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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

avoidz said:

Ripplin said:

Who's Vadar? ;)


He's a new character in the SW universe to be inserted into the original movies in the next box set :)

The first Star Wars patch I ever saw/bought said "Darth Vadar Lives" on it. Not sure if it was an unlicensed item...


Save Star Wars Dot Com

Crazy idea that occurred to me. Would it be possible to get testimonials from people who were at the Boston screening? I imagine at least a few people had no idea what version they were going to see that night...

Maybe some words from the guy who owned the theater? From the video I saw, he could never be mistaken for a fanboy with an axe to grind. ;)

Jon Stewart hour long interview with George Lucas at CV

SpaceOddity said:

I skimmed through the videos as well, and I'm a little dumbfounded at how awkward and trite the whole thing with Lucas was. (I'm also confused as to why Stewart was there, since I've never gotten the impression he was a SW fan, lol).

Anyway, it's basically Lucas just plugging his latest stuff... Mark comes out to introduce the ROTJ clip, and then Carrie comes on, cracks a couple jokes, and then it's over. Seriously. That's it? What a massive disappointment. It would've been interesting to have more time to actually talk to Mark and Carrie instead of resorting to cameos. Or did they have separate interviews?

They make SW references and jokes on The Daily Show quite often. Stewart was once reminded by a ghostly Leia voice how he used to fantasize about her!

Not to mention there are not one, but two Death Star models hidden in The Daily Show set. ;)

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

If Mark says he shot the scene, (and unless someone on the film crew comes forward to say otherwise) we just have to take his word for it.

If they had told us it was the severed head from Empire, (made from a cast of Hamill's head.) I would have found that plausible too, as they did use a puppet head of Harrison Ford for the thawing out scene in Jedi.


We're all so keenly aware of the nuts and bolts of the film making process, it's understandable to want to take this scene apart and identify it's component parts.

In the end, no matter how much trivia we know about these films, we have to defer to the people who were actually on the set once in a while.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

ThiefCobbler4ever said:

Mayhaps some people didn't hear what Lucas said:

"You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally," he said. "It's a very, very expensive process to do it."

So it's obvious he's willing to do a proper restoration on the OOT if he has enough money. So the OOT will come to Blu-Ray, the only question is "when"?.


A. Lucas is a billionaire.

B. The costs of a restoration should not be more than any other films of similar vintage. Not to mention some restoration was already carried out in the 90's in prep for the SE's.

C. Noted film historian Robert Harris has offered his services for a song.

D. Did I mention Lucas is a billionaire already? ;)

Return of the Jedi cut-scene

Probably to make Luke all mysterious, (has he fallen to the dark side already?) and build up to his arrival at Jabba's palace. Threepio standing outside the cave could have been matted into a cave set shot later.

Don't forget, Leia and Lando make their entrances in disguise too.

Doubles are used in films all the time. You don't pay Harrison Ford to walk down the street with his back to the camera, or for an insert shot of pushing a button!

Anyone going to Celebration V?

Someone needs to take a portable video projector to one of these things, and have Puggo Grande running up on a hotel wall or something. Or better yet, behind Lucas when he takes the stage! Long Live the Rebellion! :P

I suggested an OT con a few years back. There has to be a way to at least rent out a movie theater for something like the "farewell" screening in Boston...

THX 1138 "preservations" + the 'THX 1138 Italian Cut' project (Released)

It's mono, IIRC. There is likely no difference between the analog and digital tracks.

A dirty little secret of some later model LD players is the analog output was lowered a bit to make the digital sound better/louder. My old player (which does much better at ignoring rot and speckles) is analog only, but sounds great with a CX encoded track. Most of the titles I've captured off of it don't have digital tracks anyway. Hope this isn't a problem?

THX 1138 "preservations" + the 'THX 1138 Italian Cut' project (Released)

That looks like my copy. I watched it a couple years ago, and didn't see any rot. Had to wash the Director's Cut DVD aftertaste out of my mouth. ;)

Should I record both sides in one go, or record them separately at maximum bitrates to allow someone else to work their mojo on it? That is what I did when I captured my rot-free full frame Superman disc for the KCOP Cut guys a few years back.

Showing of THX 1138 in Los Angeles area!

I care.

In THX you can see the seeds of everything that was to come. The obsession with sleek vehicles and speed. A character rebelling against a mostly faceless ruling body. Making the most of a small budget, and using real locations to give a sense of realism to the whole thing. And the wonderfully detailed soundtrack, even in mono.

Now, it's become an improbable series of vast pretty underground cityscapes instead of a claustrophobic dystopia. And everything's better with CGI monkeys on your back! ;)

If pretending nothing has been changed is Lucas' new mantra, it bodes ill for those three movies we like...

This is the only info I've ever found about the Director's Cut. Click "our work" then "features"...
