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Superman II and Superman III extended (Released)
I wish they would piece Richard Donner's version of Superman II back together than use the footage of Brando for the new one. IIRC, the making of documentary gives a glimpse of the only scene Reeve and Brando had together being shot.
How good is the video quality of the Superman extended cut? I have a first generation of it on Beta, but it refuses to track properly (must have been recorded on some off brand/mutant betamax!) and I've hit a dead end with it.
Order 66
How did the clones get "programmed" to turn on their Jedi commanders without question? It seems unlikely the cloners on Kamino would put such a thing into their training since they believe they're filling an order placed by a Jedi. So, is it some sort of subliminal message thing later on, or does Palpy just spike the blue milk in their breakfast rations?
Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
Some people are blissfully unaware of Laserdiscs. And Ebay is P.T. Barnum's fever dream?
As for old players, my top loader dates from 1983 and works just fine. It actually is better for some older problem discs in my collection. If yours turns out to be dead, there are a few decent models from the 90's to be had on Ebay often overlooked by the home theater crowd.
Info & Help: looking for... other ld-rips to dvd movies ex. blade runner int cut, songs of the south, frighteners dir cut - and much much more...
For better or worse, Ebay is pretty much the standard for what something is worth these days. And closed auction listings usually are a good indicator of what someone will pay for a rare video. That particular Godfather set was released on LD though.
Special Edition spoofery...
The diseased minds behind "Robot Chicken" on Adult Swim just may be OOT fans. This week's episode featured a look at the new "Special Edition" of Jaws. Spielberg recited some very familar sounding reasons for going back and "fixing" the shark scenes with cutting edge CGI. Now Bruce the shark does acrobatic flips before chomping down a victim, and infiltrates the Amity city council meeting in drag. "I say we let him go!" When Brody blows up Bruce, it's a Death Star ringed explosion! I'm sure there were some jokes in the credits, but I was laughing so hard by then all I glimpsed was "No Refunds!" at the bottom of the screen.