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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Well, I was more focusing on the lack of a film magazine. Granted they get taken off for loading, but it’s missing on every picture I’ve seen. I guess the photos could all be from between actual filming, but the actors look like they’re in character (especially the woman with the opera glasses). Also the over-all size and the battery pack makes them look like digital cameras to me.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *


Does anyone recognize the cameras in these photos?
They look like digital cameras to me, but we’ve already seen that Johnson is shooting ep. VIII on film. Is there any reason why this scene would be shot digitally? There’s people in alien costumes so It’d be weird if it wasn’t for some other movie.

(This video has some better photos towards the end; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-heyfopgT0)

It’s really not that important, it just kind of bothers me.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

SilverWook said:

Back in the 80’s Douglas Trumbull was going to shoot the featutre film Brainstorm in Showscan, a 70mm 60fps process he developed, but it ended up only being used for ride films. What I saw of Showscan at the Luxor in Las Vegas back in the 90’s was much more impressive than what Peter Jackson tried with the Hobbit trilogy.

Well, I’m not saying it’s impossible, it just seems unlikely to me.

Also 70mm in 60fps sound like a nightmare to shoot. I didn’t even know it was possible to shoot an entire feature like that. How long were these “ride films”?

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Both ep. VIII and XI will be shot on film, so it’s probably just for an effects shot as previously suggested. Plus, TFA had a slow-motion shot in it, so it’s probably just that Johnson is doing something similar.

It also says “roll” and “stock” which wouldn’t make much sense without film. I also think shooting film at 48fps all the time would get very costly after a while, not to mention being impractical.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

SilverWook said:

ZkinandBonez said:

joefavs said:

I’m warming to the idea of this being Han’s funeral. Does this mean we’re going to Corellia?! I’d really love that. I’m not itching to see Tatooine or Bespin again any time soon, but it would be cool if the ST takes us to some OT planets that were name dropped but never seen rather than sticking to completely new places like TFA did.

That’s something I’d love to see too, but I’m wondering why Han would warrant a big fancy funeral filled with gangsters. Was he really that we’ll respected a smuggler? Then again we don’t know exactly what he’s been up to in the thirty years between ROTJ and TFA.

He’s still the guy who helped Luke blow up the Death Star.

He also was instrumental in disabling the deflector shield in the Battle of Endor. As far as I’m concerned Han deserves a goddamn statue.

Oh sure, he definitely deserve a big funeral. But going off my assumption that these aliens looks like gangsters/criminals it seems weird that they would give him a big funeral. The Resistance giving him a big funeral, that makes sense, but these guys doesn’t exactly look like rebels or politicians (not to me anyway). I also doubt that Leia would invite a bunch of criminals to Han’s funeral. Unless of course they are the ones who eventually cause the trouble that will undoubtedly happen.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

joefavs said:

I’m warming to the idea of this being Han’s funeral. Does this mean we’re going to Corellia?! I’d really love that. I’m not itching to see Tatooine or Bespin again any time soon, but it would be cool if the ST takes us to some OT planets that were name dropped but never seen rather than sticking to completely new places like TFA did.

That’s something I’d love to see too, but I’m wondering why Han would warrant a big fancy funeral filled with gangsters. Was he really that we’ll respected a smuggler? Then again we don’t know exactly what he’s been up to in the thirty years between ROTJ and TFA.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Although I agree that the speeder looks a bit AOTC-like I’m not too sure about these people being high society, at least not in the PT sense with Padme/politicians. They look more like gangsters to me. I mean look at the guy at the left of the top picture, he looks like a gangster caricature in alien-form.
Plus, weird looking or not, I’m not going to judge the designs too harshly before I’ve seen them in a more comprehensible context. And those guards/soldiers from the McQuarrie drawings looks pretty cool and OT-like.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

joefavs said:

Some set photos from Dubrovnik showing costumes and what looks to be a speeder:

The aurebesh on the guards’ helmets says “CBPD”. I’m seeing some people suggesting that it could be Han’s funeral procession, but that sounds like nothing more than wild speculation to me. In any case, someone on reddit pointed out that the guards seem to be pretty clearly based on this McQuarrie design:

It’s not too wild a speculation that we’ll see Han’s funeral, based on this picture of Carrie Fisher in what could be a mourning dress.


They’ve also borrowed from several other McQuarrie concept drawings for whatever it is that Dubrovnik turns out to be in the film;



There’s also been rumours about Mark Hamill being in Dubrovnik, so it could be that he decides to attend Han’s funeral, and undoubtedly something dramatic will happen when both he and Leia, and presumably also Rey and/or Poe is there.

What other spinoffs should Disney make?

BillionaireHobo287 said:

So far we’re getting :

  1. Rogue One : A Star Wars Story - How the rebels stole the plans for the Death Star.
  2. Untitled Han Solo prequel - How Han Solo became that selfish smuggler we first meet in the cantina.
  3. Untitled Boba Fett movie
  4. Untitled Mace Windu movie
  5. Untitled Obi Wan movie/trilogy
  6. Untitled movie
  7. Untitled movie
  8. Untitled movie? (news reports were confusing; says that we’re getting an additional five movies to the SIX announced movies then saying that it sums up to TEN total movies instead of eleven).

I realize that the thread is about spin-offs Disney should make (whatever that means), but is this list meant to be real? Last thing I heard was that they were simply making three anthology films, and that they still aren’t too sure about what he third one is supposed to be about.

As a sort-of side-note I’m kind of curious bout whether they’ll actually make three of them at all, considering how these are basically just filler between the main trilogy films (or has that changed recently?). The reason I say this is that I find it kind of strange that they’ll just dump a final film SW film on the public after the main trilogy is over. I’m pretty sure that there’s quite a lot of people who aren’t huge SW fans who will be confused by the upcoming Rogue One (it’s obvious for us, but not so much for many people). So it seems weird to me to give us a Fett/Kenobi/whatever film after ep. XI.

Star Wars: The Costume Thread

ATMachine said:

A small strange mystery:

JW Rinzler in The Making of Star Wars erroneously describes the third image in my previous post as a sketch for a droid “in the bottom-left corner” of McQuarrie’s painting of the Death Star prison-block elevators. But one look at those threatening mandibles (not to mention the needle in the droid’s right claw) reveals that this is an early iteration of the torture droid used on Princess Leia.

This seems to be deliberate obtuseness (or censorship?) on Rinzler’s part… since the droid’s two pincer arms in McQuarrie’s sketch were almost certainly inspired by the early Christian legend of the martyr Saint Agatha (a frequent subject for Renaissance painters). During the persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire, Agatha, a convert from a Roman noble family, was tortured and had her breasts cut off by red-hot pincers.

And what’s on the very same page of The Making of SW, in the bottom left corner? Ralph McQuarrie’s pencil storyboards of a bare-breasted Princess Leia.

So in what draft exactly is this mentioned?
Also looking at the storyboards you mentioned, I can’t really see the same as you do. It just looks like she’s wearing a white outfit, and if I’d have to compare it to anything it’d be Padme’s outfit during the arena scene in AOTC.
The closest I can find in Rinzler’s book to suggest this costume, or rather lack of costume, is this unfinished drawing by Tavoularis whcih seems oddly out of place with all the other concept art;

However, speaking of censorship, or at least Lucas going for something more kid-friendly, I find it interesting how Tavoularis’ storyboard show stormtroopers where you can actually see their eyes. Not only are these third-draft storyboards more violent in general (there’s a lot of limbs being torn/shot of in this version) but giving us the ability to see their eyes really makes them a lot more sympathetic and human, as opposed to the faceles Imperial grunts that we’re used to. I think it’s really fascinating how simply covering up someones eyes can makes such a huge difference.

I can only imagine how different SW would have been had moments like this actually ended up in the final film;

On a completely different note however, having started reading Rinzler’s book myself recently, there is one unused costume in the concept art which has fascinated me quite a lot.
A lot of the drawings of Han Solo has him wearing this weird helmet-like thing (I really have no idea what to call it). It looks really cool and I can’t really figure out why it was never used in the final film considering it was used so prominently in McQuarries artwork (it even showed up in the fourth draft storyboards by Ivor Beddos, only Ben wore it instead of Han).

The only explanation I’ve been able to find is that it might have been too similar, or perhaps too obviously inspired by Flash Gordon, that they might have tried to avoid legal problems or maybe Lucas simply felt he needed to make something more original.

What don't you like about TESB?

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m actually really glad that Lucas removed the scream from Luke’s fall. It’s one of Luke’s most brave and profound moments, him screaming just makes it silly. Even Lucas realizability that and removed it in the newer SE versions.

The scream wasn’t in the original, it was added in '97 (not sure if removed in '04 or '11). I’m sure we are all glad its gone now.

I know. It was the 1997 SE I was referring to.
I was just pointing out that Lucas had the same thought to add a scream, but even he realized at some point that it was a bad decision.

Peter Mayhew Tweeting Star Wars &quot;Journal of the Whills&quot; script. &quot;Big announcement&quot; to follow...

Well, it does also say “mock surprise” when describing Jabba, so I’m not sure if Greedo was actually meant to have been ordered to not shoot Han.
Not that it really matters though, Han still shot down Greedo just to be on the safe side, as is implied in the line “I think he thought he was” (suggesting that he thought that Greedo was planning to shot him anyway).

What don't you like about TESB?

ray_afraid said:

Lord Haseo said:

  1. Luke attempting suicide only to be conveniently saved due to plot armor

He wasn’t committing suicide, he was trusting the force.

I always got the impression that Luke sacrificed himself in order to not fall to the dark side (this is clearly the case in the novelization, which was Lucas canon). And I hardly see how him being saved by the plot is a bad thing. Plot convenience is kind of a staple if SW, and part of what makes the OT so much fun. I mean ANH is filled with these; Artoo and Threepio conveniently being reunited by the Jawas, ending up at the Lars farm, the R4 droid having a bad motivator, etc.
Luke’s sacrifice makes sense as a part of his character development in ESB as well, but his death would of course have cut the trilogy short, so naturally he conveniently survives.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

A lot of different ideas thrown back and forth in this video, but many of them are quite interesting.


The idea that Snoke was once a Jedi that survived the purge makes a lot more sense to me than him being some ancient Sith, or just some random guy who trained himself.

Him having received his scars during the purge (or order 66) then having hidden in the unknown regions, where he would then have encountered the remnants of the Empire could be an interesting backstory, which also has the benefit of not being to hard to explain to the more casual viewer. This would also explain why he doesn’t affiliate himself with the Sith and has instead made is own Dark Jedi order.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Well, it has been thirty years. It’d be strange if he never got his leg fixed in all those years. The red arm is just there to suggest that bad stuff has been happening again recently, hence Threepio has gotten damaged recently and had a replacement arm. His fixed leg implies there being a somewhat more prosperous time at some point in between ROTJ and TFA (which would make sense, as I doubt that the First Order came out of the Empire immediately).

What kind of camera did they use for this ANH scene?

Mavimao said:

Found it! According to this article linked at the bottom it’s a Technirama camera which was basically VistaVision with an anamorphic lens. I’m sure they simply used aspherical lenses on the camera.


That’s typical, if I’d just looked at the site the picture I posted was from I’d have the answer to my question immediately.
At least I was right in it being an older camera.

What kind of camera did they use for this ANH scene?

Mavimao said:

I know they used VistaVision cameras for the special effects which this shot clearly is. VistaVision shoots 35mm film 8 sprockets vertically instead of the 4 sprocket horizontal feed of a normal cinema 35mm camera.

In DSLR sensor size, VV is comparable to FullFrame and Super35 (the full 4 sprocket 35mm cinema frame) is comparable to APS-C.

That camera is NOT a three strip camera. Look at the magazine. There is an obvious single strip feed and a single strip takeup section.

I know what a Vistavision camera is, I just didn’t recognise this camera design. I didn’t really belive it was a technicolor camera, but it look very similar.
So I guess this might be a old vistavision camera? That technique, from what I remember, was first used in the 50’s around the same time that three-strip technicolor became obsolete. I guess that might explain the design similarities.