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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

BobaJett said:

I just previewed a bit of the TN1 v 1.6 and was wondering what audio track they used? The reason I ask is I noticed a scene which I havent heard in many years. The chasm scene and the echoes of Luke and Leia. I know this has been mentioned in other threads, but I have no idea where, so I thought Id ask here. Is the delayed, extreme echo version what was in the theatres or was it a TV thing? I just cant remember. But I do distinctly remember hearing it many years ago and then noticing when it was changed.

I listened to Despecialized, and the echo is on the 5.1 recreation, the Stereo recreation, and the both of the laserdisc mixes.

Notably, it is not on the mono mix, which as I understand is what the special edition based most of its sounds on.

EDIT: As for what SSE used, if it’s similar to the 1.0 release, it uses the '93 laserdisc, best as I can tell.

So if lightning hitting the emperor deforms him...

According to the official databank, the deformation is purely because of lightning melting his face in the current canon, not an ulterior method. http://www.starwars.com/databank/palpatine-biography-gallery (The image with Palpatine’s “Unlimited Power” face has the caption you’re looking for)

That leaves the method by which Luke didn’t get deformed a mystery, but for that:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

You’re all thinking too hard. By which I mean you’re trying to impose logic on GL’s prequel thought process. By which I mean you’re attributing a thought process to the making of the prequels.

Star Wars Canon EU (potential spoilers)

I haven’t touched the aftermath stuff, but I loved Bloodline (I listened to it as an Audiobook.) Casterfo is a great character, Leia’s disillusionment with the Republic is given plausible reasoning, the fact the First Order was able to grow to the size it is in the movies is given a decent explanation (Though I do not know how plausible the scheme is). That it helps set up what the OT characters were doing before everything went South is a nice plus.

I honestly believe this book should be read by everyone who wants to understand the direction the Sequel Trilogy might take, and why things are the way they are. Supposedly Rian Johnson helped set up the Centrist/Populist divide, so how it plays into Ep VIII remains to be seen.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I mean, I’d love for it to be a battle of words, rather than action, but “We stand here shouting for five hours to charge our Force Ball so that we can crush the enemy,” would be a bit much.

My preference for Palpatine would be to use the Mind trick more frequently, using others as meat shields, forcing them to fight each other instead of him. It’d be a great sign of just how proficient he is with the force to show him controlling those we normally believe to be strong minded.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Things not to get into a debate over: What a fight between Palpatine and Yoda would look like if they didn’t use lightsabers.

Somebody said it’d kind of look like Dragonball, or something close to what we actually did get in Revenge, minus the lightsabers. I suggested it’d be more of a battle of wits, with a bit of mind control, and somehow that evolved into “But the entirety of Revenge showed us that drawn out chess game between Yoda and Palpatine”.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

So on Rian Johnson’s twitter feed, he’s said that apparently his source of creative inspiration was Spielberg movies, Raiders in particular. https://twitter.com/rianjohnson/status/756798427242135553

Could be interesting, could be a terrible idea. Might mean we get another storm trooper that tries to baton Finn a la FN-2199, only to be shot.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I know for distance traversed there was going to be a deleted scene of them using vehicles to get from point a to point b on SKB (said scene is on the Special features in the official release, as we presumably know)

I don’t see why Hyperspace death rays are shocking, We could simply assume it’s a recalibrated version of the technology used for hyperspace holotransmissions.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

So on the rogue one spoiler thread somebody posted the celbration exclusive posters for TFA. As I had not been to Celebration events, I didn’t see them until now. And I figured here was a better place to talk about the TFA posters than on the RO thread.

for reference, this is the specific poster I’m referring to, but there is another.

I kind of wish this was the official theatrical poster. It fits the art style of the other Star Wars posters better than the one we ended up getting as the official poster.