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Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

MattMahdi said:

ZackR said:

Correction: The SitS disc does have a 2023 copyright on it so maybe it’s a new/improved version.

ZackR: Do you have any update on the contents of the Sword in the Stone BD?


So sorry I missed your message. Unfortunately, it’s identical to the previous version, as is Peter Pan. 😦

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

My copies of the DMC Peter Pan and Sword in the Stone arrived today. Traveling and won’t be able to check them out today but other than the slipcover, the case for SitS is exactly the same. Peter Pan is a different case, disc art, etc, so I’m hoping it’s like Cinderella. But it looks like SitS might be the same release just in a new slipcover. I hope that’s not the case though.

Correction: The SitS disc does have a 2023 copyright on it so maybe it’s a new/improved version.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Doctor M said:

I know Snow White should look that good later this years and there is rumor that there is standard Blu-rays of Peter Pan and Sword and the Stone in the works that might be done in a similar manner.
Here’s hoping.

I just preordered Peter Pan and SatS from DMC. I hope they’re as good as Cinderella. And as far as Snow White, I want that one in this quality more than anything else. Really hope that pans out.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

I ordered a copy of the new Cinderella and I am stunned. I’ve skimmed through the disc and it looks vastly improved over all other digital releases to my eyes. I wonder if the cover choice was someone’s way of saying, “We didn’t DNR out all the magic dust this time.”

Someone’s already muxed in the original mono to a copy floating around online as well.

I hope this isn’t a fluke and is a sign of things to come. I would love if Disney started treating their classic films to more “archive” style releases, where the audience is actual fans. Also, I’d kill for them to re-do their Walt Disney Treasures collections in HD. One can dream…

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

RU.08 said:

I’ll be doing more scans soon. We have Covid delays again but I have access to good scanners and to prints.

I’m thinking about setting up a subscription payment system to get things rolling. The goal will be to do every Disney classic - and where possible to scan multiple prints. I might re-scan Pinoke next year as well.

I am 100% in. Sign me up. Quality Disney scans are at the TOP of the list of projects I want to support.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Ahh OK. Was wondering about it. So is there any consensus on the “best” version out there? I’ve seen a 720p rip with the Cinemagic logo floating around. I really wish Disney had a different approach to their classics. I’ve owned every DVD/BR and at least last time I looked, I think the original DVD was “best.”

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Has anyone compared the Disney+ version of Mary Poppins? A friend said it looked much better than the BR/DVD versions. I was looking around to see if it had been captured but can’t find anything. It’s one of my favorites and I’ve picked up every version since the first DVD and none of them seem right to me, though the original DVD is probably the closest.

Anyways, just curious if anyone here has checked it out on Disney+.

Idea & Help Wanted: for a 'The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas' (1973) edit

Nichole said:

I have seen the deleated church scene, it was my favorite scene and this was my favorite Christmas movie. I only wish I had a copy for you to do your project with. My mom recorded the movie on VHS from TV but that copy of it, even if it could be found, would be in pretty poor condition. If you ever find what you are looking for to finish this project, I would love to obtain a copy of it from you. Best Wishes.

I know this is an old post but wanted to update. I did find my mom’s old VHS tape. She had taped it back in like 1984/85 on a tape full of Christmas specials she had made for us when we were kids. It is in pretty bad shape but I ripped it (no professional equipment). I’ll get it uploaded soon if interested.

I still wish I could find a decent quality copy of these scenes at least in order to incorporate into an edit or something like that. Regardless, at least I found this “extended version” - albeit in pretty bad quality.

Help: Looking for... The Hungry Hobos (Previously "Lost" Disney Short)

Well, I guess I’m blind today. I looked all over and couldn’t find it. I searched again today and found someone uploaded it to YouTube. I would still like to do a proper direct rip of my own from the digital download/stream when I get the Snow White Signature Collection, but at least I can check it out in the meantime.

Help: Looking for... The Hungry Hobos (Previously "Lost" Disney Short)


Has anyone managed to preserve the Oswald The Lucky Rabbit short, “The Hungry Hobos”? It was thought lost but was rediscovered a few years ago. Disney included it as a digital exclusive with the Signature Collection BR of Snow White. It doesn’t appear it’s been made available anywhere else. I am ordering that release today just to see it, as I am a huge fan of Disney’s early shorts. However, I would love to have an offline copy as well, since I know these digital exclusives can “disappear” at any time.

If anyone knows of a preservation OR how I could preserve it myself if not, I would greatly appreciate any insight.

Thanks for your time!

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features


First of all, thanks for all the amazing info in this thread. I’m trying to find the most accurate/best version of The Little Mermaid. Just curious if anyone has any recommendations on what I should look for? I’m interested in the best unaltered version available. Like most Disney releases, I assume none is perfect, but I certainly welcome any suggestions or recommendations.

Thanks for your time!