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Revenge of the Sith: Rebalanced - <em>Version 1.5.1 Released! Now with Subtitles and More!</em>

Siliconmaster482 said:
I’ve replaced the files on Google Drive with new options:

All files are confirmed to be intact and working.

I’d love to see this! I don’t see a link anywhere, despite the comment here, and couldn’t find you through FanEdit.org. Can you point me in a direction to view this?

Sith is the one film I don’t feel I have a definitive edition of yet (apart from the novelization), so it’s currently the worst of the saga in my collection.

if t'were done, t'were well t'were done quickly-so here's goes nothing- I CLAUDIUS thread!
We used to watch this in Latin class. I don't remember if we got through the whole thing or not, but our teacher would turn the TV around and fast forward whenever we encountered nudity. Maybe for some of the violent stuff too.

I remember loving it, though any time you're watching a video rather than doing class, that's a good thing. I remember Caligula is fricking weird. This brings it back, though, I want to check it out. Unfortunately it is $50 on Amazon, used...
Virginia Tech shooting
I'm not going to read through all this stuff. Just want to say this stuff happens all over the world every day, and every single day is a tragedy. This just hits closer to home. It's a shame we react so much more strongly to this when terrorists in Iraq are blowing up innocent Iraqi civilians, militias throughout Africa are killing and raping, and countless other places throughout the world exhibit death and horror on a much larger scale. But just as our horror was greater for 3,000 people in the World Trade Center than it was for 100,000+ in the Tsunami, this event feels like it's inside the family. Things hit close to home inside the family.

You can try to make the world good or you can try to make it safe. You can take away guns so that it doesn't matter if a person is good or bad, or you can make people good so that you don't have to worry about whether they have a gun or not. I think the first solution is a lot easier, but the second is a lot better.

As I said, I didn't read everything, but I get the sense everyone here wants the world to be a better place. Just some are arguing for the quicker, more practical solution while others are arguing for the harder but more permanent solution. Don't kill each other over it.
Screaming Yoda
Screaming Yoda is a card game, thought I'd share it with you all.

Growing up I went to a summer camp where the counselors all took nicknames for the summer, we never knew their real names. One guy went by Yoda, and he did happen to be vertically challenged and had a distinctive mouth... but anyway, he came up with a card game and named it Screaming Yoda since that's how we knew him.

- deal face down cards, face up cards, and a hand to each player.
- play in turn, beating or matching the number showing. Pick up the pile if you can't (or won't) play.
- 2's and 10's can always be played, 2's "reset" the pile, 10's clear.
- play from your hand as long as the draw pile remains, then after clearing your hand play from the face-up, then the face down.
- scream Yoda and win.

Set up:
Just a deck of cards. For 5 players, deal three face down cards in front of each player. For three or four, deal four face down cards. Then deal a face up card in front of each player, on top of each face down card. Finally deal each player a hand of three cards.

Turn over the top card of the remaining cards. Each player, in turn, plays on the pile. You may play a card equal or higher than the card showing. Moreover, if you have multiple of the same card, you can play all of them at once.

For example, if there is a six showing, you can play any card higher than that. If you have two sixes, you can play both of them on the six (or two tens, if you have them, etc.)

Aces are high.

Twos and Tens are special. Twos can be played on anything, and anything can be played on twos. In essence, they "reset" the pile at the lowest number.

When you play a ten, which can also be played on anything, you remove all the cards in the pile from play, and then play again. Tens are therefore the most powerful card in the game.

Finally, if all four of the same number are ever in the pile at the same time, the pile clears as if a 10 had been played. For example, suppose someone plays two sixes on a four. Several more people play, then someone drops a 2. You also have two sixes, so you play both of them on the two. This clears the pile from play, and you get to play again (this doesn't happen very often).

The catch is, if you can't play (or choose not to play), you pick up the pile.

Phases of play:

As mentioned in the set up, each player has face down cards, face up cards, a hand, and there is a draw pile and the face up pile on the table. While a draw pile exists, you are in phase 1 of the game: no player may have fewer than three cards in their hands. If they have more than three cards, they can just play on their turn. If, after playing, they have 0, 1, or 2 cards, they must draw back up to 3. This continues until the draw pile is exhausted.

Phase 2: Once the draw pile is exhausted, players try to empty their hand of cards. Once they do that, they select from their face-up cards and play them. If they cannot play and pick up the pile, this becomes their hand again. They cannot play any more face up cards until they have emptied their hand again.

Phase 3: Once a player has used all his face up cards, he enters phase three. In this phase, he selects a face down card, not knowing what it is, and flips it over. If he can play it, all well and good. If not, he picks both it AND the pile up and continues playing to empty his hand again.

The Goal:

When a player has one card left, they're supposed to shout YODA! (like UNO). If someone else says it first, the player has to draw three new cards from the discard pile and lose their turn.

When a player plays his last card, he wins.

I hope that doesn't sound complicated. It's actually pretty fun and straightforward.

The finer points:
If the last card in your hand matches one of the face-up cards (and the draw pile is gone), you can play both.
What were your original expectations for the PT?
OB3X, you follow a similar thought pattern to me. You remind me of the pacing I was anticipating - Anakin falling partway through thre trilogy, or at least definitively dabbling on the border, to the point where he was an enemy of the Jedi. By the end of 3 he would be an established bad guy, rather than a new-born one. I thought the Jedi hunt would be a slow, one on one, personal thing that slowly spanned the trilogy rather than one that filled 15 minutes of Star Wars time, 2 minutes of cinema time.

AFTER seeing Phantom Menace, I did envision Anakin's first steps to the dark side being an act of revenge for his Mother. However, I imagined him murdering Watto for something (like failing to take care of her or working her to death or something), having the first real act be much more personal and heinous than just killing a bunch of bad guys.

Last thing, and perhaps this was just my Star Wars ignorance, but I expected Anakin to get his injuries from the Emporer. I expected a similar scene to Luke V. Emporer, but Anakin would give in. Having already turned to the dark side and being an established bad guy, the Emporer would do something like kill Anakin's wife. They would fight and Anakin would lose, in essence finally submitting to his master. However, he would do so just with the desire to gain enough power to kill the emporer, driven by hate. In time, he would get lost in the seductiveness of power, losing sight of his original hatred until Luke brings it out in him in the end. It would provide another layer of emotion in that final ROTJ battle and provide context to his redemption.

Trying to remember what I thought and how I felt back then is actually kind of exciting. It makes me remember what growing up with Star Wars felt like
The Best Star Wars Books?
The Han Solo trilogy (not the adventures one, the newer one, although the adventures one intrigues me) comes up often. I think I read the first one once and liked it.

I still think the Zahn trilogy captured Star Wars perfectly. I thought it had the same scope, the same feel, the same universe, etc. I also felt that Zahn took all the garbage that was out there and put it back into focus in his later two books; he did a good job of taking the EU he had been given and bringing it back to good old Star Wars.

But it's hard, any expansion of scope loses the feel. The OT worked because it followed several personal stories that just happened to be wrapped up in a larger adventure. Any effort to chronicle the workings of the greater republic/empire changes the scope. Anyway.

I haven't encountered TOO many super weapons, other than the eye of palpatine. I think Zahn dodged that bullet.
What were your original expectations for the PT?
I remember being excited about two things:

First, the clone wars. There was just that one mention by Obi Wan in the first movie, and I didn't really pay much attention to it. After reading Zahn's trilogy, the clone wars held a bigger place in my mind. When the PT was announced, someone mentioned it should chronicle the clone wars, and I was on fire. The thought of that large scale, galactic battle with fighting jedi and space battles was very exciting for me. Like the space battle of Return of the Jedi on a larger and repeated scale.

The second was the thought of turning the original trilogy on its head. The OT was really about Luke, about his development, inner struggle, and eventual victory. If you went to that museum show of the Myth and Magic of Star Wars, they really delved into that angle. The whole Luke thing added a personal access point to the larger story of the rebellion and the empire. Vader, then, was a tool or an obstacle in Luke's development, something he had to face and overcome. As such, Vader supported the story of Luke.

With the PT, I realized that that would reverse, suddenly the focus would be on Vader, on his fall and redemption, and LUKE would become the tool and support to the story of VADER. Having what I consider one of the best told stories of cinema supporting a larger story, I thought, would provide layers of meaning and emotion and be quite an experience.

I watched the Episode I trailer and got quite excited. At the beginning of the crawl, I think that's the only time I've ever involuntarily screamed. I kept going back, looking for what I was expecting, figuring I had missed it somehow, but I never found it.
Video Games - a general discussion thread
Aw, that's sad. I remember the old Rankings thread. Not to get too off topic, and I definitely don't want the details, but what was the argument about? Direction of the site, personal stuff off the site, or just a personality clash? Or do we not know? I'm definitely just looking for a one sentence answer, I don't want to get into gossip.

The site's not the same without them.

Back ON topic, does anyone have the slim PS2? Is it true it doesn't give you a true 16:9 picture? Just a scaled one you have to zoom? I have a message out to Sony right now to try to get to the bottom of it, but I fear we got GYPPED. (no offense to any Gypsies). First of all, it seems Sony is veering toward the "screw the customer" end of the spectrum, and second, this just drives me farther toward buying the xbox version whenever I have a chance.

What's the deal with my favorite stuff and forced letterbox presentations? Sheesh.
The Darth Chaltab's Jedi Spirit EXTRAVAGANZA Celebration
Awww. Thanks Darth Chaltab. You shouldn't have.

I appreciate the gesture, but I think I'll have to continue my practice of dropping in periodically, writing 20 posts, and leaving. Especially if the Mangler Brothers and Rankings threads aren't around.

Can you believe it? I actually have to work at work most days now! Of all the nerve...some bosses....

Anyway, we'll keep this as a Chaltab shrine. And I'll have a hotdog.
Video Games - a general discussion thread
No, this is on the old grey box. The real deal. I reached the final stage of Ninja Gaiden (1) on the old grey box as well, but I couldn't get over that last hill without save states on my computer.

BTW Chaltab, Hi again. I haven't been on here for a good year but you are one of the few names I still recognize. Times sure change. Are Bossk, Warbler, Motti, Dayv, StarTrooper, etc. still around?
The Best Star Wars Books?

There are so many Star Wars books out there now I think it’s hard to pick up good ones. First I read the Zahn trilogy and was absolutely enthralled. Then I read several other books. Barbara Hambley’s Those Who Hunt the Night was so brilliant I was excited about Children of the Jedi , but was utterly disappointed. I read a few other crappy books. Then I read the new Zahn duology (is that a word) and liked it, but not as well as his first books.

Ah yes, I also read the one that starts right at the end of Return of the Jedi, where aliens attack and the Empire and Rebellion have to ally themselves. Meh.

So, what are the best books out there? Which are worth reading? As I mentioned before, I highly suggest:

Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
all by Timothy Zahn

What were your original expectations for the PT?
It can be hard now to remember what used to make Star Wars so magical. Bringing on a new generation of fans, bringing Star Wars back into the mainstream (remember 10 years ago when you'd meet people who hadn't seen it, and you could show it to them?), and adding a wealth of baggage to the SW universe through the explosion of card games, video games, books, comics, TV serials, and new movies has altered Star Wars forever. I have tried to keep it unaltered in my head, but to no avail.

Usually I would get excited about such things, since all I ever wanted was more Star Wars. However, now that we are all here, I liked Star Wars better before, when all I had to go on was the OT and a few Zahn books.

I wanted to start this thread to ask people - what did you picture or hope for in the new trilogy *before* any of this happened? I don't want any retrospect here, nothing about what you liked or didn't like, what could have been done better, or anything. Just reach back in your imagination, what were you imagining before you actually saw it? What were you hoping for?
I'm leaving.
Are you serious? Not just that Jay is leaving, but that no one knows who he is?

I left a long time ago, not because the site was going down but because I didn't have time to post all day anymore. But when I left I missed this community. People like Rikter, Ricarliete, and Chaltab (among many, many others, some of whom I still see posting) made this a place worth checking in. Jay was always in the background.

A while back Jay theorized that with the advent of the DVD's, this site would begin to lose it's purpose and would have to change. I guess he was right.

Sad to see that the OT.com that was is disappearing, but thanks, Jay, for making it what it was and for all the good times.

(or is this all just sarcasm that I'm not getting?)