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Superweapon VII

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TV Series You Didn't Like But Kept Watching

Vultural said:

And handguns? Really? First seen in the Song Dynasty (@1000 AD), weaponry is still projectiles?

Besides looking sexier, what advantage do DEWs have over projectile weaponry? They consume more energy, and lasers/particle beams will diffuse in rain/dust/atmosphere. Not concerns your average space opera ever take into consideration, but The Expanse is harder sci-fi by design.

Things you DISLIKE about the Original Trilogy ( but not the Ewoks, Leia and Luke being siblings, Death Star 2 etc.)

Omni said:

The one thing I probably dislike about Empire is how it makes the dark side and the good side more binary than it had to be. Makes sense in the end but Vader himself calling his side the “dark” one is so taken for granted nowadays but it didn’t have to be that way. He could still think he was in the right. In fact, stuff like ROTS would be far more believable. “I do not fear the dark side as you do.” My guy it’s called the dark side, you should be skeptical of it to a degree, no?

Dark =/= evil.

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery.”

— Lao Tzu

What is your personal canon?

Servii said:

I don’t really have a strict personal canon. For me, it’s more like “tiers” of canon, like what we used to have with the old EU. So here are my “tiers”:

A-tier: Unaltered Original Trilogy
B-tier: Prequel Trilogy, Special Editions, Movie Novelizations/Radio Dramas
C-tier: Good Expanded Universe stories
D-tier: Bad Expanded Universe stories
E-tier: Fan films/fiction

Disney canon is a separate entity, in my mind.

Much the same, though I’d place the novelizations in C-tier or their own tier.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Servii said:

JadedSkywalker said:

The celibate monk thing goes back to the 1974 screenplay but was dropped in the actual movies and the EU. Only to be recanonized contexualized in the prequel. Like midi clorians being too similar to the Kaiburr Crystal as a way to describe the force. its something that should have not been revisited.

My opinion.

The weird thing is, I recall an interview from the early 2000’s where George stated that Jedi actually aren’t technically celibate. They’re just not allowed to have emotional relationships, but it’s technically okay for them to have sex. Which is weirder to me. I need to find where he said that.

Sounds like a post hoc justification to keep the Jedi “cool”. Otherwise, Padme being pregnant with Anakin’s kids wouldn’t be this terrible secret they’d have to keep from the Council. They could explain it away as the result of a one-night stand.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

Villeneuve’s Dune is not an improvement on Lynch’s version. For everything it does better, there’s a roughly equal amount it does worse. Quality-wise, the two pretty much balance out. Though I’ll always revisit Lynch’s film; I doubt I’ll watch Villeneuve’s again, even after Part Two comes out.

What Would've Gary Kurtz's Version of ROTJ looked like?

EditModd said:

I remember reading about it online and even seeing some rough drafts, and watching the Justice League Snyder Cut brought this back into my mind, and I hope to one day make a radical fanedit of RoTJ that’s a “Kurtz Cut” (It would be called Revenge of the Jedi, its original title). Here are some of the changes:

  • Two Death Stars under construction
  • A key setting is the Imperial city world of Had Abbadon (would later become Coruscant). Had Abbadon’s moon is known as Endor, and it has a shield generator on it that protects Had Abbadon from invasion.
  • Wookies live on Endor, and have been imprisoned and enslaved by the Empire to build settlements on Endor for residents of the overpopulated Had Abbadon.
  • There are two sail barges over the Sarlaac pit, and Leia never goes to Jabba’s palace. She’s headed to Endor from the beginning.
  • The final space battle takes place over Had Abbadon, and Lando is in command of a Mon Cal cruiser instead of piloting the Falcon. The two Death Stars aren’t destroyed by fighters flying into them, but by blasts from Rebel capital ships.
  • The Emperor’s throne room is in an underground chamber full of lava.
  • The Wookies are freed and help the Rebels fight stormtroopers on Endor.
  • Han dies in Leia’s arms after being shot in the final raid on the Imperial shield generator base on Endor.
  • The Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda appear to protect Luke from the Emperor’s force lightning.
  • Darth Vader kills the Emperor by grabbing him and diving into one of the pools of lava.

I can see most of this playing out in Kurtz’s ROTJ. All except the twin Death Stars. I’m pretty sure Kurtz went on record that he wasn’t keen on the Death Star’s reuse.