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STAR WARS: the alt.binaries.starwars thread

Sorry for dredging up a thread that's lain dormant for 4 months (and on my first post, too...), but it seemed the most appropriate place for my question/request. I've poked around with the usenet access offered by my ISP, and can't seem to reach alt.binaries.starwars from them. I have a set of Dr. Gonzo's trilogy which I loved, but my 2-year old got his hands on them, and now all four discs have fatal flaws, so I'm looking to recover them, preferably in ISO format.


As stated earlier, I can't seem to reach alt.binaries.starwars, but I can reach alt.fan.starwars. So I'm hoping someone with the Dr. Gonzo set is willing to either a) upload them to alt.fan.starwars (if that's allowed by usenet ettiquette) and possibly coach me on some of the finer points of usenet, b) seed a torrent with ISO files (I understand posting torrent file links is taboo here, but can you PM a link? email?), c) upload ISO files to a file server like filedropper.com that allows larger files (up to 5 GB), or d) burn a copy and mail it, with appropiate compensation for media, time, and postage.