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Scotty Balls

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Inserting deleted scene of Yoda's exile into ANH??
Originally posted by: Scruffy
Threepio wasn't mind-wiped. The order was given, but never carried out. (Yes, I am a shameless Saxonite.)

Yes he was. R2 never had a memory wipe, but 3P0 obviously did. to Owen: Sir my first job was programming binary load-lifters....

What first job???? Of course, this could just be another of Georgie-boy's (many) fuckups, and the memory wipe was used to explain why 3P0 had no idea that Anakin built him (then again, I HATED THAT TOO)
rotj sucks now because of the PT?
I've nevern been ashamed to admit that I'm a major hater of the prequals and ROTJ in general. They show me that once GL got complete creative control over the film making process, the quality of the films went downhill.

I really don't like ROTJ, and the ONLY thing that I'm ashamed of saying, is that it is THE WORST film (sorry LEAST ENJOYABLE) of the ENTIRE saga.

I rate the films this way (from best to worst):

You may all think I'm crazy... Oh well.

Also, remember in the O-OT what the Sarlaac pit looked like from above? Keeping in mind that GL was going though a very nasty & messy divorce at the time, I've always wondered if the Sarlaac's name was MARSHA.

Somthing to think about
ROTS and the Oscars!
I am a filmmaker.

What films have you made that I might have seen? When you want to argue your position based on an opinion, and you say something like that to give it some balls, expect to be called on the carpet.

And I most certainly don't want to be Peter Jackson.

When did I say YOU (or anybody else) wanted to be Peter Jackson? Maybe I should explain this for the slower people, and you know who you are (well... maybe you don't know who you are). When GL was going to film school he wanted to be a GREAT filmmaker. The problem is, he only had ONE great film in him, the first SW(TESB is a Kirshner film, not a Lucas film). Peter Jackson is clearly the film maker GL wasnted to be.

Lord of the Rings sits in a chair marked 'most overrated films of the early 21st century'.

Along with ROTJ, The Prequals, and a ton of others. The difference is, LOTR lived up to all the hype.

"you seem to have the best grasp on movie criticism than any of these knuckleheads, its refreshing"

I am not a random jerk shitting on convention, I have thought this out and argued about it before, so please don't lump me with the knuckleheads because you disagree with me.

Maybe not, but you sure act like it. I didn't see anybody calling you a knucklehead personally. Are we a little paranoid?

This is a FORUM, stop taking things so personally. You'll have a lot more fun when you do. Once again, my 2 cents.

HC receives Razzie© nomination for Worst Supporting Actor
Hah. That's funny. Did you make that one up because it's great, with the $ signs and the way you've turned it into ass. Heh, pure genius.

I'm not really one to get into pissing contests on forums, but I have to say this:

My way of spelling Luc-a$$' name is a bit more original than your comment about it. Seriously, what were you trying to accomplish by making that comment?

Star Wars: Tail of the Tape
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Was that really the reason Anakin Solo was killed off?! Damn! And, yes, I really do need ask your answer to number four.

Yes, that was really the reason that Anakin Solo was killed off.

Since you must ask about my answer to number 4...
...Being that I'm a red-blooded, heterosexual American male, I'd have to say that the metal bikini is the stuff that (wet) dreams are made of.

Although, I love the ceremonial gown at the end of ANH
ROTS and the Oscars!

2 years in a row, nominated for a few, won a couple, but not really cleaning up. 3rd time lucky, wins everything it's nominated for. PATHETIC... 3 wasn't even the best one (as it's a trilogy, it's all one film). It's absolutely worthless behaviour that shows just how ridiculous the 'Academy' is.

I'm inclined to the that the Academy looked at LOTR the same way I do. LOTR is ONE movie cut into 3 parts because of the length. Tolkein intended LOTR to be published as 1 novel. It was published as 3 seperate books because it was too long to be just 1 book. And just for the record (IMHO) LOTR completely blew away the prequals in EVERY WAY. Better script, better direction, better SPFX & better performances from the cast.

Agree or disagree with me if you want, It makes no difference. As far as I'm concerned, starting with his work on LOTR & confirmed by King Kong (yes, I know that he's done other films before LOTR), Peter Jackson has become the filmmaker that Luc-a$$ always wished he COULD be.
Star Wars: Tail of the Tape

1. GARY KURTZ - The ONLY producer to NOT kiss Luc-a$$'s ass.
2. Bernard "Bunny" Behrens (from the NPR Trilogy Adaptations)
3. MUPPET Yoda (of course)
4. Need you really ask?
5. Yavin (Endor looked like a rush job - BAD SPFX)
6. The Kid that they showed on Disc 2 of the TPM DVD that DIDN'T get chosen
7. Anakin Solo in Destiny's Way (done at Luc-a$$'s request so NEW fans wouldn't get confused between Anakins Solo & Skywalker)
8. Shooting the swordsman in Raiders!
9. Jedi (I hate to admit it, but that duel is what the OT is ALL about)
What you're reading now: EU style
First of all, let me just say that I am a HUGE fan of the EU. With a few exceptions (the Callista Trilogy novels) I find that the novels are better than the Prequals. I also think that the comics are brilliant as well.

As to what I'm reading...

I just finished The Swarm War (book 3 of The Dark Nest Trilogy), and thought it was great. I also enjoyed Dark Lord: The Rise Of Vader

I won't bash anything here (except the SE & the PT - LOL).

I guess you could call me an EU devotee. They just feel like SW to me.

Once again, just my 2 cents
HC receives Razzie© nomination for Worst Supporting Actor
Natalie Portman is an AMAZING Actress! Just as Hayden is a very good actor. I'm sure if you put them together is any other film with any other scriptwriter & director, they'd both be brilliant. But as comedian Frank DeCaro said when AOTC came out, "Those two couldn't have less chemistry if they were in seperate movies."

This I blame on The Almighty Luc-a$$
ROTS and the Oscars!
I think I may become hated with my very first post. Quite frankly, I don't think ROTS really deserved ANY Oscar nominations. The makeup on Ian Mcdiarmid was horrid. The only cool makeup used was for "Flame Broiled Jedi". As mentioned in previous posts, the music WAS rehashed. The direction was horrible (no surprise there), and with the exceptions of Ewan McGregor & Ian McDiarmid, the acting was atrocious. It's really a shame to think of how downhill Star Wars as a franchise has gone since the release of TESB. I hate to say it, but even ROTJ never lived up to the standards set by the first 2 films. Then of course we have the 2 Ewok films, the Droids & Ewoks cartoons, the prequals & the clone wars cartoons. Sorry to ramble....

As I was saying, ROTS was a disappointing film. It had so much potential, but failed to reach it in so many ways. People here seem to be upset with Brokeback Mountain being nominated for so much, but face it folks, subject matter aside, it's a great film. It deserves all of it's nominations. As far as the technical awards go, I think King Kong is much more visually impressive than ROTS (Hell, as far as I'm concerned, the original 1933 Kong is more impressive than ROTS). The reason the the prequals are so disappointing comes down to something that Lucas forgot he said back in 1983 (in From Star Wars To Jedi: The Making Of A Saga) "The special effects are not the story. The Story is the story. A special effect without a good story is a pretty boring thing" I guess Georgie Boy didn't realize then when he made the OT, he used the FX to ENHANCE the films, and with the prequals, the FX WERE the films. When all you do is shoot against a blue (or green) screen and use minimal set pieces for virtually every shot, it's hard to think of the special effects as Special.

I realize that I may have been rambling again, but that's my 2 cents, and I stand buy it.