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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

I’m guessing some of you don’t remember this.

False equivalency.

Not so. A President is within his legal power to do it no matter which President it is.

This has nothing to do with my point, and everything to do with why it’s pointless to engage you on any topic.

Well then, explain, why do you believe it is a false equivalent?

Because Comey is not under investigation for using public funds for private use.

Because Sessions was not investigating Clinton’s possible collusion with another nation to > undermine the election.

Fair enough but I didn’t say anything about it being equivalent.

But when I said “false equivalency” you said “not so”…argh, whatever.

I said once before that I don’t want to have a normal civil conversation with you because I don’t understand 90% of the things you say and it’s not worth the effort to try and decode everything. I stand by that.

I’m just going to leave this here so people can see for themselves the answer you gave to my olive branch. I was very sincere and you just gave me the finger. Have it your way. I don’t want to see any crying or complaining from you or the others when I question or try to discuss things you might post.

and yet you are the user who’s avatar is literally giving the finger. It might be time to change that. 😃

4K restoration on Star Wars

towne32 said:

dahmage said:

Would it be strange to add a line to the end of the letter something like “we would love the opportunity to discuss this with you” or “if you would like to hear our ideas please feel free to reach out”?

Well, the note asks for a response. It’s presumably a public response that they would give (allowing them the opportunity to market it, if they actually wanted to). They’re not just going to email Jay about their business plans and they’re not going to ask us for help or advice, as fun as that idea might be.

going back to re-read the short note versions, i don’t think this would fit in. Of course i wasn’t expecting them to invite us to a board meeting, but what i was thinking when i thought wrote that was that people are still involved, and people can and do talk to other people. It wouldn’t be the first time someone saw a tweet or message from a fan and that fan got a very personal response. I think we sometimes only think of Disney / Lucas film as a big entity and forget that lots of cool people work for them. It was just a thought. and a passing one at that.

Question about the 2006 "GOUT" DVDs

crissrudd4554 said:

The fact that Lucas allowed what were originally intended as ‘Limited Editions’ that were supposed to be off the market by the end of 2006 to be repackaged again in 2008 IMO is another example that shows that he only is/was refusing to restore the originals, not release them.

you have a fair point, but also, once you have a product, i doubt you need to go back to the boss man to approve selling more… but to approve a new project, even if it is just putting a crappy transfer onto bluray, would that not require ‘approvals’ again. Maybe i am just naive about how strongly Lucas feels about holding back the OOT

Question about the 2006 "GOUT" DVDs

Fang Zei said:

dahmage said:

Fang Zei said:

drfsupercenter said:

TV’s Frink said:

drfsupercenter said:

I’m looking to add the “limited edition” OT DVDs to my collection.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but…


Just download one of the many fine restoration projects here.

Because I’m a collector and I like having official releases. I do have the Despecialized Editions, but there’s something to be said about having the actual releases.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t have paid money for the GOUT in 2006, nevermind 2017.

You should probably just get your hands on Team Negative 1’s Silver Screen Edition of Star Wars '77 and the grindhouse releases of Empire and Jedi. The picture and sound are based off actual release prints.

um, isn’t the audio from laser disc? (at least it isn’t the print audio).

If it is, I didn’t know that. Could’ve sworn they said in the first post of their thread that they were sourcing the audio from the print itself but that was forever ago.

Which LD mix did they use?

I must be remembering the 1.5 release: which used Japanese LaserDisc (PILF-1236) for the main track.

The 1.6 release used DTS-MA HD English Stereo Track from Harmy’s DeSpecialized Edition as the main track

but yes, the secondary and tertiary tracks were sourced from optical prints.

Parroty Thread

TV’s Frink said:

dahmage said:

TV’s Frink said:

What’s your stance on 40th anniversary socks… do you believe?

that thread is hilarious and perfect. i don’t want to comment in it, because it will ruin it. so i commented here.

it is like a haiku, it has great form.

Which thread? I linked to two of them, but I don’t understand your comment applied to either one.

the socks.

i just now realized that you did a mashup of threads… mind blown.

JEDIT: you don’t get the beauty of a thread with only 3 posts in it, that includes a great one-line joke? and how that compares to a Haiku? never mind then.

Question about the 2006 "GOUT" DVDs

Fang Zei said:

drfsupercenter said:

TV’s Frink said:

drfsupercenter said:

I’m looking to add the “limited edition” OT DVDs to my collection.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but…


Just download one of the many fine restoration projects here.

Because I’m a collector and I like having official releases. I do have the Despecialized Editions, but there’s something to be said about having the actual releases.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t have paid money for the GOUT in 2006, nevermind 2017.

You should probably just get your hands on Team Negative 1’s Silver Screen Edition of Star Wars '77 and the grindhouse releases of Empire and Jedi. The picture and sound are based off actual release prints.

um, isn’t the audio from laser disc? (at least it isn’t the print audio).

UFO's & other anomalies ... do you believe?

DuracellEnergizer said:

Do I believe other sapient species exist out there in the universe? Yes. Do I believe they have interstellar travel and have visited Earth? I’m doubtful.

yeah. I think the same logical consideration of the odds that would lead one to believe that other life probably exists, somewhere, would also lead you to believe that it is so staggeringly unlikely that we will ever meet it.

but who knows, humans are always learning that they were wrong about the things they used to be so ignorantly sure of.

Random Thoughts

TV’s Frink said:

Possessed said:

TV’s Frink said:

Possessed said:

So it’s a donut but without the goodness that makes a donut a donut? I’ll pass.

Bread is a donut but without the goodness that makes a donut and also without the roundness and hole-ness that makes a bagel, so you should pass on bread too.

But could you imagine a balogna donut though?

Stop avoiding the issue. You’re an anti-bagelite.

yeah, you guys keep going around and around in circles, and never get to the center of the issue.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

He sure thinks the American public is stupid.

isn’t it though, sorta? I mean, eventually i think you can count on the american public coming to a sane position on important issues, but the initial response is usually stupid.

in other words, short term reaction would make you think the American Public is stupid.

if an issue remains in the forefront of the American Public’s collective consciousness, then i think you can count on the American Public eventually coming through and be intelligent.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jetrell Fo said:

oojason said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Search Nick Pope. There are some great interview stuff he did that’s on youtube. He used to be the British guy in charge of the U.K. Ministry of Defense.


He was? Where did you get the idea that he was in charge of the UK Ministry Of Defence?

I misspoke actually. He was an employee at the UK Ministry Of Defense charged with the UFO research and sightings.

So, British Mulder?