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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

SilverWook said:

His projects make money, which is the bottom line in Hollywood. And I'd rather have him direct an SW film than say, Michael Bay? ;)


Or you could just try a new director who doesn't phone in every single project they take on, someone who perhaps wants to make something even remotely substantial.

Hey, we could even get a decent script writer while we're at it. One that doesn't shoe horn in literally anyone they can in a no doubt moronic way in order to desperately give the fans and their bosses an erection.

We could even attempt to cast some relatively new actors that aren't already Hollywood 'gold', to both attempt to rekindle what made the original trilogy so memorable and fresh whilst steering clear of the endless abyss of perfect looking people that can't act for shit. 

Or we could not...

What do you HATE about the EU?

Everything but the Thrawn trilogy and the Jedi Knight and KoToR games.

By allowing such terrible writers to impose their terrible ideas onto the great potential of the Star Wars universe in such a convoluted and contrived manner, Lucas completely alienated millions of potential fans and only helped to solidify it's stereotype as factor 11 geekdom. Star Wars went from pop culture gold to sweaty nerd fiction in less than a decade.

If we were going for specifics though I'd aim most of my dislike towards how the history of the Sith and Jedi were handled. The Sith should never of been a race with a such a convoluted back story, they should of simply been the anti-Jedi, a group of corrupt force wielders who used their powers for nothing but control.

I don't even like that Palpatine and Vader were suddenly turned into Sith. The fact Lucas borrowed so heavily from the EU shows nothing but his complete lack of creativity, but now I'm starting to go into my hatred of the prequels, and that would take forever.

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

Mark Hamill is literally the only thing about the new films that makes me want to watch them.

Personally I've never seen anything of Abrams that has really been exceptional, or even particularly good. I find him extremely over rated, and I don't understand how he's managed to continually be given such large projects. I mean, he's responsible for some pretty lacklustre series and films, most notably Lost.