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Info: Star Wars color grading - thoughts

yotsuya, thanks for the info!

EP1: * should * need minimal tweaks to be corrected; BD has less cropping in comparison to DVD/HDTV.

EP2: * seems * to be correct, right?

EP3: I must add that I have the workprint, good quality (apart obvious timecodes and other writings), and the color grading is the same of the DVD, so we * could * assume it is right.

EP4, 5, 6: I agree that GOUT, when slightly corrected to get rid of the pinkish tone, * seems * to be the “less wrong”, followed by 1997 DVB; but the latter is often similar to DVD and BD - for example, blue snow on Hoth; I’m pretty sure there was an avisynth script with settings to correct GOUT colors, but can’t find it at the moment; there was also curve settings for BD, but files are not available anymore…

EP7: I’m pretty sure BD is plagued by teal&orange and could be eventually corrected to resemble the trailers grading; at least, the DVD/BD/3D BD/web download * should * share the same color grading.

Info: Star Wars color grading - thoughts
Theatrical cut:
EP1: 2000 JP LD, 2000 VCD, 2000(?) DVB (TB)
EP2: none
EP3: should be the same as "BD" SE
EP4: LD, VHS, 1993 THX VHS, 1993 THX LD, 2006 DVD ("GOUT")
EP5: LD, VHS, 1993 THX VHS, 1993 THX LD, 2006 DVD ("GOUT")
EP6: LD, VHS, 1993 THX VHS, 1993 THX LD, 2006 DVD ("GOUT")
EP7: 2016 DVD, 2016 BD, 2016 web download, 2016 WOWOW

1997 SE:
EP4: 1997 VHS, 1997 LD, 2000 VCD, 1999 DVB (G'kar, TB, RaiTre, Reivax, Flunk)
EP5: 1997 VHS, 1997 LD, 2000 VCD, 1999 DVB (G'kar, TB, RaiTre)
EP6: 1997 VHS, 1997 LD, 2000 VCD, 1999 DVB (G'kar, TB, RaiTre)

EP1: 2001 VHS, 2001 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV
EP2: 2003 VHS, 2003 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV
EP3: 2005 VHS, 2005 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV
EP4: 2004 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV
EP5: 2004 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV
EP6: 2004 DVD, 2006(?) HDTV

"BD" SE:
EP1: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW
EP2: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW
EP3: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW
EP4: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW
EP5: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW
EP6: 2011 BD, 2015 web download, 2016 WOWOW

Some thoughts:

  • PAL/DC THX LD and GOUT should have the same colors
  • 1997 SE G’kar and TB have the same grading
  • 1997 SE Flunk has essentially the same grading of G’kar and TB
  • 1997 SE Reivax should have the same grading of G’kar, TB and Flunk
  • 1997 SE RaiTre has different grading of other DVB versions; no pink or blue blankets, but duller colors and lower brightness
  • EP1 TB and DVD/HDTV has similar grading, the same in many shots but not in every one
  • VCD and DVD should have same grading
  • DVD and HDTV have the same grading
  • PAL and NTSC DVD have the same grading
  • WOWOW has slight different grading from BD (except EP7 which is the same)
  • VHS and LD colors are variable, and they depends on editions, hardware player, capture card and settings

At the end, I think the main color grading versions to take in account, for project purposes, are:

  • EP 2, 3 = DVD/HDTV, BD
  • EP 4, 5, 6 = GOUT, 1997 DVB, DVD/HDTV, BD
  • EP 7 = BD

Plus, there are a lot of “official” partial sources, like trailers, teasers, documentaries, and even DVD menus.

Now, I’d like to know the general consensus of what is could be considered the * right * (or the best among the previous, or the less wrong…) color grading for each episode (from 1 to 6), or part of them, and the avisynth settings (or scripts) to apply to correct or improve the quality of a given version - GOUT, DVD and BD in particular, for example, to get rid of the pinkish tone, or achieve the correct levels.

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

benduwan said:

Ehr… the landing shot is open matte… and not exactly the same one of the movie

yes,i see this.but why it will be changed?
is it from a menu?

Yes, it’s from a menu, and, because it has more image details (like antenna dish) I think it’s a nice addition.

Jp4195 said:

How have I never seen this post until now, I love this !!! question though, for scenes with alternate takes will you just be adding bits from the different takes into the finished scene or will it be a totally new scene created from both sources

If the whole scene is available, then it will be replaced; if just one shot (or part of) a scene has a different take/angle, it will be used just that - like in some of the test clips I posted in this thread.

Help Wanted: a good image editor needed

@nightstalkerpoet: AviSynth is enough for the moment! 😄

@poita: the clip is just the part I would like to restore; I used the masks for both, but the script I used is not powerful enough; of course, if you have a software that could do that, it’s really welcome! The clips are from same source, just with different writings; maybe it could be useful to locate better where to copy the legs from the intact frames, or extract different good parts.

Help Wanted: a good image editor needed

I’m trying to restore a short shot, but my limited image editing capabilities are not sufficient for this task…

What I need is someone who could cut&paste, from some writings-free frames, the parts needed to cover the writings; there are about 60 frames to restore, and the area is really limited. I * think * it could be done in an hour or two, if done by a skilled image editor who use something better than MSpaint, as I do… 😄
Forgot to mention: there are actually two versions, with different writings, so maybe the task could be easier.

Wage: credit in the project thread, and my permanent gratitude!

Clip part to be corrected (8MB uncompressed): https://fs08n1.sendspace.com/dl/5c8e0e36acee3f689fd8a57bcccc3083/584aa53861a67334/zxcbz6/legs.avi

ZIP file with PNG images (9MB): https://fs05n3.sendspace.com/dl/175879c1d01b699095b1e8633060f695/584aacb14b680007/y31jsi/Trilogy Bonus Disc - test1.zip

Thanks in advance to anyone who could help in this project!

WOWOW Star Wars Saga (Released)

For those who have downloaded these files: please cut them with tsMuxeR, using the following cuts, so we have the same reference in case these will be used in some projects. Thanks!

Warning: only audio track #1 is muxed; if audio track #2 is used, it may leads to errors.

Original file: anh.ts
Cut file, using tsMuxeR GUI 1.10.6 - cut from 68s to 7552s

Original file: esb.ts
Cut file, using tsMuxeR GUI 1.10.6 - cut from 33s to 7668s

Original file: rotj.ts
Cut file, using tsMuxeR GUI 1.10.6 - cut from 33s to 8161s

Original file: tfa.ts
Cut file, using tsMuxeR GUI 1.10.6 - cut from 63s to 8347s

Star Wars: deleted and extended scenes * database *

I checked (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coPi6fvskF4) and it wasn’t there; by the way, there is a 720p version; I thought it was released only on the Special Edition Trilogy DVD… is it a better HD version than youtube?

Few possible candidates found on theforce.net, about Episode 2:

I’m a Jedi
There is a line that Anakin says during the ‘Mystery’ trailer. He says “I’m a Jedi!”. Now I’m not sure if its in the final cut of the movie, but I don’t seem to recall it. (Jedi Andy)

More Jango Fighting!
Part of the Obi-wan Jango fight has been deleted. I’m not talking about the storyboards, but, when Obi-Wan comes through the doors, he ignites saber, deflects two bolts, and then the fight really jumps to him taking a swing at Jango who takes off. Now, part of the footage that was inbetween those two parts was even in the commercials and the trailer! However even if that had stayed in there was still a jump. They did film it of course, it’s seen in the Fett making of documentary. (Tomcat84)

Not a Little Boy
In one of the trailers, Padme calls Anakin “Ani” and he petulantly replies something like “Stop calling me that; It makes me sound like a little boy.” Probably dropped because it’s adequately covered in other dialogue. (David)

Someone could confirm?

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

What I have actually done:

  • took the DVD menu and cut it, from the start of 3D pan to the first frames of R2 peeking in the window
  • upscaled and crop to fill the 1920x820 window and to mantain aspect ratio
  • slow down 2x times the 3D pan
  • upscaled (zoomed out) the HD film part of R2 to let the DVD menu overlaid spatially perfect
  • color matched the HD film similar to the DVD menu
  • overlaid the four R2 frames of the DVD menu to the film, first 100% (only DVD menu), second 75%, third 50%, fourth 25% and the rest is HD movie
  • zoomed in the previous upscaled HD film to return to its original size

Of course, instead slow motion the 3D part at 100%, it could be made at 90%, but it will be choppier, I think.

On DVD menu, I just applied the upscale - no noise reduction or grain plate; it will look better with them applied. To merge better, I could always make the cut just during the thunder, so it has an “excuse” for temporary contrast/brightness difference.

Your cut has simply removed Yoda’s house shot; it can be made using just the film - apart the R2 zoom, made by me… I was forced to use it to merge the 3D pan to final R2 shot; I wonder if zoom in works good in this contest, if could work better in the film cut (leaving out the 3D pan), or use the 3D pan without R2 zoom…

Maybe someone else could chime in and give us their opinions!

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

Ronster said:
Yeah that I think works.


Not against having fun but I think the Menu material generally has a totally different feel to the original camera work unless you do complicated uses of it or partial uses of it.

Right, complicated! Talking of this…

RE: R2-D2 lifting up yeah the writing is no good but if you wanted to extend the shot you would have to somehow merge the 2 shots without the writing. Perhaps it is useless personally I never tried it before but I knew there was extra footage there.

The only thing which is in the menu and not in the movie, is the 3D camera pan, from outside Yoda’s house flying around it to R2; I made this as better as I can, including a zoom out of R2 shot; don’t know if it’s convincing enough to be used instead the original take - that is a simple cut Yoda’s house/R2; rough upscale and color correction, no cleaning, just put together to see if it works:


You need to check the Van Ling (cantina music) Credits bloopers also and the blooper reel too for extra material.

It those on EP5 DVD?

You have not listed all the material from the ESB trailers yet. You have missed a bunch of shots off your list from that still.

I know the list is incomplete, but it’s a work in progress, and I do what I can; got many trailers, but it’s difficult for a non-die-hard fan to spot a missing second or two, not present in the movie or, worst, with a simple different take; add to this the fact often the trailers has not a name, so it’s also difficult to find the right trailer to track.

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

Thanks for the corrections, everything is right now!

About the clip: don’t know… you are right, the scene doesn’t need a correction, is perfect “as is”… but, from another point of view… yes, it’s just that; another point of view - not mine, the camera! 😄 Should another take be used instead of the original, even if perfect? And when? Same angle? Or a different angle? Or zoomed in/out? What’s about dialogs? Who decides?

Some serious questions arise along the previous one… which cut, color grading, and audio track to use? Which changes to leave, and which to revert?

Why I have decided to do this? I know, right now, that I will spend so much time in this project… I don’t want to take a given cut, whichever it is, leave it untouched, put the deleted scenes, untouched as well, at the right place, and stop. Many did this. Too easy. 😄 I must find something difficult, and different… for what reason, I’m still asking myself!

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

benduwan said:
will this version 4?

Maybe, who knows? 😄

Ronster said:
But you understand I pointed out that the shot where R2-D2 lifts himself up to yoda’s hut was the only bit of deleted footage?

Understood. But actually IT was in the movie (around 54:30); I made a quick comparison between the movie and the overlaid DVD menu: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/192756 - as you can see, this part of the shot is useless, because is smaller, and full of writings that could not be deleted perfectly; if you are talking about R2 that is “walking” around Yoda’s house (and it’s clearly impossible he will reach the window from that point, in the movie), yes, this is not in the movie, but it’s a recreation, so, if it’s “accepted”, any other part could be, as well. I mean, if GL made 4 different versions of his OT, why we, making a fan edit, are not allowed to use unortodox sources? I remember there is at least a SW edit where Padmé is alive, and her clip is taken from another movie… it’s canon? No! But it works, so… let’s have fun! 😄

I don’t mind the menu shot but I would not dream of using that personally. It feels weird.

If you talk about the one with Darth Vader and Luke duel on the bridge, yes, I agree, it was just a test clip, I had fun making it, understood something new, and, apart a nice (IMHO) intro, it will be useless in this project perspective. But, for example, the other shot, where Luke meets his father, with a 3D zoom in, is nice and, to me, doesn’t seem out of place, in comparison to the original static shot (repeated some frames after it); it’s a bit of “fresh air”, and, again, in comparison with bad CGI (EP4 Jabba) or bad practical effects (Taun Taun), it’s better. My 2c, as usual, as much it could worth.

Now, to let this project be open for future variations/versions etc., I think it could be better to render full screen scenes (4:3 and 16:9 SD) to be full screen 16:9 1920x1080; then, they could be cropped to have the same 2.35:1 aspect ratio of the movie, or left untouched, and get a variable aspect ratio version - like The Dark Knight, for example… sooo, the final versions * could * be:

  1. Best quality color scenes only, image cleaned and upscaled to 1080p 2.35:1, audio restored, using alternate takes where available
  2. All the previous, plus others with lower quality (including b&w), partially unfinished effects and/or missing audio, with fullscreen where available.

Probably the best path to follow is to make the second, and then try to clean as much scenes as possible, and use them to make the first.

Now I think I have almost all deleted scenes, shots, pieces, needed to start the project; need a new computer, though, because I can’t wait months just for rendering time!


  • Episode 6 - different take of R2 and 3PO entering Jabba’s palace

Test clip - taken from a BD documentary - * 30s, 37.9s (download link valid until 2017-02-02)
(left the russian audio, just to be the clip werdiert than usual!)

Star Wars saga - Extra Extended Edition (1080p) (* unfinished project / WIP *)

Strange, can be true… but not worse than EP4 CGI Jabba - any version! 😄
I do think that is a nice “alternate take” to add to the project, that is becaming not only an “add deleted scenes to get a longer version”, but more as an alternative version…

Now shoot me, but I also thought to make a DVD with different angles, where alternate take is the main track, and original take is the second track… if only I could be able to do that… maybe someone more skilled could chime in!

Still hoping to find a good audio editor - it is really needed; and a graphic designer to correct some missing or unfinished effects…

Now, I’m going to test an alternate take of R2 and 3PO entering Jabba’s palace… wish me luck! 😄