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//Star Wars Begins\\: HD Version Now on Vimeo
Exciting times. I'd say some good questions to ask would be:

-Whether or not the supposed "American Graffiti"-like atmosphere present in the lost cut contributed to or hindered the film?
-Did he feel that the pacing of the film worked in its early form?
-If he thought the excised material drastically changed the film in any way? Did it make it more slapstick? More focused on certain characters?
-Since he mentioned in "Revolution Of Star Wars" that geography played a larger part in the film, does he think the grander scale of the sets would have been useful in the final cut?
-His perspective on how audiences would react today if this were the first Star Wars film released?
-Whether or not the missed grapplng hook scene exists (I had to say it)?
-If he can describe the unique material in the rough cut pertaining to the Death Star/Leia rescue scenes or Mos Eisley?

Just throwing out a couple of suggestions. This stuff interests me quite a bit.
Cinematic Titanic- New MST3K Company To Riff Star Wars Holiday Special?
Originally posted by: David
Sorry guys, it's not the Holiday Special.
A very reliable source just shot the rumor down. He didn't reveal anything else. (See the mst3kinfo.com forums)

Although since Lucas is involved, and it's gonna be announced on starwars.com, you'd think it has to be a Star Wars (Ewok Adventure?) or at least Lucas (Howard the Duck?) movie.

If the message on the CT website is anything to go by, it can't be either of those two, because they're both on DVD (as far as I know). I'd still bet money on the HS, if only because it's never had an official release. I mean, if its being announced on StarWars.com, what else can it be?
Indiana Jones IV
Originally posted by: ChainsawAsh
Originally posted by: DarkGryphon2048
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Interesting "That's a Wrap" feature. Did you guys know that in 1981 there was a movie called "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark?" I don't recall that film. Boy, that's a mouthful too.
That's only on the fucking VHS case and the damn DVD cover. NO, the actual movie has not been change you Star Wars elitest dipshite. I swear, you Star Wars fanboys complain far too fucking much for your own good.

Quick question: Why the fuck are you here?

Oh, don't mind him. He's always like that.
What happened to the live-action show?
Originally posted by: adywan
The live-action is still going ahead. Rick McCallum spoke at "reunion 2" in France . heres a snip of what he said:

Live action:
- Boba Fett will certainly be in the series and Rick wants Daniel Logan for the part.
- The series will be on cable.
- He will have a contract for 100 episodes and Rick hopes it will be extend to 400, maybe with Expanded Universe characters after the first 100.
- So no EU character for "now" in the live action show. All the characters will be new ones.
- Six screen writers have been hired and will start work in November
- McCallum hopes to have John Williams for the score but it is too early to tell
- Every episode will have it's own original score

The Clone Wars Animated Series:
- The first season will have 21 episodes of 22 minutes. Steve Sansweet has already seen 6 of them.
- We will see more trailers once a TV network has been chosen
- The series may be broadcast in many countries at the same time

Saga Box Set:
- Lucasfilm is waiting to see who wins: HD DVD or Blue Ray.
- The box set will have around 100 hours of documentaries about the 6 films.

I give McCallum points for getting a lot of documentaries for whatever future boxset comes out, but seriously...

400 EPISODES? What? WHAT? Does he think this is Bonanza or something?
Caption Fun
Originally posted by: MJR80


Vader: Can you believe some piece of Rebel scum named Katarn tried to steal these plans? Too bad he doesn't know that I secretly switched them beforehand with a Holocron full of scantily-clad Twi'lek pictures. The look on his face when he gives them to the Rebel Alliance...!
Emperor: ...charming, my young apprentice.
Steven Colbert Running for President!!
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Have you ever seen Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner? I think that is proof somebody thought it was real or just didn't watch the show before booking him.

Ah, but of course. The level of ownage in that speech was amazing. I can't believe someone went to hire him, knowing that he has a television show. Makes you wonder if they even bothered researching him at all.
"Lucas can't find home for Star Wars spin-off"
Originally posted by: zombie84
Thats not what Lucas meant though--he said actual films that are abstract and experimental like how THX and his student films are. Because Spider-Man 3 gave us 100% CG characters, Superman Returns gave us all digital filming, and every other blockbuster now shares these qualities. The only thing Lucas did before most was shoot on digital tape, but this was just a cost-saver because he had so many special effects in the movie (and ultimately the cost-saving factor failed). IMO Lucas will never make those movies of his, which he says he has brainstormed in note form; he was saying this in 1983 as well, and in 1977 as well, and actually all the way back to 1974. It started because of American Graffiti, which was a mainstream film that became a hit--Lucas didn't like being associated with the mainstream since he thought of himself as an experimental art-house type (ie THX) so he started saying that he would be getting back to his roots. Then he did the opposite and made Star Wars, and was even more uncomfortable that he was one of the biggest hollywood success stories ever, so he said he was going to get back to his roots. Then he made Raiders and two Star Wars sequels, and his reputation was cemented, so he said he was retiring from blockbusters and one day he'll come back to his experimental art-house films that "are destined to fail." Skywalker Ranch was completed, which he said was built for the very purpose of self-creating these "little art house experiments", but then he just used it to work on blockbusters like Ghostbusters, Willow and Hook. Then when he finally returned to the directors chair he just made more Star Wars.

Now he says he will be doing these little art films--but then he goes on to make Indy IV, and two Star Wars TV series, which it now appears he is co-writing. By the time those are both released it will be after 2010, and maybe if we are lucky Lucas can get Red Tails made--which is not a small, personal art film but a big-budget historical action-drama about WWII dogfights. By that time he will be in his mid-70's, and I'm sure will retire, live his twilight peacefully in Lucas Land and then pass away sometime not long after due to his diabetes. Really, I think this whole "I'm an experimenter, I will make small personal films that everyone will hate because I'm avante-garde" is just his way of coping with mainstream fame.

Win. Absolute win.
Steven Colbert Running for President!!
Originally posted by: lordjedi
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: lordjedi
Originally posted by: ferris209
Lest we forget that Colbert is a liberal in wolf's clothing. His act is to constantly satire those from the serious end of the cable news industry. He actually takes things as he believes O'Reilly would do and runs with them. If, this farce were pulled off and it did happen, as in Man of the Year, I don't think anyone would be laughing anymore once they see him walk up to the podium and, totally out of character, begins talking about the reasons we should have a socialized health care system. Maybe I'm taking this too serious. I like Colbert, but let's face it, he mocks everything we on the right hold dear. He is good at it, many on the right don't even realize he is mocking them.

Are that many people on the right that stupid? I've watched his show a couple of times and honestly, I don't think he's good at it at all. He's more of a caricature of how a liberal might view a conservative than anything else. The way he acts isn't even extreme, it's just stupid. He hardly acts like any other conservative would. I realize that he thinks he's mocking Bill O'Reilly, but as someone who watches O'Reilly on a pretty regular basis, he acts like someone who just wants to twist how O'Reilly really is in order to make him look dumb. IMO, that just makes Colbert look even dumber.

Between the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, I pretty much don't watch Comedy Central from 8-9pm just because it is so stupid. I'm honestly surprised so many young people actually watch it for "news" since it's really anything but. Of course, that would explain on the misinformation that's out there.

I like Colbert, he does some funny stuff. But my perception is that there are so many politically illiterate people out there that wouldn't have any idea what a conservative really is and walk away from Colbert thinking that he pretty well sums them up, even though he don't come close. He is a satire, I see it, you see it, but idiots like Bill Maher don't. I rarely watch the Daily Show, Stewart as increasingly gotten worse over the past couple of years of constantly knocking the war and the President, even if he has a good point there is only so much of it you can listen to. I also watch O'Reilly everyday, despite the fact the lefties in Hollywood label him a hardcore Conservative, I don't think he is. I seem him as more of a traditionalist. I don't disagree with too much he says except his stance against the Death Penalty. Anyone who faces evil in the eye and or loses a loved one to these sickos, knows the death penalty is necessary and essential.

Bill Maher? But isn't he just another one of those leftist idiots? I'm sure Bill Maher interprets everything the right does in the same way Colbert does, but I don't think either of them see that as a serious conservative. I'm sure they both view it as "harmless comedy". I personally see it as lame, stupid comedy that isn't funny. And I don't see it as funny because they never do it to anybody on the left. But my real issue is with the stupid young people that watch it as real news and treat it like real news. That's a problem, especially since it's not real news.

I hope to God that there aren't people in the world who honestly believe that the show is real newscasting. Don't get me wrong, it's a great show, but it airs on Comedy Central, for Chrsit's sake.
The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
Well, for what it's worth, I always thought that, blow for blow, Moore had the essence of the character down pat. The only problem is that most of the scripts for his films (especially Moonraker and Man With The Golden Gun) are fucking terrible, evidence of a culture that not only accepted the crazy antics Bond did, but spurred the filmmakers do more films with him.
"Lucas can't find home for Star Wars spin-off"
Originally posted by: Scruffy
If they were smart, they'd release a few episodes free on the web. Maybe "leak" them to the torrent sites to build buzz and get the traditional media outlets interested. Everyone would have to see the "unaired pilot smuggled out of Skywalker Ranch;" it would hit AICN, SlashDot, and probably the "real" news -- especially if LucasCo could keep up the illusion that it was an unauthorized leak.

Unless the show is terrible, in which case this kind of viral marketing would kill it.

Yes, it's true. It reminds me of what happened early this year with all the season premieres of Showtime series (Weeds, Dexter, Californication) "leaking" months early, in finished DVD quality files, no less. That's whats been happening lately, in that companies are covertly releasing episodes of TV shows in order to gauge audience demand (see The Sarah Connor Chronicles).
Alien Appendix #3: The Alien Archive (Released)
I found something interesting the other day. I don't have any information on it, but apparently, at one time there was a proposed series based off the action figure line called "Operation Aliens", and it seemed to be based off the action figure line (having owned a couple of the figures in the past, that's what they look like). Anyway, here's the link.
Info: Anyone Have The Fight Club Workprint? Or any workprints for that matter?
Originally posted by: ReverendBeastly
When Demonoid resolves its issues (it was back briefly earlier, but it's temporarily down again to resolve some bugs), search for it on there and you'll find updates on a DVD version. The latest was that the guy was trying to put together a subtitle track, I think. It'll be good.
