not find one person would watches a new hope  and finds it  geared towrds  children. it is not hokey and it  does not have  kid humor in it. it is a film that can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike. same as the wizard of oz.   neither of those films has the type of slap you in yuor face   this is meant for children  comedy that jar jar brings.

watching   episode 1  and the jar jar antics and the child anakin just makes you scratch your head and say why..unless you think about what I just said. it  was done for a reason.  to  bring in children and sell toys. If kids would have entered  episode 1 and the filmwould have been serious like 80s lucas said they would be  and it was a film   like a mixture of  epmire strikes back and the godfather kids would have been bored to death and they would have hated it.  BUT they could have been hailed as  great films. considering luas   was hurting for money and almos tbroke.   he done the right thing to keep his company  afloat. NOW though he can   correct the wrongs and just give us   the great films we all expected

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

just ebcause they made a lot of money and people liked them  has nothing to do with looking it at from a buisness point of view.   It is a guarnteed 700 million to a billion dollar profit for him.  Someone walks in and says I will gaurntee you will make close to a billion dollars to do this with little to no risk  then it make  perfect sense to do it.  no one walks away from that kind of money. He will never do it but from a buisness perspective  it makes perfect sense to do it.  As far as the OT not being his original vision...that is more  BS spewed from Lucas mouth.   Just like he always intended on greedo  shooting first.  ANother flat out lie on his part.


MOST all the changes made  were BS  changes that   had no purpose at all.  Luke screaming as he fell. I guess that was  an original vision? Vader changing his line in episode 5  walking down the hall   where he sayd  "bing my shuttle" changing it to some   bullshit that makes no sense  and pasting in a scene  from episode 6. Guess that was an original vision?  Boba fett flirting with dancers at jabbas palace..i guess   technology in 83   couldnt allow him to do that back then lol.  ANyone who believes   a thing out of that worthless  pos  is as big of a moron as lucas is.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

He has every reason to remake the prequels. from a buisness stand point it would guarntee him another billion dollars in profit and it could  regain him  the respect he has lost.  it is a win win situation.  Nothing to lose from remaking them and everything to gain.


How is that not a good move on his part?


as far as your quote goes


""The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won't last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you'll be able to project it on a 20' by 40' screen with perfect quality. I think it's the director's prerogative, not the studio's to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas"


this is the same Lucas who testified in front of the senate 20+ years ago that directors should leave original  prints alone and  should not go back and  rework history. He was one of the major influences  against  the coloring of  giligans island back when ted turner was  turning the black and white ones into color.  Funny how  now that he can make a profit  from it his view changes. He has damaged his reputation so much  it might be beyond repair. He went from someone who was going to go down in history  as  a legend of film making to a laughing stock and a liar. If I were him I would  do anything and everything to  fix that.  Cause the only thing we can take to our graves with us is that which we leave behind. He has ruined his legacy.  Unless you  are a 10 yr old kid  with a jar jar poster.

Star Wars could have been a modern day Iliad.

I have always considered  a new  hope and empire to be the gone with the wind and cassablanca of sci-fi/fantasy films.  Return of the jedi  was a good film and better than the prequel films but it droped the ball   when it  was handed off from episode 5. Lucas is to blame   for this. Same as he is to blame for the PT mess he unleashed on us.


I really do not think it is a lack of talant on lucas part.  American graffatti  and a new hope were awsome films. I do  acknowledge  that both  gary kurtz and marcia lucas were there and they contributed a lot to those films. Lucas  was the  story  man and kurtz and  marcia  fine tuned ideas  and  kept it all in line.  Without them lucas just ran wild and everything became a  mess.  We see the results of that mess.


return of the jedi gets a pass. not cause it is an ot films but because it is JUST good enough  to where you  dont hate it or make  fun of it.  Not untill the SE  anyways. The  new indy film and the pt films  are so bad  you have to be blinded with  bias  or just flat out have  no  taste or  desire for a good story.

If I were lucas right hand man I would  tell him to  just remake the pt films.  say you  made the first set for  kids cause the back story was so serious   kids would have been put off by it  and then say you  are now making the version you always wanted to do  for adults.  Hell   he will just stand to gain another billion dollars  and  he  would earn  his respect back from  fans and peers. Hire a  great director....hire lawenrace kasdan to write  the story and gary kurtz to  produce.  take it back to what made the originals so great.  let the fans have  two   versions fo the pt films. one for kids and one for serious  adult fans who  want  a real back story to anakin skywalker.

Favorite star wars child hood memories not related to the films

childrens castle blew toys r us  away.  do you know what location that childrens castle was at?  It looks like the one we had here in Louisville.  Thornberrys was also  a cool toy store.


I remember the first lightsaber toys.  they were yellow  and the handle was a flash light. the tube  broke very easy. it even had a kit to repair it.  I got it in 1979.  the next  saber i  got was in 1983  and it was vaders return of the jedi saber that had open ends  at the end of the saber and made a sound when you   swung it through the air. I got that and lukes blaster  for xmas in 1983. Along with jabbas palace  and a speeder bike. After 1983 I got heavily into asking for transformers for bday and xmas.  that was  about the time the power of the force figures came out with the coins. 

Did anyone here  ever have lazer tag?

Favorite star wars child hood memories not related to the films

Hoth-Nudist said:

YO Hal!  Chuck e cheeses and aladdins castle back in the 80's, RULED!  I had b-day parties at both.  did ur town have a showbiz pizza place?  Mine did and had parties there as well. It was just like chuck e cheeses.  80's CEC, unlike todays', had tons of video games!


love the b-day cake bkev!  My mom bought a darth vader cake mold for one of my b-day's and an R2D2 for another.  She spent a lot of time frosting them and getting the colors accurate, and the cake would be ready by the time I got out of school!  back in 77' after the movie was released and my SW craze commenced, I received that following Christmas: han,leia,3po,r2d2,luke,kenobi,strmtrooper,chewy and vader figures along with the x-wing, mini tiefighter and the landspeeder.  After that all I talked about was SW and my parents ceased buying me any more toys, LOL!  So if I wanted to buy anymore toys, I had to buy them myself which was a good life lesson.  I absolutely loved saving up enough money for additional figures and ships and relished in anticipation  the car trip or bike ride to Kmart, Walmart, service merchandise or Venture.  One of my fondest purchases was the full size y-wing, admiral ackbar and boush the bounty hunter at Kmart on a saturday night. I saved up lawnmowing money for several months to get them!  Another memory is having friends bring over their SW toys for a sleepover and we would combine our forces for a huge battle till the wee hours!

yeah buddy we sure did have a showbiz pizza here. I loved aladins castle. back when going to the arcade was a special event almost.Kids today are so spoiled with technology. Back then everything was special because you only got the great things  every blue moon.  Like the high tech  graphic games at the arcade..we only got to play when pur parents took us to the mall or something. Now such things sit in a kid living room.  THe movies  we all  love and  care for..back then we had to wait an entire year just to see it.. the wizard of oz, charlie browns xmas or halloween,  the grinch who stole xmas.  you made a point to be in front of the tv set to watch it and it meant something to you because you knew when it was over you couldnt see it again fior an entire year.. now you can just go to wal mart or click a button online and poof  its there to watch. the magic is gone from it.


I went to toys r us thre other day and it had more clothes and things of that nature than it had toys.  back in the day the entire  store  row after row after row was toys and toys and toys. I think  those of us born between 1970-1975  give or take a few yrs in either direction really  were blessed with   being raised in the best time period. Everything we got to grow up with was the best of the best.  the movies, the music, the cartoons, the technology. we are really the generation  that refuses to grow up because things were so good  back then. other than the advanced techology we have today   nothing is better.. If god  gave me the  chance to go back to 1980  right now and live it all over I would go in a heart beat.  

Would anyone else go or stay?

What tv show memories pop in your head from childhood while playing with your star wars toys

I am sure many of you like my self   set many times  in the living room floor  playing with your toys while the parents watched tv. What tv shows come to mind   that you watched  or were on as you played star wars on the floor?

I can  vividly remember  the dukes of hazzard, Dallas, simon&simon and threes company, fantasy island.

We would play with our toys in the floor  till it was time for bed and then the figures went back into the vader carrying case.Usuall  we would go to bed listening to one of the cassette tapes of the films.

I wonder how many of us hold on to such memories and still buy and collect  the same  vintage toys now that we got then because one we either  like our past better than our present or two  we dont want to grow up. That is a conversation for another thread though.

Favorite star wars child hood memories not related to the films

Anchorhead said:

I most certainly remember all those TV intro themes.  A prime time movie was a big deal. TV was only on until midnight, so burning up two or three hours before the news was a more thought out event.  Broadcast time wasn't disposable.

It really was a simpler time.  A handful of stations, with set programing that was easy to watch.  A colorful intro, familiar theme, title of the film, then the film.  It was  particularly nice to watch because you were only seeing the movie.  No branded logo in the corner and no pop-up ads taking up part of the picture - during the film.  I watch very little TV these days.  It's just not enjoyable to me.  Truthfully, it won't be long and the ads will run the entire time.  They're just testing the water.  How much visual distraction will people tolerate before they change the channel?

hey anchorhead  check this one out.  just hearing this guys voice  sends tingles down the spine..  this was back  when  the movie of the week was a special night  and  something to look forward to. Like when wizard of oz was a once a yr special to be enjoyed  every march. Now everything is just a click away.  Back when you had to wait a whole year just to see  something again  made it special. Everything sucks today.



this next one is probably my  favorite  movie of the week intro with ernie andersons voice backing. Raiders of The Lost Arc.  The intro is almost as good  as the film and  his intros  really  set the mood to  enjoy a night of films.
