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- #1432578
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- Amadeus - Theatrical Cut Restoration 1080p (V3 Now Available)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1432578/action/topic#1432578
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Why was the Orion Pictures logo even removed in the first place?
Why was the Orion Pictures logo even removed in the first place?
I don’t know yet.
I will be using Schorman’s HDTV version of the film for that scene.
Yes. It will have puppet Yoda.
In June of 2015, the film Spirited Away received a Blu-ray release. I was unbelievably hyped, considering that I saw the film in theaters back in 2002 and I consider it to be one of the greatest films ever made. And unlike other home video releases I have talked about, I was not disappointed at all. It was an amazing transfer of an amazing film. I would like to acquire a 35mm print of the film as that was the version I saw in theaters and there currently isn’t a 4K version. The only clip I have that is in 35mm is the initial American trailer as seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByXuk9QqQkk&t=34s. I would actually like to see an entire version like this that matches the theatrical version. Any help would be appreciated.
In 2011, the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was released on Blu-ray. I was pretty hyped, as I consider them to be some of the greatest films ever made. I was disappointed however, when all of the films, especially Fellowship of the Ring, had a blanket blue tint put over the entirety of the film. The Two Towers and Return of the King still had these issues, but they weren’t as bad as the first film. I would like to acquire HDTV or even 35mm prints as those have more accurate color timing. Any help would be appreciated.
This is my opinion, but the original Blu-ray fits the tone of the film more.
On TheStarWarsTrilogy.com, there was a post uploaded in 2017 as seen here https://www.thestarwarstrilogy.com/2017/10/29/so-you-want-to-watch-star-wars/. One of the preservations of the 1997 Special Edition was a theatrical bootleg recorded in the theater similar to the Z bootleg of The Phantom Menace and the Centropy version of Attack of the Clones. I tried looking up this preservation but could find no information on it but would like to acquire a copy as they have accurate color timing compared to the Laserdisc and VHS. Any help would be appreciated.
In 2018, the film Forrest Gump got an Ultra HD Blu-ray release. I was pretty hyped, seeing how I and a lot of other people consider it to be one of the greatest films ever made. I was soon disappointed however, when I found out the entire film had a green tint similar to Attack of the Clones and The Matrix. I still own the original DVD and Blu-ray, but apparently home video releases from that era are taken from high contrast interpositives and not release prints. So this means that nearly all home video releases of the film are not accurate to what the film actually looked like. I would like to acquire any 35mm prints of the film or theatrical recording SVCDs. Any help would be appreciated.
I would like to acquire an HDTV version of The Matrix as the Blu-ray has a far stronger green tint and the UHD Blu-ray has much more saturated skin tones. The HDTV version has similar colors to the initial home video release and is the closest looking to the theatrical release but isn’t exact. Any help would be appreciated.
I never saw the film in theaters so I never got to see what the theatrical color timing was. I had assumed that it had been similar to the DVD and VHS version as that was the version I watched the most.
Is there a 35mm print of the film with true color timing?
Earlier this year, the film Mouse Hunt received a Blu-ray release. I was pretty hyped, seeing how it was one of my favorite childhood movies. To my disappointment however, the film had a dark blue tint put over the entire movie. It was much darker than before and it doesn’t fit the tone of the light hearted comedy. I would like to acquire an HDTV or a VHS version seeing how it has more accurate color timing. Any help would be appreciated.
(Message Redacted)
There have been a lot of theatrical recreations of The Phantom Menace out there. However none satisfy me as a true theatrical version. So my goal is to recreate the film as closely as possible. As many people know, every version of The Phantom Menace released on home video has some flaws. The VHS, Laserdisc and DVD versions all come from the same master. Due to the limitations of the technology at the time, they all have a strange pink tint and the entire picture is cropped by 8 percent. The Blu-ray and 4K releases are closer to how the film looked originally and are uncropped but have severe DNR. I decided to combine all these versions together. The main source for my project is the Laserdisc release as it’s the highest quality official release of the original version of the film. However, as stated before, it is slightly cropped and the color grading is off. I decided to upscale this version using AI. To get theatrical color timing, I used a 35mm print by Team Negative One and color corrected shot by shot to match. I also used this version to recreate the missing image detail on the edges. When I am done with this project, please PM me for a link.
As many people know, there are three versions of The Matrix available on home video. There is the 1999 version, the 2008 version and the 2018 version. All of these have drastically different colors. But I would like to know which version is the closest to the theatrical release and what the theatrical version even looked like. Any help would be appreciated.
Please do it.
Where could I get the 1999 DVD?
In 2019, I went and saw The Shining in theaters. It was the recent 4K remaster of the film. Although it was scanned from the original negative, it was a very different version from the original. I would like to obtain a copy of the VHS because it is closer to the original. It starts off with the 1973 Warner Bros. Pictures logo instead of the classic shield logo. Also the film was shot in full open matte so there would be more picture on the top and bottom of the screen. However this version is quite rare. Any help would be appreciated.
Could you share the VHS with me?
I could also use that version.
I do need it.
Could you please share it with me?
In 1949, MGM rereleased The Wizard of Oz in theaters to celebrate the ten year anniversary of the film. This version of the film had the Kansas scenes in black and white instead of sepia tone. This master was used in every home video release until the 1989 home video release which used the original sepia tones. I have never seen the black and white version. I grew up watching the post-1989 version. I would like to obtain a copy of the black and white version though. I don’t know where as this version is considered quite rare. Any help would be appreciated.
DVD is in the 2.35:1 aspect ratio. But the films were shot in open matte so the VHS has some information on the top and bottom that aren’t in the widescreen version.