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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

YodaFan67 said:

  1. Disney got some complaints about how violent and sad Rogue One was, especially in comparison to mostly lighthearted (and also PG-13) TFA. I mean, yes TFA had action but it was a cartoony sort of action. Rogue One was a flat out war movie.

TFA had the opening where an entire village is slaughtered and also had Han Solo murdered pretty brutally.

Wasn’t there a scene in Rogue One where Gin pushed a small child into a laserbolt?

Huh? There’s a scene where “Jyn” pulls a child away from laser fire.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

SilverWook said:

There was a magazine sized issue part of the Marvel Super Special run and an oversized giant edition.
Can’t recall what version of Yoda appeared in them though. I probably had the oversized edition but those things were hard to store with one’s regular sized comics.

I have the Norwegian version of that edition, and Yoda looks more or less normal in it. He’s still smaller than in the movie, but his face looks like the proper final design.

I’ve read (and own) several versions of Marvel’s ESB adaptation and I’ve only seen two versions. In both he’s too small, and in the second Williamson mostly just re-drew Yoda’s face/head.


What do you HATE about the EU?

DuracellEnergizer said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Also, was Korriban supposed to be a well-known planet? I always got the impression that it’s location was kind of a secret.

I believe that was the original intention. But once the EU decided to make the planet the original Sith homeworld and capital, that went straight out the window. Skimming through the Wookieepedia article, it even mentions that the Republic invaded and held the planet for brief periods of time.

And I’m sure they could have made up some decent lore excuse for why you wouldn’t want to “nuke” a dark side planet like Korriban or Dromund Kass.

And they should have, 'cause otherwise, it makes the Republic/Jedi look foolhardy.

Besides, didn’t the Jedi think they killed all the Sith? So why even bother?

To remove the possibility of some ambitious Force-wielder stumbling on the site and making use of the knowledge waiting there? Dark Jedi and other non-Sith darksiders still existed in the period the Sith were believed to be extinct.

Yes, they at the very least should have put some Jedi or soldiers on Korriban to protect.

Also, as a fan of Dark Empire I like to imagine that “nuking” Korriban would unleash all the Dark Side energy into the galaxy, kinda like a Force Storm or something dramatic like that.

(Pluss, I pretty much ignore all post-PT EU except for Jedi Outcast so I really have no idea what happened to Korriban in the stories made them.)

What do you HATE about the EU?

I’ve always loved the idea behind the Valley of the Jedi. It has a blatant fantasy element to it which new SW always seem to avoid. I especially felt it was a good inclusion to the lore when Jedi Outcast came out, considering how it was the same time that Lucas was adding stuff like Midichlorians to the canon with the PT.

Also, was Korriban supposed to be a well-known planet? I always got the impression that it’s location was kind of a secret. I also think the Jedi/Sith part of the EU would have been kind of boring if there weren’t any “evil” places to go to. SW is essentially just LOTR in space, with planets instead of countries/lands’. And I’m sure they could have made up some decent lore excuse for why you wouldn’t want to “nuke” a dark side planet like Korriban or Dromund Kass. Besides, didn’t the Jedi think they killed all the Sith? So why even bother?

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Anchorhead said:

I’m surprised no one has discussed this yet. Maybe I just missed it.


Wasn’t there a black droid they made a big deal out of during RO’s marketing campaign that never showed up in the actual film?

SilverWook said:

The Empire painted their droids that way too. Which begs the question is the company that makes them supplying both sides?

Maybe the First Order just make their own “bootleg” droids?

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

ATMachine said:

Why is Han Solo not wearing a spacesuit in a vacuum?

Same reason he didn’t need one in ESB I’d imagine.

yotsuya said:

The dreadnought doesn’t really seem that big. It really hearkens back to the old Star Wars Marvel comics and Crimson Jack’s Star Destroyer.

I’ve always wondered what that hole in the middle of the Star Destroyer was supposed to be. Infantino didn’t exactly shy away from artistic license when it came to SW designs (he seemed to prefer aesthetically interesting over logical), but I’ve always found that giant hole to be somewhat odder than usual (he usually drew the space-ships pretty accurately).

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Tobar said:

Two new vehicles were just revealed:

I don’t really see a problem with these. It’s not like the AT-AT made much sense to begin with. In a world with spaceships, why would you use what’s essentially a giant camel-robot. But, it looked cool and intimidating, and in a space opera that’s really all that matters. I think the “gorilla AT-AT” could work pretty well.

As for originality, why is no-one talking about that spider-walker that we saw about a month ago. That’s actually something new.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *



Not exactly any solid info on “DJ” but apparently he’s important to Finn and Rose’s mission on Canto Bight and he’s going to be a bit of a loose cannon.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Lord Haseo said:

Here’s some new info on Luke. Admittedly it’s too early to judge as other factors can be introduced to explain why Luke decided to journey to Ahch-To but him abandoning his friends because he was sad leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. The man I admired so much in my mid - late teens wouldn’t do that. Whoever this person is, he’ll have to work very hard to win my affection back because like with Theon Greyjoy I can’t love a coward.

I think Johnson is well aware of this and judging by one of the EW articles I belive he’ll come up with a satisfying explanation for it.

“The very first step in the writing of this was figuring out why he’s on that island,” Johnson says. “We know that he is not a coward. He’s not just hiding because he’s scared. But we also know that he must know his friends are in danger. He must know the galaxy needs him. And he’s sitting on this island in the middle of nowhere. There had to be an answer. It had to be something where Luke Skywalker believes he’s doing the right thing – and the process of figuring out what that is and unpacking it is the journey for Rey.”


General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

ray_afraid said:

Anybody else think it’s dumb that Jabba is constantly referred to as “Jabba the Hutt” when Hutt is just the species he is? When I was a little kid, I thought “Hutt” must mean “mob boss” or something.

That probably is what “Hutt” originally meant, but as far as retcons go you could always argue that he’s the Hutt crime lord. At least in the EU he was the most powerful of all the Hutts.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

dahmage said:

ZkinandBonez said:


they are all gone 😦

Here’s some of the most interesting leaked photos (for as long as they’ll last at least):

There’s four different versions of these guys, only difference being different bladed weapons and some subtle changes in the helmet shape;
Link 2
Link 3

Another shot of Rey

Another shot of Luke

All the other photos are of Kylo, Phasma and Finn wearing, as far as can tell, the same costumes we’ve already seen in TFA.

Discussion: Your latest star wars buys?

LexX said:

ZkinandBonez said:

LexX said:

Nice looking comics! 😃

I’m a big fan of the Goodwin/Infantino collaboration in the late 70’s, and the Marvel covers in-general back then were simply amazing. Some people find them a little cheesy but I think they’re perfect for how SW was when it still had that pulpy Flash Gordon feel to it.

I’ve already collected all the Norwegian translations of the Goodwin/Infantino comics so starting this summer I’ve branched out to collecting the original American ones.

Yeah, I also enjoy G/I comics, they’re the best. What is the going rate for the old Marvel SW in the US? I know the first one has some value at least.

The most expensive one I got for 10 USD, but most of them were around 5 USD (give or take a dollar). So not bad, but obviously if you’re going for the entire series it’ll stack up eventually.

Discussion: Your latest star wars buys?

LexX said:

Nice looking comics! 😃

I’m a big fan of the Goodwin/Infantino collaboration in the late 70’s, and the Marvel covers in-general back then were simply amazing. Some people find them a little cheesy but I think they’re perfect for how SW was when it still had that pulpy Flash Gordon feel to it.

I’ve already collected all the Norwegian translations of the Goodwin/Infantino comics so starting this summer I’ve branched out to collecting the original American ones.

Discussion: Your latest star wars buys?

LuckyGungan2001 said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’ve just returned from a trip to the US and this is all of the SW stuff I bought during my stay there.


It’s not that I can’t find SW stuff in Scandinavia, but since it’s all new and imported it costs a lot more than random goodwill store finds in the US. Plus finding these kinds of things in goodwill stores in Norway is rare to the point of never happening. Also the old Marvel SW comics are simply straight up impossible to find (unless you count the translated versions, which I do own most of), so those are the ones I’m the most happy about getting.

God damn, all that came from a few goodwill stores? I wish we had better ones near me.

Well, the comics I got from a comic shop, Catalyst I bought at a B&N (but I figured I’d include it here anyway), and Heir to the Empire I funnily enough got at Trek Fest in Iowa, so I only got the three Bounty Hunter Wars book at a goodwill[thrift] store.

And even that was quite an unusual goodwill[thrift] store. They had a lot of SW books (many of which I already own), an entire section for comics (quite well taken care of), so that particularly store was quite a lucky find. I sure as hell don’t have thrift stores that good where I live.

I seem to have used “Goodwill” as a catch-all phrase for thrift shops in general, so that might have been misleading.