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Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored (a WIP)

Ronster said:

I have been thinking about these 2 parts Luke with the binoculars and the whole Biggs thread.

I would put Luke with his Binoculars in between “A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY…” and the STAR WARS title card.

As far as the the visit to the station goes I would put that in after the escape pod fly’s towards tattooine.

for the second Bigg’s scene if it is indeed broken up then I would place that after R2-D2 rolls off and 3P0 go seperate ways or around that part.

I know the script says otherwise but it makes little sense any other way.

Interestingly also so far as the Bar scene is concerned there was a game being played and this may originally have been planned to be shown before Luke comes in the Bar. It’s like electronic pool game / air hockey top left image below.

It would have been pretty brief but anyway good luck.


A bit of further complication…

once you add the scene of toushe station you can no longer have this shot heading towards mos eisley…

In fact this is the shot driving towards the station the landspeeder needs to be without 3P0 and R2-D2. And the Old woman get’s annoyed at speeding past her.

The replacement for heading towards mos eisley is this shot.

problem with this though is there are a load of cameramen and crew in frame when it pans across.

Hay man thanks for this input… my priority at the moment is clean up, once ts all clean im coming back to all the post and looking at what i can do, or even better someone can take the footage and put it together, but so many options

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored (a WIP)

littlev87 said:

Hey Sky_,

here are a couple threads that you may or may not have seen where others have tried to clean up the deleted scenes. You might be able to find some info on how they did it on these threads. Also look into avisynth to clean dirty frames.


Oh man thanks for that, i didnt even know there was a Sharper version of this, I wrote on that post asking them if i can have the footage that would be amazing, thanks so much for pointing this out to me bro

Idea & Info: Star Wars Deleted Scenes - Reincorporated?

team_negative1 said:

Here is a continuation of the deleted scene with Luke and Biggs talking:


Video clip:



Team Negative1

Hi there hope all is well. Is it Posssible to get hold of this Footage as Im also doing a clean up job only of the Deleted scense
My work can be found on this page…

The footage im using was from the Bluray and its not as sharp as iv seen here by yours…
I dont want to be wasting my time on footage if there is better quality out there like yours…
if you can share me this footage it would be awesome, im doing this totally for the fans thankyou…

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored (a WIP)

Mindless Philosopher said:

Looks great, much improved! If I can make a few suggestions for improvement on your “molested” version:

I would flatten out the colors on the background elements, especially the doorways on the houses at screen left. Nothing would be this black in the far background due to atmospheric haze, airborne sand etc, and likewise the highlights would be more obscured. I’d bring up the black output levels on those elements and bring the white output down. In After Effects you’d do this by adding a Levels filter and move the black and white output sliders in toward each other a bit. Note on the original vaporators behind Luke, there are no very dark areas on them although Luke has some quite strong shadows on his white clothing, and the farther vaporator shows an even greater flattening with dimmer highlights as well.

You may also want to desaturate the colors slightly. Likewise, the added vaporator ground shadows are very dark, and too angled toward the horizon. They should be much more foreshortened with greater distance. Note on the original vaporators, the shadows are very faint, basically a darker shade of sand, and they extend almost straight out to screen left.

I hope this is helpful, overall your cleanup job looks amazing, this is just nitpicking from a guy who’s worked in visual effects for 20 years!

Thanks man for your input I will defo bare all these points in mind

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored (a WIP)

BobaJett said:

Great job so far dude! Ive always wanted these scenes cleaned up and inserted into the original film to reflect the book and comic I remember as a kid. I would prefer the clean version though. Look forward to the finished product.

there will be a clean version available as i mentioned in a earlier post but im only able to clean it like 80 percent or more due to the quality of the original