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George Lucas's Sequel Trilogy

I shared it on another thread but I’ll share it here too as it feels a bit more relevant.

George had more to say in Paul Duncan’s Prequels book about his planned Sequels.

For Anakin’s origins:

“The midi-chlorians started the birth process in Anakin’s mother. The Whills communicated the command to the midi-chlorians, which activated the DNA that germinated the egg. That’s why Anakin doesn’t have a father. He was in a bizarre and metaphorical way touched by God, but in this case they happened to be one-celled animals.”

For Sifo-Dyas and the Clone Army:

He said that Sifo-Dyas was Palpatine’s apprentice before Darth Maul and he ordered the Clone Army while pretending to still be a Jedi the entire time. It explains so much honestly and adds another layer to his relationship with Count Dooku. I like the idea of them both being tools to Palpatine’s plan to see who is more worthy of leading the Separatist Movement while also being deceived into doing the dirty work.

It’s interesting as well because he remarked in the commentary of Attack of the Clones that the Clone War is very, very important to the whole epic. I always felt Dave Filoni was hinting at there being more to the story during this retrospect for The Lost Missions too.


I like how the previous trilogies would’ve connected in his Sequels to create as cohesive as possible nine part epic. That’s something I find is very lacking in the Sequels we got.

Your DVD Collection

Just added Andrei Tarkovsky’s Nostalghia and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.

I had planned to wait for an upgraded version of Nostalghia but I decided to go for it as I can always upgrade later if Kino decides to do so as they did with The Sacrifice. I plan to do the same with my version of Mirror when it’s released in a couple of months by Criterion.

Metropolis should be an intriguing watch. It’s my first true silent film and I know it was a major influence on George when making Star Wars.

Last movie seen

JadedSkywalker said:

I recommend Princess Mononoke. If you are up for watching Ghibli films. Its not really a kids film though. And it isn’t lighthearted like Totoro, or Nausicaa, castle in the sky or Kiki’s delivery service. It is adult and quite violent. Though it isn’t as dark as say Grave of the Fireflies.

Princess Mononoke looks so good. The trailer reminds me of my story I’m writing! So I definitely think I want to give it a watch. I was thinking about buying it and Howl’s Moving Castle next pay day actually. The others you mention also looked good too.

The George Lucas Thread

On George’s 77th birthday I thought it was appropriate to create a thread dedicated to him, his work, his career outside of film, and beyond. Without George we wouldn’t have Star Wars or many of the films we have today, a foundation dedicated to education and preserving films such as Jabberwocky, Citizen Kane, and The Juniper Tree, an art museum opening in Los Angeles, and so much more. George’s contributions and life story go far beyond a galaxy, far, far away…

Let’s discuss what he’s meant to us.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

JackNapier said:

What are your thoughts on Anakin being the son of Palpatine? I think he is.

Another quote from George in Paul Duncan’s Prequels book about his planned Sequels:

“The midi-chlorians started the birth process in Anakin’s mother. The Whills communicated the command to the midi-chlorians, which activated the DNA that germinated the egg. That’s why Anakin doesn’t have a father. He was in a bizarre and metaphorical way touched by God, but in this case they happened to be one-celled animals.”

And another very interesting detail, George said that Sifo-Dyas was Palpatine’s apprentice before Darth Maul and ordered the Clone Army while pretending to still be a Jedi the entire time. It explains so much honestly and adds another layer to his relationship with Count Dooku.

Your DVD Collection

Just added Martin Scorsese’s documentary Living in a Material World to my collection. George is my favourite Beatle. It’s funny though as a teenager it was always John but the older I get the more I relate to and identify with George’s lyrics and life. I’m really looking forward to learning more about him on a deeper and personal level.

Here’s the trailer for anyone that is interested:


Last movie seen

I just had the chance to finally watch THX 1138. It’s such an intriguing and mysterious film with a very relevant commentary on multiple things. The music and sound design were particularly very hauntingly beautiful and a big part of the experience. I really liked it a lot. I definitely wish we had got more of these types of experimental films from George. I feel a second viewing and multiple more are definitely in order.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

JackNapier said:

What are your thoughts on Anakin being the son of Palpatine? I think he is.

“It’s all based on backstories that I’d written setting up what the Jedi were, setting up what the Sith were, setting up what the Empire was, setting up what the Republic was, and how it all fit together. I spent a lot of time in developing those elements, and what each planet did, and why they did it the way they did. So I had all this material. A lot of the story elements were givens. Early on, it was that Anakin had been more or less created by the midi-chlorians, and that the midi-chlorians had a very powerful relationship to the Whills [from the first draft of Star Wars], and the power of the Whills, and all that. I never really got a chance to explain the Whills part.”

I used to have a headcanon it was Darth Plagueis who influenced the midi-chlorians and the Force struck back at him trying to find a means to immortality by creating the Chosen One but this is George’s explanation he gave in a retrospect for The Phantom Menace a couple of years ago.


It’s a true tragedy we’ll never know the full story.

YouTube/Vimeo/etc... Star Wars video finds

WHEN JEFF SHOT JEDI - Rare Star Wars 8mm silent footage


The blurb: In 1982, an intrepid Star Wars fan stumbled across a horror film called “Blue Harvest” being shot in the middle of the desert. This was the “code name” George Lucas gave to Return of the Jedi while it was in production.

Shot on a Super 8mm camera without sound, this home-movie “documentary” captures seven minutes of behind the scenes footage from the production of Return of the Jedi in the Buttercup Valley area of the Yuma Desert in California.

The crew can be seen moving the physical sets that they had built, including the mini-skiffs and Jabba’s Sail Barge. Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill can be seen shooting the battle scene as well as Harrison Ford hitting Boba Fett with a spear, causing his jetpack to malfunction.

It’s silent but still sheer Star Wars magic…