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- #1439239
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- Terminator 2 35mm Print Opportunity!
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1439239/action/topic#1439239
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Is it the theatrical cut or the extended version?
Is it the theatrical cut or the extended version?
That looks pretty good.
It should be blue like in Harmy’s edit. It was color graded based on 35mm sources so it would be very accurate to the original.
In my personal opinion, Hannibal is a lot better than people say it is. Both critics and audiences gave the film mixed reviews as they said it wasn’t as creepy as its predecessors. Personally I thought it was great. I thought that it was just as creepy as Silence of the Lambs. I just don’t understand the hate behind the film.
Yes. You can find it on TheStarWarsTrilogy.com.
I do see your point.
In my personal opinion, every time a movie is released in an extended version, usually the scenes added are usually completely pointless. Occasionally there is a movie that has an extended version or directors cut that is better than the original version. For example, the extended editions of the LOTR movies I consider to be a lot better than the theatrical versions. However, there are movies that have completely pointless scenes added in. The first two Harry Potter films are an example of this. I remember seeing those movies in theaters so the theatrical versions are the first ones that I saw. Then when they aired on ABC they had the deleted scenes put back in. At least the inclusion of those scenes make sense in the TV versions. But when the entire series was released on Blu-ray they were the extended versions. Fortunately the theatrical versions were released in 4K and to this day that is how I prefer to watch the first two movies. The Phantom Menace is another example. I also saw the movie in theaters and on VHS. I was disappointed when the DVD added in the extended podrace scene. That’s part of the reason I wanted to recreate this version as seen here https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Phantom-Menace-The-Theatrical-Version-a-WIP/id/86042. However this is all my opinion and I would like to hear from other people their opinions on the subject.
It’s really either way with the car removal for me. I’m glad they removed it but then again we should preserve the original versions and I have to admit the car in the background kind of added some extra charm to the scene.
For years I’ve heard about Avisynth. With it, you can video edit, color correct, upscale, degrain and more. I finally decided to get in to using it. Unfortunately, Avisynth is only available on Windows but I run MacOS instead. So I would like to find an alternative that is comparable to the actual thing but can actually run on my computer. Any help would be appreciated.
Most of the picture is going to be taken from the 35mm print. The only time I will use other sources is for the subtitles and even then I will use rotoscoping so that all of the original image is preserved. The audio is laserdisc sourced as the HDTV version is of the extended cut of the movie.
I decided to change my workflow as the first version was taking too long. My new technique is to use the Czech 35mm print and use the laserdisc and HDTV for audio and subtitles. These sources will also be used to recreate the opening crawl. This will take much less time.
I’ll definitely be looking forward to this.
Status Update: The project is currently on hiatus until further notice. Sorry to everyone who was looking forward to this project.
@BradenPH33 You can find it on TheStarWarsTrilogy.com or PM Bobson Dugnutt.
Send a PM to Williarob for the code.
You can find it on the forums at TheStarWarsTrilogy.com.
The HDTV version is the DVD version in 1080p so I’m using that source.
The Adventures of Tintin
I can’t get it to install on my Mac.
Maybe VHS or Laserdisc?
In my personal opinion, 2001: A Space Odyssey is a very overrated movie. So many people say it is a masterpiece of a film. I personally think it’s just okay. The cinematography and especially the visual effects are very ahead of its time. But the movie has one big flaw. It is so slow. For some reason it doesn’t bother me when the LOTR movies have similar pacing though. Also, I think that the best Kubrick film is a tie between A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut.
Try sending a PM to Williarob.
They were only released on home video.
(Message Deleted)
@ToolofShakespeare They are the theatrical versions.