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The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

CMMAP said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


A look at Quigon and Obiwan meeting Jarjar. First the original, then the Revised, then a quick couple examples done as wipes from original to Revised to see a quick comparison.

This just looks great. The detail brought to light and hidden by the original color grading is astonishing.

The grading is all over the place through out the movie. Here I tried to bring out the yellow from the sun on the leaves in the highlights while also getting rid of the teal, but in the shadows i pushed the greens and blues slightly. The Field battle at the end Is going to be the biggest pain. Ive already tried a few scenes through out the movie and those during the climax need the most work. Ive got some promising results, but I think some vfx is still going to be needed. Like masking out sections of the background to add atmospheric haze. Specially with all that smoke after the battle’s been raging.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

CourtlyHades296 said:

I think that the prequels should have an aesthetic less technologically advanced than the OT. Thus vector graphics for the displays.

We shall see what I do there. I do plan on probably redoing Adywan’s trilogy a little bit to match the prequels more, like saber effects and lighting. I love what he’s doing, but I need them to blend with the Prequels a lil more and Ady is not a fan of the prequels and dropped plans on redoing the prequels. He does how ever like the sequel trilogy and is matching certain things to that. So redoing some of his to match the prequels will also help them match the Sequels and Obiwan/Mandalorian.

I have plans to cut down the Mandalorian to 1 or 2 movies, and am also considering cutting down Obiwan and editing some parts into Rogue One as flash backs that Vader is having, making Rogue One a more Vader centric movie. We’ll see though what I can do when I get there though.

I am also curious what they do with Ahsoka in her show. If they give me useful flashback scenes of her and Anakin, I may add them into the Prequels for fans. Well see though.

As uncomfortable as using ai to voice Vader was it could improve parts of his voice in rogue one.

Yea Im curious what tech that is and if its available. It may help with some other quick lines of dialogue.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

CourtlyHades296 said:

I think that the prequels should have an aesthetic less technologically advanced than the OT. Thus vector graphics for the displays.

We shall see what I do there. I do plan on probably redoing Adywan’s trilogy a little bit to match the prequels more, like saber effects and lighting. I love what he’s doing, but I need them to blend with the Prequels a lil more and Ady is not a fan of the prequels and dropped plans on redoing the prequels. He does how ever like the sequel trilogy and is matching certain things to that. So redoing some of his to match the prequels will also help them match the Sequels and Obiwan/Mandalorian.

I have plans to cut down the Mandalorian to 1 or 2 movies, and am also considering cutting down Obiwan and editing some parts into Rogue One as flash backs that Vader is having, making Rogue One a more Vader centric movie. We’ll see though what I can do when I get there though.

I am also curious what they do with Ahsoka in her show. If they give me useful flashback scenes of her and Anakin, I may add them into the Prequels for fans. Well see though.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


A longer look at different scenes in the movie hit with the HDR, a lil color grading and some 35mm grain added.

It’s amazing how much jar jar and watto look they really don’t look that dated if at all.

I think the HDR and grain def help with them blending into the scene better. Im working on getting a better example of the field battle. That one has a lot of scenes that look bad

Yeah even the underwater home of jar jar binks looks great I’m surprised. you can at times see the textures of binks and watto aged a bit but I’m not bothered by it really at all. if it could be updated great if not no big deal.

The textures are the biggest issue. I will try to improve them some but Im not sure what all Ill be able to do just yet. I was already adding textures to certain things in shots, like Anakin walking up the Jedi Temple in ROTS. Doing people is harder than walls and such but long as its tracked right it should be an improvement.

Another thing ill be working more on is the lightsaber light washing over things like the Jedi or surrounding objects. I had done a mock up years ago of Vader vs Obiwan in ANH and I did the saber reflections on his eyes, so I was pleased to see this is Obiwan show. The purple colors from when blue and red sabers meets as opposed to the yellow from when red and Green hit.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Miche said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


A longer look at different scenes in the movie hit with the HDR, a lil color grading and some 35mm grain added.

Have you looked at the 4K99 35 MM print? I can pass it through PM if you want.

I have not, but Id be interested to check it out. I didn’t bother with the 4k cause I read the colors were bad and that the improved image quality wasn’t much better due to them only shooting in 2k.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


A longer look at different scenes in the movie hit with the HDR, a lil color grading and some 35mm grain added.

It’s amazing how much jar jar and watto look they really don’t look that dated if at all.

I think the HDR and grain def help with them blending into the scene better. Im working on getting a better example of the field battle. That one has a lot of scenes that look bad

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Vladius said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

Take your time if you can get those two characters and maybe more to look good without updating the cgi you just made a miracle happen.

I think some of the scenes will be easier than other to blend. The Gungun battle will still be hard. Some of the scenes, the grass just looks like trash. Its real grass, but who ever composited it originally did a terrible job. One scene you can see the blades of grass and then the next you can’t even at the same distance. Some of that may still have to be fixed with vfx.

There is also the issue of how much I can push these images. Many of them are completely flattened. Some of them barely coming up to 350 on the scopes where as it should be spread up to 700 at least or higher when compared to the Sequel Trilogy quality.

Not only this, but also the color and vibrancy of the image. How rich can the colors go while keeping natural tones and not making the Cgi look more cgi.

Some of the scenes in the Anakin meeting Padame were brightened quite a bit to bring out the higher ends, while pulling the Blacks, Dark, and Shadow areas back down to where they should be. The fall off from light to dark should look as natural as possible. As these were older digital cameras, there are limits to what they even were able to capture with the sensor technology and software of the time. (Look at your cell phones to see how far some of this tech has come. Now compare your phone’s tiny censor to that of even an Slr camera and its huge. Specially when shooting in Raw. The information size difference is huge. So the tech then def had its limits.)

This again will effect work flow on the vfx. As if I do HDR first and color grade, then the Vfx after wont be graded in HDR as I can’t isolate objects in Davinci. So ill still have to do most the vfx first before doing the HDR. Or do some Hdr, then Vfx, then the final Hdr. Some scenes Ive already considered running HRD on twice to be able to isolate and manipulate more layers of the image. Specially in some of the washed out images during the saber battle in the reactor room.

On a separate note, I will be trying to do some of the Deepfaking and deaging on some of the added scenes from Obiwan. Ive already seen some promising examples on the Obi and Ani training scene. Of which I wont use wholesale, but I will be using parts of to show Anakin’s training after being taken on by Obiwan at the end of TPM. I had already planned to repurpose some of the youngling scenes from ATOC to show of this, but Obiwan gave some extra scenes.

Using these scenes in smaller forms means you wont be rehashing it if you watch Obiwan, as I wont be using the whole scene. So its something briefly shown in the prequels that will still be shown in more depth in Obiwan where its dialogue and message are meant for.

For those curious, in the Purist Cut, Anakin will still be the one killing the younglings as to not interfere with the Extended Starwars canon. For me though, most of what Disney has done isn’t in my canon. Except Rogue One. So for me, switching the Emperor to killing the kids doesn’t mess up my head canon and actually improves it.

So rebels the final season of the clone wars the bad batch tales of the Jedi and Jedi fallen order aren’t canon to you? because minus Jedi fallen order Dave filoni did the rest.

Na. I enjoyed Mandalorian and Rogue One but I-Vi is largely my only canon. I didn’t dig a lot of the stories even. For me, Darth Maul dies in Ep I. (I like Bobba Fet dying in Ep VI too).

I’m surprised because unlike ep 1 maul is a well developed character with a great backstory is it kinda ridiculous that he survived yes but so is a lot of stuff in Star Wars also ahsoka turned out to be a great character as well. plus the last ep of the clone wars happens before during and after revenge of the sith and in the clone wars you get to relate to anakin and it makes his downfall more tragic.

Yea I know there are many who enjoy it, Im just not one. Creates more plot holes and things that don’t make sense to me. Like Anakin not being a Master but still having an apprentice.

That’s not how you become a Jedi master you become a Jedi master after training a padawan that successfully becomes a Jedi knight she never became a Jedi knight so anakin never became a Jedi master. Side note the clone wars was created by both George lucas and Dave filoni.

I don’t think that’s true but I don’t think you have to be a master to have an apprentice either.

The thing with Ahsoka is more that you would think she would have come up in the movies at some point. That’s the problem every prequel is running into including the prequel movies themselves. Apparently Obi Wan and R2D2 and C3PO were all palling around, Obi Wan and Leia were palling around, Obi Wan fought Vader two more times, Obi Wan definitely went by Obi Wan way after Luke was born, Yoda and Chewbacca were palling around, Anakin built C3PO, etc. and no one ever talks about any of it. Rebels is the most egregious because it has three fully fledged Jedi (demonstrably more powerful than Luke ever was) plus Darth Maul, plus numerous inquisitors, and we’re somehow supposed to ignore all of it when the original movies come up.

I admit the Clone Wars episodes that go on during Revenge of the Sith are pretty good and do well explaining where Ahsoka is during all of it. Up until Rebels anyway.

I do think there are good stories to be told in those times, just not a lot thats been done. Rogue One, though mostly unneeded, was a good movie. I always liked that Shadows of the Empire on 64 and its story too. I agree though that adding all the force users isn’t helping.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

vranir said:

As someone with an education background, it’s not always a bad idea to turn a not-excellent student into a tutor. The ideal candidate in this situation would be a student who understands the content but who might be unmotivated or skeptical of why things are done the way that they are. By teaching a younger student, he or she gets a glimpse of things from the other side, which can build confidence and demonstrate the usefulness of the lessons they were already taught.

Note that this isn’t always the best situation for the student being tutored. You hope that it benefits them, but the main focus is to get the older student to buy in and partner with you in a way that they previously wouldn’t.

To me, this logic perfectly fits the Anakin/Ahsoka story.

Learning to teach is helpful in certain ways, once you’ve mastered your own subject. I was often the best in my art class, and the teacher would sometimes have me teach others, but this was because I was also better than the teacher. So there was nothing they could teach me either.

Which comes back to Anakins base problem. Not having a padawan. Its the fact that he is potentially more skilled and powerful than Mace and Yoda. Something he would need to be tested at to prove. Which if he was, then yes, he would warrant the rank. Being as Obiwan can still kick his ass, despite Anakin being better Offensively, means he has more to learn and is not a Master capable on taking of Mace and Yoda.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

G&G-Fan said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

That’s my point. See, If its that straight forward of a path to becoming a Jedi. Then Anakin shouldn’t be confused in ROTS as to why he is not a Master. No conspiracy, just him failing to train his apprentice? That literally robs Anakin of the motive to not trust the Jedi. That makes it so Anakin knows exactly why and is simply choosing to ignore protocol. Where as him being too young in the eyes of his peers but with no clear age mandate makes it a personal choice by the Jedi and not one based on a strict sense of structure.

Ahsoka should have been a peer and friend of Anakin, not his apprentice.


I’ve always thought giving Anakin an apprentice was such a stupid move. It’s like taking the student with a B- in Geometry and making them a tutor.

Yea she feels like at best she should be some one he grew up training with

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

EddieDean said:

I think it’s a difference between having an apprentice (which makes you their master whatever your rank) and being a Master of the Jedi Order, or a Council-level Master, which is a whole other formal thing.

Either way, definitely each to his own, but when canon bends to create new content, the user has a choice of whether to accept the bend in order to enjoy the new content or not.

I’m happy that Vader’s Luke’s father, because that gives me good stories, even though that was a bend of canon not intended during ANH. I’m happy Leia is Luke’s sister, because that gives me good stories, even though that was a bend of canon not conceived until ROTJ. I’m happy that Ahsoka is Anakin’s Padawan, because she’s become one of my favourite characters, even though that was a bend of canon when it was created.

It’s a negotiation between you and the writers: We’ve got a good idea, but you’re going to have to accept this new interpretation of what you may have understood before. And sometimes that means that earlier content loses some value (the Vader suprise, the Yoda reveal), but you have to decide for yourself if the new stuff is worth the bend. For me, new stuff adds way more than it removes, so I’ll take that deal almost every time.

But adding new stuff by bending the rules has been part of Star Wars since the very first movie after the original.

When George does it, im ok with it. Usually. This is a fan edit, so even George is under scrutiny. In general though, im not for that kind of story telling and world building. The Vader reveal and Yoda are prime examples of even George messing things up. He tried to dove tail each narrative into where they left off in Anh, which limits a lot of the EU people like. If George had left things more ambiguous on some points, then itd be easier to fill in those years with a show like “Kenobi”. As it is, even Kenobi creates dissonance in the lore, like Leia knowing Obiwan so well when clearly it say’s in ANH that she knows of him through his time with her father during the “Clone wars”. Not after the wars.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)


First couple minutes of the Movie in HDR. Nothing is finale. Just seeing how far I can raise some of the scopes. Ill post more examples soon from the movie. I made some color corrections but not much. In many of the space scenes there is too much green which you can see.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

Take your time if you can get those two characters and maybe more to look good without updating the cgi you just made a miracle happen.

I think some of the scenes will be easier than other to blend. The Gungun battle will still be hard. Some of the scenes, the grass just looks like trash. Its real grass, but who ever composited it originally did a terrible job. One scene you can see the blades of grass and then the next you can’t even at the same distance. Some of that may still have to be fixed with vfx.

There is also the issue of how much I can push these images. Many of them are completely flattened. Some of them barely coming up to 350 on the scopes where as it should be spread up to 700 at least or higher when compared to the Sequel Trilogy quality.

Not only this, but also the color and vibrancy of the image. How rich can the colors go while keeping natural tones and not making the Cgi look more cgi.

Some of the scenes in the Anakin meeting Padame were brightened quite a bit to bring out the higher ends, while pulling the Blacks, Dark, and Shadow areas back down to where they should be. The fall off from light to dark should look as natural as possible. As these were older digital cameras, there are limits to what they even were able to capture with the sensor technology and software of the time. (Look at your cell phones to see how far some of this tech has come. Now compare your phone’s tiny censor to that of even an Slr camera and its huge. Specially when shooting in Raw. The information size difference is huge. So the tech then def had its limits.)

This again will effect work flow on the vfx. As if I do HDR first and color grade, then the Vfx after wont be graded in HDR as I can’t isolate objects in Davinci. So ill still have to do most the vfx first before doing the HDR. Or do some Hdr, then Vfx, then the final Hdr. Some scenes Ive already considered running HRD on twice to be able to isolate and manipulate more layers of the image. Specially in some of the washed out images during the saber battle in the reactor room.

On a separate note, I will be trying to do some of the Deepfaking and deaging on some of the added scenes from Obiwan. Ive already seen some promising examples on the Obi and Ani training scene. Of which I wont use wholesale, but I will be using parts of to show Anakin’s training after being taken on by Obiwan at the end of TPM. I had already planned to repurpose some of the youngling scenes from ATOC to show of this, but Obiwan gave some extra scenes.

Using these scenes in smaller forms means you wont be rehashing it if you watch Obiwan, as I wont be using the whole scene. So its something briefly shown in the prequels that will still be shown in more depth in Obiwan where its dialogue and message are meant for.

For those curious, in the Purist Cut, Anakin will still be the one killing the younglings as to not interfere with the Extended Starwars canon. For me though, most of what Disney has done isn’t in my canon. Except Rogue One. So for me, switching the Emperor to killing the kids doesn’t mess up my head canon and actually improves it.

So rebels the final season of the clone wars the bad batch tales of the Jedi and Jedi fallen order aren’t canon to you? because minus Jedi fallen order Dave filoni did the rest.

Na. I enjoyed Mandalorian and Rogue One but I-Vi is largely my only canon. I didn’t dig a lot of the stories even. For me, Darth Maul dies in Ep I. (I like Bobba Fet dying in Ep VI too).

I’m surprised because unlike ep 1 maul is a well developed character with a great backstory is it kinda ridiculous that he survived yes but so is a lot of stuff in Star Wars also ahsoka turned out to be a great character as well. plus the last ep of the clone wars happens before during and after revenge of the sith and in the clone wars you get to relate to anakin and it makes his downfall more tragic.

Yea I know there are many who enjoy it, Im just not one. Creates more plot holes and things that don’t make sense to me. Like Anakin not being a Master but still having an apprentice.

That’s not how you become a Jedi master you become a Jedi master after training a padawan that successfully becomes a Jedi knight she never became a Jedi knight so anakin never became a Jedi master. Side note the clone wars was created by both George lucas and Dave filoni.

That’s my point. See, If its that straight forward of a path to becoming a Jedi. Then Anakin shouldn’t be confused in ROTS as to why he is not a Master. No conspiracy, just him failing to train his apprentice? That literally robs Anakin of the motive to not trust the Jedi. That makes it so Anakin knows exactly why and is simply choosing to ignore protocol. Where as him being too young in the eyes of his peers but with no clear age mandate makes it a personal choice by the Jedi and not one based on a strict sense of structure.

Ahsoka should have been a peer and friend of Anakin, not his apprentice.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

revel911 said:

Thoughts on either changing windu’s lightsaber to blue or on genionosis adding more purple and yellow sabers. Allows bothered me that just Sam had a new color.

Yea in the trailer you can see some of them when they’re on the balcony. I was doing the extended canon sabers for the fans. In my cut though, Mace has a green saber. All Masters have a green saber including Mace, and Obiwan.

I wont likely release a full cut of them both with each. Ill likely just release the cut the fans will get, and swap the saber scenes out for the colors I want in my version. I will make them available for others who want to splice them in with Davinci Resolve or something. That’s likely the easiest method.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

Take your time if you can get those two characters and maybe more to look good without updating the cgi you just made a miracle happen.

I think some of the scenes will be easier than other to blend. The Gungun battle will still be hard. Some of the scenes, the grass just looks like trash. Its real grass, but who ever composited it originally did a terrible job. One scene you can see the blades of grass and then the next you can’t even at the same distance. Some of that may still have to be fixed with vfx.

There is also the issue of how much I can push these images. Many of them are completely flattened. Some of them barely coming up to 350 on the scopes where as it should be spread up to 700 at least or higher when compared to the Sequel Trilogy quality.

Not only this, but also the color and vibrancy of the image. How rich can the colors go while keeping natural tones and not making the Cgi look more cgi.

Some of the scenes in the Anakin meeting Padame were brightened quite a bit to bring out the higher ends, while pulling the Blacks, Dark, and Shadow areas back down to where they should be. The fall off from light to dark should look as natural as possible. As these were older digital cameras, there are limits to what they even were able to capture with the sensor technology and software of the time. (Look at your cell phones to see how far some of this tech has come. Now compare your phone’s tiny censor to that of even an Slr camera and its huge. Specially when shooting in Raw. The information size difference is huge. So the tech then def had its limits.)

This again will effect work flow on the vfx. As if I do HDR first and color grade, then the Vfx after wont be graded in HDR as I can’t isolate objects in Davinci. So ill still have to do most the vfx first before doing the HDR. Or do some Hdr, then Vfx, then the final Hdr. Some scenes Ive already considered running HRD on twice to be able to isolate and manipulate more layers of the image. Specially in some of the washed out images during the saber battle in the reactor room.

On a separate note, I will be trying to do some of the Deepfaking and deaging on some of the added scenes from Obiwan. Ive already seen some promising examples on the Obi and Ani training scene. Of which I wont use wholesale, but I will be using parts of to show Anakin’s training after being taken on by Obiwan at the end of TPM. I had already planned to repurpose some of the youngling scenes from ATOC to show of this, but Obiwan gave some extra scenes.

Using these scenes in smaller forms means you wont be rehashing it if you watch Obiwan, as I wont be using the whole scene. So its something briefly shown in the prequels that will still be shown in more depth in Obiwan where its dialogue and message are meant for.

For those curious, in the Purist Cut, Anakin will still be the one killing the younglings as to not interfere with the Extended Starwars canon. For me though, most of what Disney has done isn’t in my canon. Except Rogue One. So for me, switching the Emperor to killing the kids doesn’t mess up my head canon and actually improves it.

So rebels the final season of the clone wars the bad batch tales of the Jedi and Jedi fallen order aren’t canon to you? because minus Jedi fallen order Dave filoni did the rest.

Na. I enjoyed Mandalorian and Rogue One but I-Vi is largely my only canon. I didn’t dig a lot of the stories even. For me, Darth Maul dies in Ep I. (I like Bobba Fet dying in Ep VI too).

I’m surprised because unlike ep 1 maul is a well developed character with a great backstory is it kinda ridiculous that he survived yes but so is a lot of stuff in Star Wars also ahsoka turned out to be a great character as well. plus the last ep of the clone wars happens before during and after revenge of the sith and in the clone wars you get to relate to anakin and it makes his downfall more tragic.

Yea I know there are many who enjoy it, Im just not one. Creates more plot holes and things that don’t make sense to me. Like Anakin not being a Master but still having an apprentice.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

Take your time if you can get those two characters and maybe more to look good without updating the cgi you just made a miracle happen.

I think some of the scenes will be easier than other to blend. The Gungun battle will still be hard. Some of the scenes, the grass just looks like trash. Its real grass, but who ever composited it originally did a terrible job. One scene you can see the blades of grass and then the next you can’t even at the same distance. Some of that may still have to be fixed with vfx.

There is also the issue of how much I can push these images. Many of them are completely flattened. Some of them barely coming up to 350 on the scopes where as it should be spread up to 700 at least or higher when compared to the Sequel Trilogy quality.

Not only this, but also the color and vibrancy of the image. How rich can the colors go while keeping natural tones and not making the Cgi look more cgi.

Some of the scenes in the Anakin meeting Padame were brightened quite a bit to bring out the higher ends, while pulling the Blacks, Dark, and Shadow areas back down to where they should be. The fall off from light to dark should look as natural as possible. As these were older digital cameras, there are limits to what they even were able to capture with the sensor technology and software of the time. (Look at your cell phones to see how far some of this tech has come. Now compare your phone’s tiny censor to that of even an Slr camera and its huge. Specially when shooting in Raw. The information size difference is huge. So the tech then def had its limits.)

This again will effect work flow on the vfx. As if I do HDR first and color grade, then the Vfx after wont be graded in HDR as I can’t isolate objects in Davinci. So ill still have to do most the vfx first before doing the HDR. Or do some Hdr, then Vfx, then the final Hdr. Some scenes Ive already considered running HRD on twice to be able to isolate and manipulate more layers of the image. Specially in some of the washed out images during the saber battle in the reactor room.

On a separate note, I will be trying to do some of the Deepfaking and deaging on some of the added scenes from Obiwan. Ive already seen some promising examples on the Obi and Ani training scene. Of which I wont use wholesale, but I will be using parts of to show Anakin’s training after being taken on by Obiwan at the end of TPM. I had already planned to repurpose some of the youngling scenes from ATOC to show of this, but Obiwan gave some extra scenes.

Using these scenes in smaller forms means you wont be rehashing it if you watch Obiwan, as I wont be using the whole scene. So its something briefly shown in the prequels that will still be shown in more depth in Obiwan where its dialogue and message are meant for.

For those curious, in the Purist Cut, Anakin will still be the one killing the younglings as to not interfere with the Extended Starwars canon. For me though, most of what Disney has done isn’t in my canon. Except Rogue One. So for me, switching the Emperor to killing the kids doesn’t mess up my head canon and actually improves it.

So rebels the final season of the clone wars the bad batch tales of the Jedi and Jedi fallen order aren’t canon to you? because minus Jedi fallen order Dave filoni did the rest.

Na. I enjoyed Mandalorian and Rogue One but I-Vi is largely my only canon. I didn’t dig a lot of the stories even. For me, Darth Maul dies in Ep I. (I like Bobba Fet dying in Ep VI too).

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

Take your time if you can get those two characters and maybe more to look good without updating the cgi you just made a miracle happen.

I think some of the scenes will be easier than other to blend. The Gungun battle will still be hard. Some of the scenes, the grass just looks like trash. Its real grass, but who ever composited it originally did a terrible job. One scene you can see the blades of grass and then the next you can’t even at the same distance. Some of that may still have to be fixed with vfx.

There is also the issue of how much I can push these images. Many of them are completely flattened. Some of them barely coming up to 350 on the scopes where as it should be spread up to 700 at least or higher when compared to the Sequel Trilogy quality.

Not only this, but also the color and vibrancy of the image. How rich can the colors go while keeping natural tones and not making the Cgi look more cgi.

Some of the scenes in the Anakin meeting Padame were brightened quite a bit to bring out the higher ends, while pulling the Blacks, Dark, and Shadow areas back down to where they should be. The fall off from light to dark should look as natural as possible. As these were older digital cameras, there are limits to what they even were able to capture with the sensor technology and software of the time. (Look at your cell phones to see how far some of this tech has come. Now compare your phone’s tiny censor to that of even an Slr camera and its huge. Specially when shooting in Raw. The information size difference is huge. So the tech then def had its limits.)

This again will effect work flow on the vfx. As if I do HDR first and color grade, then the Vfx after wont be graded in HDR as I can’t isolate objects in Davinci. So ill still have to do most the vfx first before doing the HDR. Or do some Hdr, then Vfx, then the final Hdr. Some scenes Ive already considered running HRD on twice to be able to isolate and manipulate more layers of the image. Specially in some of the washed out images during the saber battle in the reactor room.

On a separate note, I will be trying to do some of the Deepfaking and deaging on some of the added scenes from Obiwan. Ive already seen some promising examples on the Obi and Ani training scene. Of which I wont use wholesale, but I will be using parts of to show Anakin’s training after being taken on by Obiwan at the end of TPM. I had already planned to repurpose some of the youngling scenes from ATOC to show of this, but Obiwan gave some extra scenes.

Using these scenes in smaller forms means you wont be rehashing it if you watch Obiwan, as I wont be using the whole scene. So its something briefly shown in the prequels that will still be shown in more depth in Obiwan where its dialogue and message are meant for.

For those curious, in the Purist Cut, Anakin will still be the one killing the younglings as to not interfere with the Extended Starwars canon. For me though, most of what Disney has done isn’t in my canon. Except Rogue One. So for me, switching the Emperor to killing the kids doesn’t mess up my head canon and actually improves it.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

I hope there’s a way to make them look that good throughout the prequel trilogy.

Well see, Im still playing with it trying to find the right balance. Its helpful but def takes sometime

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:


Here is a sample of Anakin meeting Padame from my 3-1 cut done in HDR.

The scene was cut to flow tighter and more natural, like the dialogue between Ani and Padame.

I guess some of the cgi didn’t age too badly or did you update it because watto and think even jar jar look ok for the most part.

I thought Watto and Jarjar looked better too. No cgi work, just HDR. This is from the 1080p blurays. The Hdr just really helped balance the levels better so they blend into the scene more.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

JKMaxx said:

It’s definitely good to see you’re alive and well, AlaskanSandman!!

Dazman has already said hello in this thread, but since he didn’t toot his own horn I’ll go ahead and do it! Have you seen his incredible work on fixing up shots and adding VFX throughout Phantom Menace?

A lot of his work overlaps with yours, such as city lights on the Naboo and Tatooine planets in space, nicer lightsabers, and so on. From his OP, it namely boasts hundreds of cuts, tens of added slight sharpening effects to blurry shots, about 75 Audition audio edits, about 170 After Effect shots, and new short shots from upscaled dvd footage, so far too much to enumerate, but from a casual watch I thought his work did a fantastic job at revitalizing the film after two decades!

While I can’t speak for anyone else, I definitely think the best TPM cut would be one that consolidates all of the visual work both you and Dazman have put in; is there any chance you’ve considered collaborating on that front?

I have not atm. Maybe after I finish my own work. I know there was another user named Snooker who had done some good work too like removing Yoda from TPM.
Right now im largely focusing on my own edit as I have a couple distinct story beats that are different, like the assault on Naboo and Escape from Naboo to specifically give my edit its own unique arch. Other things have been changed in my edit like Palpatine killing the younglings instead of Anakin, as this makes Obiwan’s accusation to Padame, questionable. Specially from Anakin’s pov, as Anakin know’s its not true. Palpatine frames Anakin essentially, and Obiwan bites the bait.
I don’t mind people using similar ideas, but don’t want to get bogged down in other peoples “vision’s” while trying to get out my own.

This makes anakin’s hatred of obi wan more reasonable.

When Obi discovers the younglings, they have saber burns and he and Yoda just assume it was Anakin after seeing Anakin on the holocron. Then when confronted about it by Padame, in earshot of Obiwan, Anakin doesn’t deny it. He say’s “Obiwan is trying to turn you against me”. So from Obiwan’s pov, it’s true and Anakin is lying to Padame. From Anakin’s Pov, Obiwan is lying and trying to turn Padame against him. Proving Palpatine to be right about the Jedi.

Anakin killing the younglings is just too out of left field. Palpatine doing it, cements him as the true evil of the story. While also adding layers to the conflict between Ani and Obi.