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Original trilogy: Special Edition 1997 restoration | v2.0 Available now

Director said:

stwd4nder2 said:

This thread feels like an elaborate troll…

Well I can close it if it leads to this kind of debates.

I’m sure no one wants this thread closed, we’re just curious as to which sources you have used and the reasoning for some of your workflow choices. You say you haven’t used any of the TN1 scans, in that case which 35mm scans have you used? Is it all 35mm based? As Adywan has noted the resolution of a 35mm release print is somewhere within the 720p-1080p range, so the decision to issue a 480p release is a bit confusing.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hello all, other than the frame jumping on the Star Wars logo I’ve got a few minor things to point out. This shot had a lens flare in it from 1983-1997 until it was removed in 2004, and Despecialized 3.1 lacks the lens flare. This is obviously a minor issue, however seen as how Despecialized aims for this level of perfection and attention to detail and has restored such minor discrepancies in the past (For example the horizontal line across the shot for one frame when Red Leader fires the torpedo) I thought it was worth pointing it out.

Secondly, both these shots are reported to have been tan from 1983-1997 until the sky was coloured in 2004, and Despecialized 3.1 features the coloured shots. Despecialized 2.5 for Jedi also featured the coloured shots, so I’m curious if this was a design choice Harmy made purposely. I could understand this, however shots with recoloured TIE fighters have been restored from grey to blue so if this were the case the methodology doesn’t seem fully consistent to me. https://imgur.com/a/9WVxTSV

Ultimately however none of this should detract from the amazing accomplishment achieved with 3.1, and I wish Harmy all the best with his life and future endeavours.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hey Harmy, over on the star wars trilogy forums Stotchy who is also a member on this site mentioned that he was chatting with you and that you said your whole workflow is in 8 bit colour as opposed to 10 bit colour. I’ve got two questions about that, firstly is there a reason why you chose to work in 8 bit colour as opposed to 10 bit colour? I’ve heard people say 10 bit colour is better as it reduces colour banding and the like, and 10 bit colour is used in most 4K SDR projects such as 4K77 and oohteedee’s D+ projects. Secondly, do you plan on releasing 10 bit versions at any point in the future, or should we expect all Despecialized releases to be 8 bit? Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Hey Harmy, I’m curious about the sources being used for Despecialized, namely for ESB Despecialized. So for Star Wars you’re using the UHD and 4K77, and for Jedi the UHD and 4K83, however you began work on ESB before the release of 4K80 1.0. Were you using the fuji print that 4K80 was based on? I think I also heard you mention having a couple of ESB 35mm prints, are any of these some of the newer prints Team Negative One got access to? (For example the second fuji print which is of higher quality than the fuji print used in 4K80) Hope you can answer some of these questions, thanks!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

BewvliesMovies said:

Harmy said:

I know you’re just trolling but you’re still wrong. In film restorations, it’s normal to use scans of multiple prints where the best copy has been damaged or destroyed, which is basically what I did here - using a scan of the original negative and replacing damaged parts with scans of other prints. 😄

Weren’t you using disc based video first instead of film scans? Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray disc, and 4K disc? No film prints? Still considering this to be a fan edit.
Heavily prefer the 4K77, 4K80, and 4K83 projects compared to this one.

He used the laserdiscs out of necessity because they were the only sources available for the original versions at the time. Neither Harmy or anyone else had access to high quality 4K film scans of the OT at the time, the idea of using 35mm scans for the entire movies was quite inconceivable. You can prefer the straight film scans and thats fine but don’t disregard Harmy’s work as a simple fan edit, what Harmy said about using a scan of the original negative and replacing damaged parts with scans of other prints is completely right and an admirable goal.

In search of 1980 NBC Godfather Saga

For a while now I’ve been trying to track down the full copy of NBC’s 1980 broadcast of The Godfather The Complete Novel For Television.
So far on myspleen two of the four parts have been found:

NBC 11-13-80 Godfather Saga Part 1
NBC 11-14-80 Godfather Saga Part 2

We need NBC 11-15-80 Godfather Saga Part 3 and NBC 11-16-80 Godfather Saga Part 4 to have the full set, and I’m reaching out to anyone who may have any leads or even a copy of the two remaining parts. Finding the full recording is very important for documenting the differences between the various chronological cuts, and I would very much appreciate any follow ups, thank you.